Character Map Rubric Category Physical Traits 4 Includes all physical traits mentioned in text. 3 Physical traits are correct for almost all characters. Personality Traits Good insight into all characters' personality traits. Personality traits are given correctly but minimally for most characters. Quotes Gives at least one revealing quote by and one about each character. Gives at least one quote by and one about each character. Mechanics and Grammar Effort and Neatness There are no spelling or grammar errors. Chart is completely neat and readable. There are 1 – 2 spelling or grammar errors. Chart is fairly neat and readable. Total mark: /20 2 Includes some physical traits for all or most characters but many are incorrect. Includes some personality traits for all or most characters, but many are incorrect. May mix physical traits with personality traits. Only some quotes are completed. 1 Includes incorrect physical traits of all or most characters, some characters not attempted. Includes incorrect personality traits of all or most characters, some characters not attempted. There are 3 – 4 spelling or grammar errors. Chart is either messy or parts are unreadable. There are 5 or more spelling or grammar errors. Chart is messy and unreadable. Few quotes are given, or have mistakes. Comments: Characters to be included*: Macbeth Banquo Duncan Lady Macbeth Witches (together as a group) *Additional characters that can be mentioned with others, but not to be studied as individuals include Ross, Malcolm ( and Donalbain), Angus, Lennox, and Messenger