The Salopian Club Annual Plan 2015 -16 Objects The objects of the Club are: 1. To encourage links and fellowship between Salopians of all ages 2. To organise activities (sporting, cultural, social, business) in support of (1) 3. Together with the Governors, School, Shrewsbury School Parents’ Association (SSPA) and Foundation, to promote Old Salopians’ knowledge of and involvement in the success, development and prosperity of the School 4. To help Salopians make the transition into their working lives and support the development of their careers. Objectives Given where the Club is currently positioned the overarching objective for the next 3-5 years is to create a more vibrant Salopian community. In order to achieve this the Club has set the following specific objectives: 1. To improve communications to all audiences, with particular emphasis on younger generations and the provision of more news on Old Salopians, where possible by electronic means and social media 2. To raise the number of actively participating Old Salopians in Club events to 25% of the membership in 5 years and thereafter maintain that level. 3. To make Club events especially attractive to younger members so they remain Salopians for life 4. To extend the fellowship of sporting clubs to arts and other activities so as to appeal to a broader range of Salopians 5. To provide a comprehensive careers advice and support network to benefit Salopians of all ages 6. To increase involvement of all leavers into Club activities 7. To strengthen the relationship between the Club, SSPA and the School 1 Programmes 2015-16 These objectives will be delivered through the following programmes Programme Accountable Support Communications Director Social Events Director Young Members Chair Young Members Chair Sports Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Y Y Y Y Y Y Sports Chair Y Y Y Y Arts & Activities A&A Chair Y Y Y Y Careers Support Careers Chair, Careers Fellow Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 Strategic Plan 2014-19 The 5-year Strategic Plan and Financial Plan were approved in 2014. The increases in Club membership subscriptions have made the Strategic Plan affordable. This Annual Plan and Budget covers the period from August 2015 to July 2016 and is the second year of the revised Strategic Plan (201419). The format and content are therefore based on the Strategic Plan. PRIORITIES FOR 2014/2015 General Over the past year the Club has delivered effectively against its communications, events and sports programmes. Its careers programme continues to evolve with the appointment of a Careers Fellow. Arts and Activities are achieving additional focus, and the Club has acquired an IT solution to improve communication to and between members. Events The Club will seek to improve the quality and attendance at its three drinks receptions (the City, Birmingham and Shrewsbury) and aim for increased numbers at OS Day. Henley, the Birmingham Dinner, and the Young Members’ London party will also remain part of its core programme. It will steadily build up the number of its regional, university and overseas representatives and provide administrative support for any smaller scale events there. It will also seek to organise themed events involving Salopian connections and, where possible, involve the SSPA on a reciprocal basis. Sport We shall continue the established programme of sporting events and seek to develop more women’s sport as former female pupils graduate from university. We shall encourage current Salopian sports men and women to join OS sports clubs by a combination of house visits, closer liaison between sports staff and their OS counterparts, and timely reminders to year group cohorts as they graduate and enter the workplace. Arts and Activities Arts and Activities are acquiring an additional focus to develop a programme of events, some in conjunction with the School, during 2015-2016. 3 Careers The appointment of a Careers Fellow, her involvement at all levels within the School, and the development of professional groups has resulted in the Club acquiring significant additional standing within the School and OS community. The Club will seek to involve more Old Salopians and parents in providing careers advice to Salopians of all ages. Communications A successful outcome has been reached in acquiring an IT solution to allow members access to services via a members’ area, with an initial pilot scheme planned for the 2015 leavers. Administration A part time administrative assistant to keep the database up to date will continue to be needed for 2015/2016. 