10 Minute Maths - King`s Stanley C of E Primary School

10 Minute Maths
The aim is to give children opportunities to practise regularly important mental maths
skills. This is similar to the way we encourage regular reading at home.
 Digit cards: (0 – 5) and (0 – 9)
 Dice: (0 – 3) dot, (1 – 6) dot / number and (0 – 9) number
 Dominoes
Year R
Rapid recall - addition and subtraction
- I can count up to 10 objects and
always get it right.
- I can find one more than a number up
to 10.
- I can find one less than a number up to
- I can add by counting both groups.
Roll the dice (1-6). Say the number that
is 1 more / less.
Count the number of dots on a domino.
Compare with another domino. Which
domino has more / less dots?
Lay out all (10) digit cards face up. Find
the card that is one more than … / one
less than …
Roll a (1-3) dot dice and a (1-6) dot dice.
How many spots are there altogether?
Year R
Rapid recall – multiplication and division
- I can double amounts.
- I can halve amounts.
Children will need to explore doubling /
halving in a variety of practical contexts
(eg cooking, shopping, role play).
Find a domino that has the same
number of dots on both ‘sides’. How
many dots are there on each side /
Practise the number sentence: “double 1
is the same as 1 and 1” etc
Roll a pair of (1-3) or (1-6) dice. Call
“SNAP” when both dice have the same
number of dots. How many dots are
there altogether? Talk about the
number sentence each time.
Use the digit cards 2, 4, 6 and 8. Reveal
a card. Find a ‘double’ domino that has
the same (ie total) number of spots as
the digit card.
Practise the number sentence:
“3 and 3 makes 6 & half of 6 is 3”.
10 Minute Maths
The aim is to give children opportunities to practise regularly important mental maths
skills. This is similar to the way we encourage regular reading at home.
 Digit cards: (0 – 5) and (0 – 9)
 Dice: (0 – 3) dot, (1 – 6) dot / number and (0 – 9) number
 Dominoes
Year 1
Year 1
Rapid recall - addition and subtraction
Rapid recall – multiplication and division
- I can double numbers up to 10.
- I can halve even numbers up to 10.
- I can count in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s from, and
back to, zero
- I can add by counting on (using a
number track).
- I know my number pairs to 10.
- I know + facts for totals up to 5.
- I can work out subtraction facts up to 5.
Roll a (1-3) dot dice and a (1-6) number
dice. Add the two numbers together?
You can use a number track to help you
count on.
Lay out (0-9) digit cards face down.
Reveal a card. How many more to
make 10?
Roll the (1-6) dice. Say a number
sentence (addition or subtraction) to
make the answer 5.
Play dominoes. For this game, touching
numbers must have total that is less
than 10.
Children will still need to explore doubling /
halving in a variety of practical contexts
before moving to a more abstract
Play the ‘doubles race’ game. Draw a ‘3x3’
grid. Roll the dice (1-6 or 1-9). Double the
number and record in the grid. Repeat to
complete the grid.
Now, roll the dice, double and cross out that
number if it’s on the grid.
Shuffle number cards (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10).
Place face down. Reveal a card and say
what is half of that number.
(eg “half of 6 is 3 and double 3 is 6”)
Play dominoes.
For this game, touching numbers must be
double / half of each other.
Use everyday objects to support counting in
1s / 2s / 5s / 10s. Encourage counting
beyond the set of objects provided.
What numbers will / won’t we say if we carry
on counting correctly?
10 Minute Maths
The aim is to give children opportunities to practise regularly important mental maths
skills. This is similar to the way we encourage regular reading at home.
 Digit cards: (0 – 5) and (0 – 9)
 Dice: (0 – 3) dot, (1 – 6) dot / number and (0 – 9) number
 Dominoes
Year 2
Year 2
Rapid recall - addition and subtraction
- I know my number pairs to 20.
- I know all pairs of multiples of 10 that
total to 100.
- I know / can work out + facts for
numbers up to (at least) 10.
- I know / can work out subtraction facts
up to (at least) 10.
Lay out (0-9) digit cards face down.
Reveal 2 cards. Add them together.
How many more to make 20?
Roll the (1-9) dice to create a ‘target
number’. Say a number sentence (+
and -) to make the target number.
Find all dominoes with, for example, a
dot total of 7 or a dot difference of 2.
Roll the (1-9) dice to create a multiple of
10. Say the complement to 100.
Rapid recall – multiplication and division
- I can double numbers up to 20.
- I can halve even numbers to 40.
- I can work out multiplication facts for
the 2 / 5 / 10 times tables.
- I can work out division facts for the 2 /
5 / 10 times tables.
Play the ‘tables race’ game. Draw a ‘3x3’
grid. Roll the (1-9) dice. Multiply the
number (by 2, 5 or 10) and record in the
grid. Repeat to complete the grid.
Now, roll the dice, multiply (by 2, 5 or 10)
and cross out that number if it’s on the grid.
