FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1) Can I, as a participant, sign

1) Can I, as a participant, sign up for more than one symposium, i.e, can I do more
than one presentation?
Participants will be limited to one presentation in one symposium. Please contact the
coordinators of the symposium in which you would like to present your work.
2) What is the format of the abstract to be sent to the symposium coordinators? Is
there a word limit?
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Font: Times New Roman
-Font size: 12
-Spacing: single-spaced
(Name of Symposium)
Coordinators: Name (institution)
(Title of presentation)
Name (institution)
Text of the Abstract (don’t write “Abstract: ...”) up to 1,000 characters (not counting
3) How long will each symposium last? Each presentation? Will there be time for
Each symposium is to last 90 minutes, including 4 presentations of 15 minutes each and
half an hour for debate. If the coordinators so choose, the presentation times may be
increased and the debate time decreased.
4) As coordinators of a symposium, is it possible to choose when it will take place?
No. Due to the large number of symposia and limited space, it will not be possible to
choose when a symposium will take place. This will be determined by the event’s
organizers when the program is finalized.
We point out that there will be a maximum of 4 presentations per period (morning or
There are three days: if the symposium is in the morning, for example, there will be 3
mornings with 4 presentations each.
In extreme cases, if a symposium is highly sought-after and the coordinators agree,
some of the 12 presentations may be done in pairs. Nevertheless, the number of
presentations will remain 12 and the time allotted for each will remain equal, regardless
of whether an individual or a pair is presenting.
5) What is the minimum and maximum number of presentations for each
We reiterate that the event will last 3 days. There will be a minimum of 9* and a
maximum of 12 presentations in each symposium. Thus:
-If there are 12 presentations, there will be 4 each day.
- If there are 11 presentations, there will be 2 days with 4 presentations and one day
with 3.
- If there are 10 presentations, there will be one day with 4 and 2 days with 3.
- If there are 9 presentations, there will be only 3 presentations per day.
*We cannot guarantee the acceptance of symposia with less than 9 presentations due to
limitations of space.
We will privilege debate in this congress. There will, therefore, be debate in all
6) Can undergrads (or those with bachelor’s degrees who have not yet begun
graduate study) present their work at the congress?
Yes. However, they will not be allowed to do presentations; they may present their
work in the form of posters. The number of posters will be limited and will be selected
by a commission designed specifically for this end. We will release further information
about this in April.
7) How can I join ABRAPT? How much does it cost? How are payments made?
Beginning in April, we will release information about the prices and payments involved
in joining ABRAPT.
8) When will the congress’ program be released?
Beginning in April, we will release more information about the program.
9) Will we receive more information about the event location? Maps? Tourism
information? Suggested hotels? Partnerships with travel agencies?
Yes. All this information will be released on our blog beginning in April. The event will
take place at UFSC. Check back in because we are gathering information that will
facilitate the stay of all participants.