4 COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMME 2015-16 Audience Members Initiative Magazine Website Facebook E-mails Database Current Salopians Leavers yearbook What we will do Salopian to be sent to all members twice a year. Aim to continue producing content about current OS, report on events, sports club articles and interest groups. Fully integrated with School site Content to include key contact points, event details, news stories and programme plans, updated at least monthly. Focus on careers content in conjunction with the Careers Fellow and the Careers Chairman. Salopian Club group established with >1400 members. Seek more use from sub groups including sports clubs How measure success Feedback from members. Resources and budget Shared with School £12,000 Club contribution to costs Number of hits vs. other pages on site Provided by Club Office and the School Site hosted by the School Number of members Extent of use in advertising events Management and monitoring provided by Club Office Structured bi-monthly E-newsletters to all members Data to be refreshed and updated in line with available resources. Develop Alumni Management System to allow OS access to Club data. Feedback from members Drafted by Director and sent out from Office. Admin resource to be retained. (Cost circa £11K). Yearbook to be produced for 2016 leavers Financial support and limited admin support from Office. Feedback from members Completeness of data on members and parents, particularly in fields relating to careers. User-friendly members’ area to be implemented during 2015 Feedback from leavers Production outsourced to School (Richard Hudson) £2,000 towards production costs 5 Audience Parents Initiative Awareness campaign Magazine What we will do Updated Salopian Club Brochure House briefings As above How measure success Quality of brochure Resources and budget Club Executive and Office. As above As above Website Briefings As above Annual letter explaining benefits and activities to new parents with updated Club brochure Common Room briefings and Housemaster briefings, backed up by bimonthly E-newsletter. Delivered by Chairman and President at Council Meeting. As above Feedback from parents As above Club Office Feedback from Headmaster and SMT Club Office The School Awareness campaign Council Briefing Club Executive 6 EVENTS PROGRAMME 2015-16 Category CORE EVENTS Regional and themed events Young Members events House events Event Old Salopian Day (3 Oct) City Drinks (19 Nov) Henley Regatta (July 2016) Christmas Drinks – Shrewsbury (4 Dec) Yet to be finalised What we will do Appropriate range of activities for those attending At the Travellers’ Club, Pall Mall Two themed events, two Birminghambased events and one other regional event. 150+ aiming overall Club Office (Subsidies to be approved by Club Executive.) Overseas network events Young Members Social Events Overseas activities to be planned and managed locally. One major event each year. Set locally Provided locally At least 150 attendees Young Members Chair & Committee £2,000 subsidy available for venue hire University Events Appoint reps at main Salopian universities and programme of gatherings at each location. Supported by member of staff. On initiative from housemasters. Programme to visit 5 locations each year on rolling basis in conjunction with the Careers Office. Over 100 OS at each event University Reps (to be appointed) £1,000 subsidy One house reunion per year Saturday lunch and drinks for OS, parents and crews. Drinks and canapés co-hosted with Foundation, Carol Service tickets to be offered How measure success Over 150 attendees Over 150 OS attendees with 50% under 40 Over 150 attendees Over 200 attendees Resources and budget Club Office and Sports Clubs £3,500 subsidy £7,000 for venue hire, canapés and drinks Sabrina to organize £3,000 to cover food and wine £2k (with Foundation?) Events run by Houses, with minor admin support from Office. £2,000 7 CAREERS PROGRAMME Annual Plan 2015-16 Introduction Since the last Annual Plan, the focus of the Careers Fellow has been on the design and delivery of a Careers Strategy for the School and the School’s Careers Education Programme, both of which integrate support provided by OS. This has led to adaptation of several initiatives accordingly. The impact of Potentiality on the delivery of careers support to both the School and the OS community cannot be understated. The profile alumni will fill out includes a bespoke careers section we have designed, and will enable the following: identification of University groups; establishment of professional networks; identification of individuals willing to give advice, talks and work experience; establishment of a jobs board for those seeking employees and seeking work; careers news noticeboard reporting OS and school careers activity; OS business directory for OS to share information about their businesses and services with others. This will enable consistent information to be stored, and for OS to engage much more directly with the Club and the School’s Careers Education Programme. Initiative Careers Committee Target Infrastructure Working Assumptions Sufficient willing and able volunteers drawn from OS, parents and the Careers Fellow Database Infrastructure Raiser’s Edge database will transition to Potentiality, with its new Careers section; all