2 תינגרוא הימיכ :סרוקה םש
ירג ןמרלג 'פורפ :הצרמה םש
1 תינגרוא הימיכ :םדק יסרוק
'א 'מס 'ב הנש ,)ס"ש 4+1
( ליגרת + האצרה :תנוכתמ
תינגרוא הימיכ לש םוחתב קימעמ עדי תונקהל :סרוקה תרטמ
1. Aldehydes and Ketones : Aldol Reactions, Haloform Reaction , Claisen-Schmidt
:סרוקה יאשונ
Reactions, Michael Additions, Robinson annulation, Wittig reaction, The Horner-
Wadsworth-Emmons, The Reformatsky Reaction, Oxidation of Aldehydes and
-Dicarbonyl Compounds: More Chemistry of Enolate
-Keto Esters, Dieckmann condensation, The Malonic Ester Synthesis: Synthesis of Substituted Acetic Acids,
Michael Addition, Mannich Reaction, Synthesis of Enamines,
3. Alcohols and Ethers: Synthesis of Alcohols from Alkenes, Reaction of Alcohols with
PBr3 and SOCl
, Tosylates, Mesylates, and Triflates: Leaving Group Derivatives of
Alcohols.Synthesis of Ethers: Williamson Ether synthesis, Epoxides.
4. Alcohols from Carbonyl Compounds: Oxidation-Reduction, Organometallic
Compounds (Organolithium and Grignard Reagents)
5. Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives. Nucleophilic Addition-Elimination at the
Acyl Carbon: Acids, Anhydrides and Amides, Relative Reactivity of Acyl
Compounds, Acid Chlorides and Nitrils, Spectroscopic properties of the carboxylic derivatives.
6. Amines and reactions amines are involved:Heterocyclic Amines. Preparation of
Amines: The Gabriel Synthesis, Reductive Amination, Hofmann and Curtius
Rearrangements, Reduction of Nitro, Azid and Nitrile groups, Oxidation of Amines,
Sandmeyer Reaction, Hofmann Elimination and Cope Elimination, Spectroscopic
7. Aromatic Compounds:Rules for Resonance, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
(Friedel-Crafts Alkylation), Effects of Substituents on Reactivity and Orientation,
Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution,
8. Basic principles of heterocyclic chemistry.
10% – םיליגרת , 90% – ןחבמ :סרוקב טנדוטסה תכרעה ןפוא
:דומיל ירפס
“Organic Chemistry”, Francis A. Carey, 4 th Edition
“Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry”, Salomon/Graham, 2 nd Edition.