The Sallygate School Prospectus

Sallygate School Prospectus
Sallygate School is a part of Channels and Choices Therapeutic Community which
also includes specialist therapeutic residential care and specialist fostering services.
The community are members of The Consortium of Therapeutic Communities and
The Royal College of Psychiatry. The school works in partnership with the
residential and fostering departments of the community to create a centre of
excellence in therapeutic child care services which encourages young people to
reach their full potential. The school caters for pupils with behavioural, social and
emotional needs between the ages of 8-17. All of the students on the school role are
Children in Care, entitled to FSC and live in one of the community’s homes or a
foster homes.
The school works alongside a resident therapist team, including a resident
Psychologist to help young people work through difficult emotional and behavioural
difficulties which often present as extreme barriers to their learning. Many of the
pupils at Sallygate School have had multi placements within homes and schools
which have broken down due to their emotional and behavioural needs. Sallygate
School implements various strategies, including small groups with a high staffing
ratio, to help the pupils manage these issues while at the same time understands
that giving time and displaying patience is crucial in ensuring they become good
The Sallygate School and Channels and Choices have no political affiliation of any
type and do not promote any political viewpoint.
The Sallygate School provides 39 weeks of full time education for boys and girls of
8-17 who have behavioural, social and emotional difficulties. Pupils attending the
school are referred via Channels and Choices as part of a joint service including care
and education. Every effort is made to ensure that the child is appropriately placed
and that the provision offered by the school matches the needs of the child. Where it
is thought appropriate, integration into mainstream or special schooling will be
considered as part of a clearly defined pathway for the child.
In all cases pupils will be considered for admission if:
The pupil’s educational needs, including those outlined on their Statements or
Education and Health Care plans can be met.
There is a place in an appropriate class and/or year group.
Their admission would not seriously disrupt the education of current students.
Pupils for whom English is an additional language are admitted only providing that
they meet the above criteria. For such pupils additional support is provided on a 1:1
basis or within very small teaching groups.
The Sallygate School is committed to complying with the Disability Discrimination Act
1995 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 by:
• Maximising accessibility to the School's services and activities for staff, students,
visitors, and prospective staff and students with disabilities, and to ensure that noone is treated less favourably on the ground of disability.
• Developing a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose
a disability, should they wish to do so, and to discuss reasonable adjustments in
order to promote equal participation in the School's services and activities. In
adherence to the Data Protection Act 1998, such information shall be passed on only
with consent and where there is a legitimate reason to do so.
• Reviewing, monitoring and revising, as appropriate, all School systems,
procedures, facilities, services and buildings in compliance with the DDA and
SENDA in addition to the Human Rights Act 1998, which includes the right not be
denied access to education.
The Curriculum
The Sallygate School offers a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum blended
with the National Curriculum. The teaching is based around a sound knowledge and
understanding of the needs of each student, and is shaped around the ways in which
different students learn. This means that we take care to nurture the individual talent
and aim to respond to the learning needs of every student. The curriculum is
delivered in small teaching groups with qualified teachers who are supported by one
or more learning mentors depending on the needs of the group. The timetable places
a daily emphasis on literacy and numeracy across all Key Stages, and in these
subjects, and in Science, students are offered opportunities to work for early
accreditation where appropriate. All pupils will have differentiated learning where
needed and where gaps in previous learning are identified, individual support is put
in place to ensure that all students reach their learning potential. All students have
their own laptop to support their learning. Physical Education and Games are held off
site in a range of local facilities, and students are able to take part in activities such
as badminton, table tennis, basketball and football. There is a wide range of
vocational activities available including model making, cookery, music, fashion
design, performing arts and hair and beauty. Where appropriate for age and ability,
work experience is discussed and encouraged through the careers and next steps
lessons within PSHE.
2015 Achievements and Results
At the end of the academic year 2014-2015 four students successfully sat and
passed GCSE exams including English, Mathematics, Science and Physical
Education. Results can be seen on request.
All the leavers in July 2015 moved into further education.
Special Educational Needs
Sallygate School is a small day special school for pupils with Behavioural, Social and
Emotional Difficulties and most, if not all, of our pupils will have a Statement of
Special Educational Need, or an Education and Health Care Plan made under the
1996 Education Act. All of the Sallygate School pupils have an Emotional Needs
Assessment from our resident Therapeutic Team and are also assessed by our
resident Clinical Psychologist and consultant Education Psychologist.