existing data from RE will be merged to the new Potentiality site, with option for alumni to update their information Potentiality Careers Profiles (to complement Salopian Club LinkedIn group) Old Salopians and Infrastructure Club Administrator to oversee; Careers Fellow currently uses LinkedIn for contacting OS as RE not up to date with business information After 1 Year Chairman and Committee in place and overseeing delivery by Careers Fellow and relevant Club members Alumni will be constantly updating their profiles with accurate professional content. New alumni will enter their HE information, creating the Salopian Club university groups. Volunteers for events, talks and advice will emerge through the profile input. Searching by professions will enable establishment of Potentialitybased groups administered by the Careers Fellow, which will replace the Professional Groups.i These groups will then be encouraged to network socially, providing mutual value as well as support to the School/Club. Revised expectation since 2014 that Potentiality profiles will be more useful to the Careers Fellow and the Club than LinkedIn group as a resource for identifying potential speakers. Measure of Success Delivery of programme Resources and Budget Careers Chair and Club Executive Number of OS with profiles on Potentiality; number of OS volunteering to give careers advice or talks; number of young OS in University groups; and all these numbers steadily increasing as Potentiality becomes established Combination of admin resource and Careers Fellow Difficult to ascertain in relation to Potentiality; LinkedIn will still be an independently useful resource to OS outside the Salopian community Admin resources of the Club Administrator 8 Engagement of OS in the School’s and Club’s Careers Education Programme Old Salopians OS will continue to contribute expertise to the School’s and the Club’s Careers Education Programme University Groups Young Old Salopians Young OS at university will want to network with each other Advice and mentoring for OS After Shrewsbury Old Salopians Careers Fellow in post, infrastructure targets achieved of access to and provision of advice, information and networks School’s Careers Education Programme Current Salopians School continues to deliver the bespoke Careers Education Programme through the new Careers Fellow and Dympna Nightingale New professional networking groups will emerge through the Potentiality profiles, which will enable networking of OS via professional commonalities, and largely replace the Professional Groups for functionality. Building on the L6 Careers Fair and the Lent Term Careers Talks to engage more OS in sharing their expertise with current pupils. Using Potentiality to increase the numbers of OS identified as willing to give advice and talks to current pupils and OS Potentiality will enable the identification of OS at universities and enable establishment of social/networking groups and events. Also valuable to Dympna Nightingale in her HE advising to current pupils Profile input by OS to Potentiality to enable networking; continuing advice and guidance to OS by new Careers Fellow; university visits by Dympna Nightingale and the Careers Fellow Fully integrated bespoke Careers Education Programme has been running in 2014-15 from 3rd Form to Upper Sixth, preparing pupils for all aspects of HE and careers decision-making; no reason to expect that this will change. No specific goals for the coming year other than continued delivery of the programme Number of profiles on Potentiality with useful careers content and signaled engagement Club Administrator and Careers Fellow Initial meetings and social events by OS at each university Potentiality, Club Administrator, Careers Fellow; possible small budget outlays to support initial University Group events at discretion of Club Engagement by OS with Careers Fellow, and level of activity and usage of Potentiality Careers Fellow, Club Director, Careers Committee Engagement levels of pupils, positive feedback from parents and staff (already received) Careers Committee, Careers Fellow, Club Director, admin support; £5000 Careers Budget 9 Engagement of Parents in School Careers Programme Current Parents Established networks for contacting parents: weekly School newsletter, Housemasters, mass email, Sixth Form careers newsletters Professional Networks Current Salopians and Old Salopians Potentiality will enable emergence of larger and more informal groups of OS willing to share their advice and experience than the Professional Groups have done School Professional Dinners Current Salopians and Old Salopians Professional Networks identified, looser than the Professional Groups Parent engagement via mass request has been very low, excepting direct contact with individuals who generally respond very positively. Last year’s goal of the Parents’ Work Experience Network now look overambitious: engaging even a small percentage of parents to