March 13, 2015 - Shoreline Community College


Dean Team Minutes

March 13, 2015

8:30 –11:00 a.m.

Central Conference Room

Present (*): Kathie Hunt*

Kim Thompson*

Bob Francis*

Susan Hoyne*

Bayta Maring*

Cheryl Roberts*

Dawn Vinberg*

Laura Rehrmann*

Topic Presenter

Jim Hills*










3 Foundation Support of the College


Backes and



Samira Pardanani*

Dan Fey*

Cathy Otto*

Terry Taylor*

John Backes*

Ann Garnsey-Harter*

Stuart Trippel*

Jennifer Coogan*

The February 25, 2015 and March 4, 2015 minutes were approved.

Cheryl shared that the new Shoreline Scholars program will be announced on March

27 th . This program offers two-year scholarships to students who meet the minimum criteria and reside within the Shoreline School District boundaries. The first cohort will have 50 students. This is an investment in the community that the college serves.

A tentative timeline was shared, and further details will be forthcoming.

Benefits of the program include:

Attracting students with strong record of academic achievement

Service to high-potential, low-opportunity students

Public demonstration about support of high school seniors in the district

Potential for student ambassadors and outreach

Publicity – no other programs like this in the state

Opportunity to engage the larger community

It was noted that the scholarships will be available to students in any academic/proftech program.

John Backes shared information on the Foundation’s major funding areas. These are largely divided between scholarships and program support. There was a discussion about requesting use of the money; John noted that funds are generally donor-advised in regards to spending.

Ann added that some funds are set up but have no money in them. The group was encouraged to meet with Lynn Yaw, Laura, or Ann to look over program funds and how they are spent. Laura added that a new campaign will be announced in the next few months.

John shared he would like to create a Yearly Report but he does not know when that will happen. Part of his work is to regularly communicate with the college and receive feedback.

Action Items










Dean Team aSAP

Review Process

ELT Update/Hiring


Action Items

(Standing Item)

Faculty Preparation in Computer Labs

JUMC Updates



Hybrid Room


Presenter Discussion

Bob/Bayta Bayta reported that the Dean Team will receive access to review aSAPs on March 20 th instead of April 1 st . Presentations will take place at the meetings on April 3 rd and 7 th .

Dean Team will do a rating that is independent of the Strategic Planning & Budget

Committee; both sets of ratings will be submitted to ELT.

Bob Bob reiterated the excitement for the upcoming Shoreline Scholars program. This is aimed at the perceived need of increasing domestic enrollment.

There was a discussion about current hiring practices and related discussions happening around campus. Bob shared that the college should be intentional in its recruiting efforts; this involves posting position announcements as well as in-person recruiting at association conferences. There was a discussion about hiring practices that may be off-putting to candidates, such as scripted recitation of interview questions and needing to reimburse travel costs if a job offer is not accepted.

It was noted that a priority list will be created regarding new-hires in order to be early in the “hiring cycle.” Consultant Bob Hughes will be working with the campus to affirm the administration’s commitment to diversity and further enhance a culture of equity and inclusion.



CRAG Procedures: Kira Wennstrom is currently working on a draft. Susan and Kim will bring information to a future meeting.

IE Summer Schedule: Kim will continue to seek information from the domestic advisors.

Dean Team Charter and name change: Postponed.

Contract Bargaining Negotiations: Bob encouraged the group to identify potential issues to be shared with the IBB negotiating team. It was noted that the team has not yet been formed.

Bob/Cathy Cathy requested that deans ensure faculty that teach in computer labs are equipped with the necessary supplies and support.

Bob/Dan Dan shared that a primary issue in JUMC is regarding the academic calendar. At this time, the Calendar Committee is recommending no change to the current tentative calendars.

It was also shared that an ongoing subcommittee is looking at structure and compensation for Automotive co-ops; a formal presentation and recommendation will be coming soon.



Action Items

Bob will look into the budget process for recruiting and advertising.

DT will send stories of difficulty in finding/retaining faculty to Bob by Wednesday,


Identify IBB issues to be shared with the negotiation team


There was a discussion about establishing guidelines for scheduling the face-to-face portion of hybrid courses. Exceptions to the guidelines would include classes that meet in specifically-designated rooms, such as a painting studio or science lab. Ann’s department has done further research on this, and she will share the findings at a future meeting.

Remove from agenda for now.

Future Agenda Item:

Research on hybrid course classroom usage







CCSSE Update

(Standing Item)

Data Presentation

(Update on



Competency Based

Education (Standing


Division Updates

(Standing Item)






Ann reported that a competency-based program will be tried for MUSTC 151 in Fall quarter. She also shared about the work an ad hoc group is doing on Prior Learning


Kathie shared that TSS is researching a subscription to for all students.

This will have an impact on fees assessed and technology revenue. It was noted that any fee changes would go through the Board of Trustees.

Susan reported that, beginning in Fall quarter, Anatomy and Physiology will be a combined course. Separate courses will be available during Summer quarter only.

Ann noted that an Accessibility Faculty Learning Community had a great meeting, with 52 people in attendance. The State Board is excited and will be looking at a multi-college learning community for next year.

The Math Olympiad is on campus tomorrow.

Add Mid-Cycle

Accreditation as

Standing Agenda Item

15 Good of the order

Adjourned 11:02 a.m.


Bayta reported that the survey administration went well. The results will be available in July.


Action Items

