Illinois State Organization National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Pamela Petersen Bork, State Regent DAR Scholarship Committee Susan Snow, Chairman P. O. Box 440 Palos Park, IL 60464 708-751-5154 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 Packet Letter Illinois Chapters! Become an active link between our Society and students in need of scholarship funds. This letter begins the process. First, make information available to college bound students in your community. Second, sponsor a deserving student who seeks one of our own Illinois State DAR Scholarships. Third, contribute generously to the Illinois DAR Scholarship Operating Fund. A donation can be accomplished with the standard remittance form. This year, during DAR Days, an individual or a chapter can make a donation to the Scholarship Friendship Quilt with a signature block. The finished quilt will be offered at State Conference. Each year, the Illinois State Organization awards seven “general” scholarships of $1,000. The goal is to select a winning applicant from each of the seven Districts in the State. If no qualified applicant is submitted from a given District, the scholarship intended for that District will go to a deserving applicant from another District. These scholarships are awarded based upon the following criteria: an academically qualified student who is a U.S. Citizen, demonstrating financial need, among the other requirements, who will attend an Illinois university or college. Forms needed: 2014 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION, and the 2014 ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARSHIP FINANCIAL NEED FORM. An eighth scholarship, the General Henry Dearborn American History Scholarship, awards $1,000 to a single deserving applicant in Illinois who will be majoring in American History at any college or university. Form needed: 2014 GENERAL HENRY DEARBORN AMERICAN HISTORY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION and 2014 ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARSHIP FINANCIAL NEED FORM. An application to renew either one of these awards may be made. Forms needed: 2014 STATE RENEWAL APPLICATION and 2014 ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARSHIP FINANCIAL NEED FORM. All of these forms will be available on the Illinois State Organization’s website by the end of September 2014. All Illinois DAR Scholarship applicants must be sponsored by an Illinois DAR Chapter. The sponsorship is demonstrated in two ways: the Chapter Regent or Scholarship Chairman fills out the relevant part of the application form to indicate sponsorship and provides a separate letter to explain the reasons the applicant was chosen for sponsorship. The contents of that letter are considered by the judges in making their selections. NEW in 2014: Each chapter is limited as to the number of applicants sponsored. No more than one applicant for the General Henry Dearborn American History Scholarship may be sponsored. A chapter may sponsor no more than one new applicant for the “general” scholarship. If the chapter has previously sponsored a winning applicant who is applying for a renewal, the chapter may consider sponsoring both the new and the renewal applicant, with the understanding that those two applicants will be competing for the same award in State judging. Also NEW in 2014 is the two step process of application, designed to allow the chapter the opportunity to consider all of its potential applicants before choosing the one(s) to sponsor. The new application forms provide a date by which the student must submit their package to the chapter: February 6th, 2015. The second step allows the chapter time to make its selection and write the necessary sponsorship letter. The chapter then mails the entire package to the State DAR Scholarship Chairman by a postmarked deadline of February 17th, 2015. NEW in 2014 is a set of “Instructions for Illinois DAR Scholarship Applicants and Illinois DAR Chapters. This is required reading for anyone involved in the application process. A privately endowed scholarship is available to a student enrolled at the University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana campus. The applicant must have been an Illinois resident for 5 years. Preference is given to an applicant who is either DAR or SAR eligible. This scholarship considers incoming freshmen through graduate school and is renewable. Further information and forms are available from Lea Ann Gross, Executive Director of Development Services, at the University of Illinois. Phone: 217-333-8668; email:; 400 Harker Hall MC-386, 1305 W. Green, Urbana, IL 61801. Refer to the David Hester Bloom and Mary Ellen Bloom Scholarship. Our National Society awards $150,000 in scholarships annually from 27 scholarship endowments. Each endowment has specific requirements as to the student’s chosen curriculum, institution of higher learning, or their personal background. Both the DAR public and members’ websites have detailed information about these opportunities. The processing of these scholarship applications does not require chapter sponsorship and does not involve the State DAR Scholarship Chairman in anyway. NEW: These applications are mailed to the individual named with each scholarship description on the website. The applications must be postmarked no later than February 15th. Forms needed: DAR SCHOLARSHIP CHECKLIST AND APPLICATION and DAR SCHOLARSHIP FINANCIAL NEED FORM which are found on the national website: We have prepared a Shorthand Summary of National DAR Scholarships, including updates from the National Committee. All of the DAR scholarship applications, State and National, are available on the public DAR websites, as well as the members’ websites. All of the new forms for Illinois DAR Scholarship applications will be available on the State website: , along with the Instructions sheet and the updated Shorthand Summary.