contribute to a work experience network would be a huge achievement PGs in Medicine, Banking/Finance, IT, Entrepreneurs, Advertising/Marketing/PR, Law, Property, Business have not established with universal success. Potentiality will enable connection of OS in different professions to the goal of networking with each other, as well as identifying volunteers to speak and advise. Careers Fellow will contact potential speakers directly, rather than liaising with a Group Leader PROPOSED: Pilot networking reception for one or two Professional Networks to meet, to get the Networks going as an idea that works PROPOSED: Pilot networking reception for one or more of the PNs with pupils at School, possibly additionally to the Careers Fair networking reception and at a different time of year. Engagement by parents in existing careers activities, level of response by parents to communications, potential to establish work experience network Careers Fellow, Housemasters, School communications (weekly School newsletter, Housemasters, mass email, Sixth Form careers newsletters) Engagement and involvement by OS and parents Careers Fellow, Club Director, Careers Committee Engagement and feedback by pupils. Support from staff. Engagement by Professional Network members, OS and parents Careers Fellow, Club Director, Careers Committee 10 ARTS AND ACTIVITIES PROGRAMME 2015-6 Report The Salopian Arts Committee remains in a transitional stage - following changes in personnel, both on the committee and within the club itself. Aims are largely those stated previously – To arrange broadly artistic events to which members of the Club are invited To provide information about the activities of Club members To support members activities (both professional and amateur) Events in the past year have included - A very well attended Concert at Wigmore Hall in February, which featured outstanding performances by members of the School. - An ‘Open Mic’ evening at The Horse and Stables Pub in North Lambeth in May, arranged by Henry Southern for younger members of the Club - Visit to ‘Charles III’ in the West End, starring Richard Goulding (OS)), and to The Musical ‘Top Hat’ (starring Clive Hayward (OS)) - A cabaret performance at the President’s Dinner in Emmanuel College, Cambridge in April (Henry Southern, Chris Jamieson, Chris Cox and Sam Grainger) Events: It is hoped that four or five events will take place, but dates and details are still to be confirmed. These would include: - An exhibition of Old Salopian photographs (Then and Now) by Kits Oates (OS) - Evensong at the Inner Temple followed by a reception (Richard Eteson (OS) – autumn date) Database Plans to set up a database of Old Salopians involved in the arts world will be developed during the coming year, so that members of the Club can be kept in touch with one another’s activities. Examples will include: ‘King Lear’ at the Minnack Theatre, Land’s End – starring Peter Broad (OS) (17th to 21st of August) ‘King Hearts and Cormorants’ – Rory Fraser (OS) at the Edinburgh Fringe (From 9th August) ‘Charles III’ on Broadway, New York, - starring Richard Goulding (OS) Budget The Arts budget to remain the same as in previous years, subject to review. 11 SPORTS PROGRAMME 2015-16 (see Annexe, p.13 onwards, for individual Sports Clubs’ plans) Sports Club Initiative What we will Do Measure of Success Resources and Budget All Clubs Sports Clubs Event Event for Leavers to meet Reps of all OS sports clubs to encourage new membership of OS Sports Clubs (TBC) Attendance and increased Recruitment levels for OS Sports Clubs. £1,000 Ladies Sports OS Sports Programme Plan and hold at least two OS sports events Attendance / participation £1,000 Individual Sports Clubs See individual Club plans As per plans attached Participation by more OS’s Success in Old Boys Competitions More self sufficient More recruitment of Leavers Golf - £2,000 *Sabrina - £3,900 Football - £6,000 Yachting - £1,000 Saracens - £4,240 Hunt - Nil Rugby – Nil Fives - £1,000 Squash - £1,000 * plus Henley funding under Events TOTAL - £21,140 12 ANNEXE – INDIVIDUAL SPORTS CLUBS’ ANNUAL PLANS – 2015-16 OLD SALOPIAN GOLFING SOCIETY: ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 Initiative Preparation needed After 1 year After 3 years After 5 years Contacts up to date (Action – OSGS Hon Sec) New members (Action – OSGS Hon Sec) Update OSGS membership email list List updated List updated List updated Convert existing members to new sub @ £25 187 @ £20: 153 @ £25: 157 @ £20: 183 @ £25: 130 @ £20: 200 @ £25: Liaison at end of summer terms for leavers/parents 100% of golfing leavers and golfing parents join OSGS Annual ‘Gang of Four’ meetings and AGM Aim for an OSGS Committee Committee established Meetings once a year ditto Keeping in touch with active golfers Articles and notices of events in each edition of Salopian: Fasti cards discontinued ditto ditto Communication – (Action - President) Action – OSGS Hon Sec Promotion of OSGS meetings & matches