Confirm with knowledge of related division
Play ‘Number Battleships’ game. Each
player draws two, ‘4x3’ grids and fills one
grid with numbers from 1-20. [other grid left
empty] Take turns to say a no. sentence
using halves of (even) numbers up to 40.
You score a ‘hit’ if the number is on your
opponent’s grid. You record number in
correct place on empty grid.
Shuffle the digit cards (1-9). Place in a pile
face down. Turn over one card and say
multiplication fact for, say, the 10 times
table. Each time, say the related division
fact. Repeat for each card in the pile.
Play dominoes. In this game, the total of
touching numbers must a multiple of 2.
State related multiplication / division fact.
10 Minute Maths
The aim is to give children opportunities to practise regularly important mental maths
skills. This is similar to the way we encourage regular reading at home.
 Digit cards: (0 – 5) and (0 – 9)
 Dice: (0 – 3) dot, (1 – 6) dot / number and (0 – 9) number
 Dominoes
Year 3
Rapid recall - addition and subtraction
- I know / can work out addition facts for
all numbers up to 20.
- I know / can work out subtraction facts
for all numbers up to 20.
- I know / can work out sums of multiples
of 10.
- I know / can work out differences of
multiples of 10.
- I know / can work out number pairs that
total 100.
Roll a pair of (1-9) dice. Add the two
numbers. Say the subtraction
sentences that connect the three
Find pairs of dominoes that have, for
example, a dot total of 12 or a dot
difference of 4.
Roll a (1-9) dice twice to create a TU
number. Work out the complement to
100 and the related subtraction facts.
Lay out all (10) digit cards face down.
Reveal 1 card. Multiply that number by
10. This is the target number. Find
different ways (using + and –) of making
the target number using only multiples of
10. Say the complement to 100.
Year 3
Rapid recall – multiplication and division
- I know multiplication facts for the 2 / 5 /
10 times tables.
- I know division facts for the 2 / 5 / 10
times tables.
- I can work out multiplication facts for
the 3 / 4 / 6 times tables.
- I can work out division facts for the 3 /
4 / 6 times tables
Play dominoes.
In this game, ‘touching’ numbers must
be multiplied together and
related multiplication / division fact must
also be given. Players score points (ie
the product each time) if both facts are
given correctly.
Reveal a domino to create a TU number.
State a known (x / ÷) fact related to the
[Agree a system for scoring points]
Roll the dice (1-9). Each time, recall (x /
÷) facts for either the 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 10
times tables.
[Agree a system for scoring points]
Shuffle the digit cards (1-9). Place in a
pile face down. Turn over one card and
say multiplication fact for, say, the 10
times table. Each time, say the related
division fact.
Repeat for each card in the pile. Time
[Extend to say facts each time for two /
three different times tables]
10 Minute Maths
The aim is to give children opportunities to practise regularly important mental maths
skills. This is similar to the way we encourage regular reading at home.
 Digit cards: (0 – 5) and (0 – 9)
 Dice: (0 – 3) dot, (1 – 6) dot / number and (0 – 9) number
 Dominoes
Year 4
Rapid recall – multiplication and division
Year 4
Rapid recall - addition and subtraction
- I know / can work out sums for pairs of
multiples of 10, 100 or 1000.
- I know / can work out differences for
pairs of multiples of 10, 100 or 1000.
- I know / can identify pairs of fractions
that total 1.
Make a pile of (1-9) cards face down.
Turn over the top 2 cards and place side
by side to create TU number. Say the
complement to 100. If correct, turn over
next card and place on top of 1 of the
other cards. Say complement (to 100)
for the ‘new’ number. Continue.
Roll the (1-9) dice. Multiply by 10, 100
or 1000 to create the target number.
Find different ways (using + and –) of
making the target number using only
multiples of 10 / 100 / 1000.
Use (1-9) digit cards. Reveal two cards.
Create a fraction <1. State the
complement (fraction) to 1.
Use dominoes
[Remove the ‘0 / 0’ domino.]
Reveal two dominoes to create
two, TU numbers. Multiply both by
10 or 100. Find the total /
- I know doubles of TU numbers (and their
- I can work out the doubles of multiples of
10 and 100 (and their halves)
- I know / can work out x facts up to 10 x
- I know / can work out division facts for
tables up to 10 x 10.
Roll the (1-9) dice. Each time, recall (x /
÷) facts for a times table chosen by
opponent. Take turns.
[Score points for correct responses]
Use digit cards (1-9). Select two cards
and create an (even) TU number. Either:
- halve the number or
- link the number to known x /  facts (incl.
Play dominoes.
For this game, touching numbers must
have a product that is >10 but <20. State
x / ÷ facts each time.
Roll a pair of (1-9) dice. Generate TU
number(s). State the double of each
Play ‘domino / digit card bingo’. Draw a
‘4x3’ grid and fill with six numbers that can
be a product of the two numbers on any
domino / pair of digit cards. Turn over one
domino / pair of digit cards and cross out if
product is on the grid of numbers.