Fees for 5 Inter-School Tournaments Communication – (Action – Hon Sec and Technical help from School) Creation of OSGS Linkedin page and members’ golf details Creation of OSGS Regional Groups to enable networking for golf (Action – President) Budget Self-funded Self-funded £200 per meeting for 12 regional meetings £2400.00pa Halford Hewitt: G L Mellin PSOBGA (Little Aston) Grafton Morrish Qualifier Grafton Morrish Finals Putting at Royal Wimbledon Design and Production £3000.00pa Design & Production Design & Production operational To be costed Design & Production operational To be costed New Hon Sec to be identified and appointed with job spec by May 2017 13 Social Events (Action – Hon Sec) Promote Golf at School Projects in support of OSGS (Action – President, Hon Sec, Master i/c Golf, Director of Sport, Foundation) ) Website Liaison Secretary to be appointed OSGS pages up to date and refreshed annually Ditto Self-funded Halford Hewitt Aim for 8 supporters Self-funded Eve of Henley Supporters Group & Dinner Huntercombe Supper Golf parties, lunches and dinners (up to 4 pa). Regular contact with Master i/c Golf and other golfing members of Staff North Berwick, Trentham Hoylake, Worfield Schools Championship Annual Matches Parents and Staff Aim for 24 Ditto A Golf Facility on site in conjunction with School. OSGS involvement presenting trophies Complete following fundraising programme agreed with Foundation Self-funded Further initiatives to be agreed £35,000.00 OSGS members, Foundation, School Provision of funds to support younger golfers under 32 and 25 Resources needed Replenish stocks of OSGS ties Stocks obtained Research supplier for OSGS crested sweater In discussion with suppliers £1500 sports grant £2000 sports grant £900pa £2,000.00 pa (not more than) £1200 for order of 100 ties £1000 sports grant 14 OLD SALOPIAN FOOTBALL CLUB: ANNUAL PLAN 2015 - 2016 Overall objectives for 2015-16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Retention of full time playing members and subscription income at 2014-15 levels. Continue to develop links with the school to identify new players. 1st XI - Targets - consolidate position in premier division, strong run in Arthur Dunn. 2nd X1 - target promotion from League 2. Vets - win Derrick Moore Cup, increase number of friendlies. Side reached the Derrik Moore Veterans Cup Plate Final last year. Maintain solid financial footing of Club established in 2014/15 - target better than break even for year ended 31 July 2016. Calendar of Events to support our objectives: 28 February 2015 – Vets game against the schools 19 April 2015 – Sports Award lunch - Lunch arranged by OS and held at Schools OSFC attendance to promote club, encourage new joiners etc 22 May 2015 – Club end of season dinner - Annual dinner for current and former players and other halves – London Invites to other select OS and supporters of the club Estimated cost £50 per head, venue: Chiswell Street Dining Rooms (EC1Y 4SA) Spring 2015 – Vets tour to Paris - Self-funded 2 day trip involving (approx.) 14 Vets 1 game against local opposition August Bank Holiday Weekend 2015 – Tour - likely venue: Cologne - 2-3 fixtures against local opposition Encourage student/new player involvement Self- funded tour, club contribution for students (if funds available) Other activities - Contribute 2 pieces to Salopian magazine (tour report plus season report) October 2015 Schools game and drinks, Shrewsbury - 4 regular sides playing versus School 1st, 2nd , 3rd and 4th XI's Vets XI playing schools side Post-match teas and drinks at Schools Post- match drinks at Boathouse Pub 19 November 2015 – City Drinks - OSFC attendance to promote football club and encourage new members December 2015 Christmas drinks - Drinks for current and former players – venue tbc in SW London May 2016 Club end of season dinner - Annual dinner for current and former players and other halves – London Invites to other select OS and supporters of the club Estimated cost £50 per head, venue: likely Chiswell Street Dining Rooms (EC1Y 4SA) Financial Budget for 2015/16 is to maintain levels of spend at 2013/14 actual levels as indicated in accounts to July 14. Expected outcome for July 2015 in line with this. 15 OLD SALOPIAN FIVES CLUB: ANNUAL PLAN 2015 - 2016 Initiative What we will do Resources Budget Win the Alan Barber Cup Get our top players on court more and practise more as a squad Resolved at AGM to introduce them, need to arrange the administrative side through secretary (Rex Worth) and treasurer (Tom Welti) Reintroduce Salopian Club night/training sessions in London Hold dinner in May time in London Negligible (few court booking costs potentially) None. Will increase resources by £20-£25 per head No real impact Negligible (few court booking costs potentially) £200-300 No real impact First OS girls attended Salopian Fives weekend. Need to build on this going forward. We have 3-4 top players playing Div 1 fives for other clubs. If Div 2 side can sustain itself then we will roll out a Div 1 team too. Implement a 4-5 rotation policy for secretary and treasurer to ensure links with school are maintained by having youth in key positions. Rex Worth into 3rd year, begin plans to appoint successor. No set up costs. Potential league costs etc down the line. Reintroduction subs Expand active player base Introduction of a club season dinner Sow the seeds of creating an Old Salopian Girls Fives Club Have 2 league sides operating (one in Div 1 and the other in Div 2) within 2-3 years Keep a youthful atmosphere in the club and maintain good links with school Will not mean reduction in grant as club looking to grow If regular event could be partially funded by grant No short term impact 16 SHREWSBURY SARACENS ANNUAL PLAN: 2015 - 2016 INITIATIVE ACTION NEEDED RESOURCES School to subsidize Home Fixture catering (RDTN) Keep momentum going after 2013 success (reached Semi Final) Keep AB keen to promote Cricketer Cup with Leavers and County players To recruit County playing Saracens To play 1st and 2nd XI Leavers asap. Reach Final / later Rounds Enjoyment Good Team spirit Having a Squad of 20 of highest calibre Saracens Fixtures June/July 2015 Appointment of George Thomason as Match Manager Appointment of Jack Brydon as Match Manager Encourage Leavers to play. Subsidize 1 Fixture for 2016 Full Teams for all 4 Fixtures Winning –v- 1st XI and 2nd XI Enjoyment Recruitment of Leavers £150 per Fixture same 2014 (£450 for 2015) New Members AB and Cricket Masters in Charge to promote Saracens More than 15 Leavers joining Saracens each year NIL Encourage 6th Form participation Encourage Leavers to come on Tour Ensure good cricketers come on Tour Keep Numbers up to c. 18 Devon Tour August 2015 Win all Fixtures and keep numbers up for whole week Enjoyment Maintain high standards on and off Field History of Club Nicko Williams putting in hand – Martin Knox ? Publication of same NIL Insurance RDTN to sort N/A £400 Regalia New Club Ties (36) New Blazers (6) Sale of all Blazers Sale of 12 Ties Sale of 4 Sweaters Cricketer Cup June /August 2015 TARGET / SUCCESS Total Resources Allocated Travel Expenses £200 per game / round (£400 for 2015) £3,500 (same as 2014) In-house Funding/£250 from grant £5,000 17 OLD SALOPIAN YACHTING CLUB BUSINESS PLAN: 2014 - 2019: July year-end. Activity 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 Establish Membership and Subscription 34 paid-up members at £25 pa and 24 juniors at £10 leavers over past 5 years. Plus 40 non-subscribers 72 paying members (including juniors) 75 members Build up Reserve for potential insurance excess £2,867 cash as at July 31, 2014 Add £500 to surplus. Loan of £1250 repaid to OS Club Reach minimum of £800 reserve for insurance excess Enter 1-2 boats for annual Arrow Trophy 35 different Salopians have participated over the last 3 years. Shrewsbury one of only two schools to enter 2 boats in October 2013. 1 boat. 4 new participants Second boat if needed and available to be applied for separately to OSYC for support 1-2 boats. 4 new participants Encourage Junior Participation Low initial subs, 24 recent leavers as members with seven having so far joined Arrow crews Expect further five leavers to join Continued growth OSYC AGM and Dinner Annual AGM/Dinner at RORC Annual AGM and Dinner at RORC Annual AGM and Dinner at RORC Communication Regular article published in Salopian Regular article published in Salopian Regular article published in Salopian Membership database/events managed through Group Spaces application Increase reach and usage to school leavers and existing members Increase reach and usage to school leavers and existing members Take over running of Arrow Trophy Shrewsbury now represented on Arrow Committee Shrewsbury represented on Arrow Committee Shrewsbury has been asked and has accepted to run the Arrow in 2019-21 Resources needed £1750 allocated by OSC £750 boat entry + £250 for subsidising junior participation: £1000 requested. If second boat, additional £1000 to be applied for on ad hoc basis As 2014/15 plus likely cost rises. Requesting £1100, £1200 for 2017/18 and 2018/19. Same concept for second boat 18 SABRINA CLUB ANNUAL PLAN: 2015 - 16 Initiative Objective Action Budget Recruitment New members from senior Crews from RSSBC (Action – RSSBC Administrator and Secretary) Communication (1) (Action – President Captain Secretary) Communication (2) (Action – Captain and RSSBC Administrator) Club rowing Update Sabrina Membership email list List updated NIL Liaison at end of summer terms 100% of senior leavers recruited and details captured NIL Club organisation Termly Committee meetings and AGM NIL Keeping in touch with active oarsmen Maintain contact with membership Articles and notices of events in each edition of Salopian Termly newsletter emailed to members NIL NIL Website update Support for Sabrina Crews Annual affiliation fee to BRA Schools’ Head of the River Sabrina pages up to date and refreshed