[Agree rules for how to win the game]
10 Minute Maths
The aim is to give children opportunities to practise regularly important mental maths
skills. This is similar to the way we encourage regular reading at home.
 Digit cards: (0 – 5) and (0 – 9)
 Dice: (0 – 3) dot, (1 – 6) dot / number and (0 – 9) number
 Dominoes
Year 5
Rapid recall - addition and subtraction facts
- I know / can work out sums of decimals (eg 6.5
+ 2.7).
- I know / can work out differences of decimals
(eg 6.5 - 2.7).
- I know pairs of decimals that total 1 or 10 (1
decimal place).
- I know / can work out subtraction facts for
decimal pairs to 1 and 10.
Roll the (1-9) dice. Divide by 10 to generate a
decimal. Say the complement to 1 and the
related subtraction facts.
Choose a domino to create a U.t number. Say
the complement to 10 and the related subtraction
Make a pile of (1-9) cards face down. Turn over
the top two cards and place side by side to
create U.t number. Say the complement to 10.
If correct, turn over next card and place on top of
1 of the other cards. Say complement (to 100)
for the ‘new’ number. Continue.
Roll a pair of (1-9) dice twice to create two, 2digit decimals
(eg 0.56 / 0.91 or 5.6 / 9.1). Find the total /
difference and use inverse operation (incl use
calculator) to check.
Year 5
Rapid recall – multiplication and division facts
- I can work out doubles of decimals (eg 4.8;
- I can work out halves of decimals (eg 5.6;
- I know multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
- I know / can quickly work out division facts up
to 10 x 10.
- I can x pairs of multiples of 10 and 100
Roll the (1-9) dice. Each time, state 5 numbers
that are / are not multiples of that number.
Explain your thinking.
Play ‘Deal all 10’ game. Use digit cards (1-10).
Turn two cards over and place side by side. Say
the product. If correct, turn over a new card,
place on top of one of the other cards & multiply
numbers again. Continue until all cards are
used. Record your quickest time.
Play dominoes.
‘Touching’ numbers must be read as a two-digit
decimal and doubled / halved.
Roll a pair of (1-9) dice. Multiply each digit by 10
or 100. Multiply the pair of ‘new’ numbers.
‘Score’ the product (as long as related division
fact is given). Add scores for each round. First
to10000 / 100 000 wins.
Use digit cards (1-9). Select a pair of cards to
create U.t number. You have 5 seconds to
double / halve the number.
[Agree system for scoring points]
10 Minute Maths
The aim is to give children opportunities to practise regularly important mental maths
skills. This is similar to the way we encourage regular reading at home.
 Digit cards: (0 – 5) and (0 – 9)
 Dice: (0 – 3) dot, (1 – 6) dot / number and (0 – 9) number
 Dominoes
Year 6
Rapid recall - addition and subtraction facts
- I know pairs of decimals that total 1 or 10 (1
or 2 decimal places).
- I know subtraction facts for decimal pairs to
1 and 10 (1 or 2 decimal places).
Reveal two dominoes and create U.t numbers.
Add them together. Find the difference between
the total and 10.
Lay out (0-9) digit cards face down. Reveal 4
cards. Create two U.t numbers (eg 2.8 & 6.1) or
two numbers less than one
(eg 0.28 & 0.61). Add them together. Use
inverse to check.
Use the same 4 digit cards to create other
numbers. Which pair gives the total nearest to
10 or 1?
Year 6
Rapid recall – multiplication and division facts
- I know facts up to 10 x 10.
- I know division facts up to 10 x 10.
- I can work out x facts with decimals (eg 0.8 x 7)
- I can work out  facts with decimals (eg 4.8  6)
- I know sq numbers up to 10 x 10
- I know squares of multiples of 10
- I can work out factors of TU numbers
Roll a pair of (0-9) dice to create a TU number.
State the factors. Convince your opponent.
[Score points according to the number of factors
Play ‘Largest remainder’ game. Use digit cards (09). Each player picks three cards and arranges
them to make TU ÷ U that gives the largest
possible remainder.
[Agree a system for scoring points]
Roll the (1-9) dice four times to give four digits
(eg 3, 6, 4, 3). Use the digits to create a number
less than 1 (eg 0.33) and a number less than 10
(eg 4.6). Add them together. What other totals
can you make? Find the difference each time.
What combination gives the smallest / largest
Roll (1-9) dice two / three times. Create 0.t x U or
U.t  U calculation. Give correct ‘inverse’
[Agree a system for scoring points]
Play ‘even product’ game. Use cards (1-10). Find
different ways of pairing all ten cards so that the
product of each pair is an even number. Can you
make the product an odd number each time?
Play dominoes. For this game, touching numbers
must have:
a) an even / odd product
b) a product that is a multiple of, say, either 3, 4, 5,
6 or 8