annually NIL £850.00 pa* £200.00 pa* £750.00* Social events (Action – Committee) Henley Royal Regatta Crew reunions and ‘Fun Day’ 3 planned in 2015 see Calendar attached £3,000.00 (Salopian Club funded) £1600* RSSBC/Sabrina Supper Links with RSSBC Regular contact with RSSBC Projects in support of RSSBC (Action – Head Coach, RSSBC Administrator and Treasurer) Projects in support of RSSBC continued Provision of funds to support needy candidates for Overseas trips Additional equipment required by RSSBC but not covered by the School’s rowing budget RSSBC Administrator is a member of the Sabrina C’tee, which the Head Coach also attends for relevant items Support at Regattas and Heads As requested by the Head Coach As requested by the Head Coach *Funding from Salopian Club applied for in Total: £500* NIL Up to £2,000.00 pa from Sabrina Supporter Fund Funded by SSF £3,900.00* 19 OLD SALOPIAN HUNT ANNUAL PLAN: 2015-16 Sports Club Initiative What we will do How measure success Resources and budget Old Salopian Hunt Membership to The OSH All leaving members of The Hunt are presented with their OSH membership (Tie or Scarf & Vest) Ties, Scarves & Vests are already in stock. Annual Run v The RSSH Contact all members to invite them to the Run on the first Saturday of December, including the Annual Dinner and also The AGM. Contact all members to encourage more than Six to enter the four categories: Open, +40, +50, +60. Update The Members list and make contact by e-mail and writing and social media & The Salopian. M-in-Charge and The Huntsman, Whips and Captain of The Girls. Contact with Master & Mistress in Charge of Boys & Girls Hunt to get names & check list At least 25 OSH Runners, including 5 from University OSH Closing Teams in all categories and a Top 5 finisher. £150 travel expenses for students The Thames Hare & Hounds Alumni Race Communication £130 for Dinner Guests 20 OLD SALOPIAN SQUASH STRATEGIC PLAN: 2015 - 2020 Initiative Revive the club to be able to have an active playing team. Playing competitive and friendly fixtures Create an active playing squad of all abilities Annual drinks Annual School game to foster links between school and squash playing leavers Communication Old Salopian Magazine What we will do Through Bill Higson’s MCC club access encourage existing and new members to join the club through playing games with fellow OS’s Hold 2 club nights every year to encourage all abilities and prove standard for matches After 1 Year 1 team with up to 5 players playing up to 8 fixtures & 1 club night in a season that runs from late September to late April 1 club night After 3 Years 1 team with 5 players playing up to 12 home and away fixtures & 2 club nights. Playing in the Old Schools’ Londonderry Cup 2 club nights to include a coaching clinic After 5 Years 2 teams with 5 players each playing up to 16 home and away fixtures & 2 club nights. Competing in the Old Schools’ Londonderry Cup 2 club nights to include a coaching clinic Resources Home court fees and post-game drinks and food paid for by annual budget. Budget As per annual budget Court fees paid for by annual budget. Extra resources required to fund coaching clinic Post second club night Co-ordination with Schools, currently Myles Harding 10 attendees 1 match 15 attendees 1 match 20 attendees 1 match Part funded by budget None Once up and running an extra £500 required to run second team and coaching clinic if no subs paid £75 -100 by year 5 None OS website and word of mouth through existing members Regular communication with OS Club Website refreshed every month during season Match progress for every edition during season £1,000 Website refreshed every month during season Match progress for every edition during season £1,000 Website refreshed every month during season None None Match progress for every edition during season None None Resources Required Annually £1,500 21 SALOPIAN CLUB BUDGET 2014-15 EXPENDITURE Programmes DETAIL £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 14,000 23,500 21,140 2,000 5,000 10,000 75,640 £ £ £ 1,000 1,000 2,000 Donations Office administration Contingency £ £ £ £ 2,000 16,000 7,500 25,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURE £ 103,140 Communications Events Sports Arts & Activities Careers Careers Fellow Communications £ Salopian @ 50% Leavers’ Yearbook 12,000 2,000 14,000 Events Salopian Day City Drinks Henley Lunch Young OS House events Christmas Drinks Birmingham Drinks University gatherings Contingency 3,500 7,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 23,500 Sports Sports Club Recruiting Event Sabrina Football Saracens Hunt Yacht Rugby Ladies Fives Golf Squash 1,000 3,900 6,000 4,240 Nil 1,000 Nil 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 21,140 Careers Careers Fair 5,000 Governance Committee Meetings Committee Expenses INCOME Subscriptions £ 100,000 Surplus/deficit -£ 3,140 Office administration Alumni Management System 5,000 Assistant Administrator 11,000 16,000 22 23