The school accepts its responsibility to ensure that the special needs of each pupil
are addressed and reviewed annually.
This is achieved by:
Ensuring annual reviews of all education plans including statements of SEN,
PEP’s and CIC’s are completed on time and amended accordingly
Individual Education Plans which includes academic and behaviour targets
are reviewed and amended accordingly
Small class sizes with experienced staff
The provision ensures there is a broad and balanced curriculum blended with
the National Curriculum
Religious Education / Personal, Social and Health Education / Sex Education
Sallygate School promotes tolerance and respect for different beliefs and cultures as
part of contributing to a multi-cultural society. Religious Education is delivered within
the PSHE curriculum. Although the school is not affiliated to any particular religious
denomination, a range of moral and spiritual issues are discussed with pupils during
various subjects. Our broad, balanced approach is designed to promote the spiritual
and moral growth of pupils whilst encouraging them to develop an appreciation of
Christianity and other principal religions and cultures.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural agenda is at the heart of our ethos. It is
taught formally through the PSHE, through designated cross curriculum activities,
and through the day to day exchanges and relationships of the members of the
It is a requirement of the 1993 Education Act that sex education be taught as a part
of the National Curriculum. At Sallygate School this is delivered via PSHE and
science lessons, enabling pupils to gain a knowledge of sexual health and human
development so that they can make sensible choices.
Extra-Curricular Activities
All students take part in a range of educational visits during the course of the school
year. These activities are designed both to underpin the curriculum and to give
opportunities for students to engage with the wider community and learn together. All
school visits are agreed by trained Educational Visits Coordinators and suitable Risk
Assessments are always completed. After school clubs are encouraged to enrich the
learning of our pupils and they currently include Peer Mentoring courses, music
technology and drumming lessons.
Behaviour and Discipline
Sallygate School works consistently to encourage all students to behave and to take
responsibility for their own actions. An effective school traffic light system is in place
that ensures students take responsibility and accept consequences of losing ‘special
subject’ time for their behaviours. While many of our students enter the school with
a chequered behavioural history, we believe that all students can make positive
progress to reverse patterns of poor behaviour. Where behaviour affects the pupil’s
own or other’s learning, various consequences may result such as removal from
certain activities. In extreme cases a student may be sent home and where there is a
serious breach of the school rules the pupils may be excluded for short periods of
time. Persistent, serious contravening of the school rules, including violence and
general risk to self, other students or to staff, could result in permanent exclusion
although the school sees this as a very last resort to be employed only after serious
consideration and consultation. Any incidents, whether behavioural or racist in
nature, will be recorded and dealt with promptly and appropriately. Any damage
deliberately caused to school property or equipment will result in the pupil being
billed to cover the costs of repair or replacement. The School Behaviour
Management Policy is available on request.
Safeguarding Children
Sallygate School will:
Arrange to take all reasonable measures to ensure the risks of harm to students are
minimised, and arrange to take all appropriate actions to address concerns about the
welfare of students, working within agreed policies and procedures in partnership
with other local services. Every effort is made to provide both protection and care for
every student. The school has a very dedicated team of teachers and non-teaching
staff who have a great collective experience in recognising indicators that a student
may need support and monitoring. All staff are trained in Child Protection. A copy of
the Safeguarding Policy is available on request. Each student has a form teacher
and dedicated learning mentors who are responsible for day to day pastoral support,
and for monitoring changes and developments in his / her life and / or behaviour.
The Headteacher and School Operations Manager are available to help with any
issues which cannot be resolved by tutorial staff. All staff contribute to the on-going
care of the students, and issues regarding the students are the focus of daily
briefings and de-briefs amongst school staff. Close contact is maintained with the
students’ homes, Social workers and Local authorities to ensure that any action
taken is in the best interests of the child.
Bullying/Health and Safety/Care and Control
Bullying is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated at the Sallygate School. The
school records all incidents of bullying and these are responded to promptly. Pupils
are reminded of their responsibilities in this matter by all staff consistently throughout
the school year. Copies of the Anti-Bullying Policy are available on request. A copy
of the Safeguarding Policy is available on request. A copy of the Health and Safety
Policy is available on request. A copy of the Care and Control Policy is available on
“The provision for students’ welfare, health and safety is good. Students settle well
into the school after a period of interruption in their schooling. Students feel safe and
secure. They respond well to individual staff and their expectations.” OFSTED
February 2013
Physical Intervention
All staff are qualified in the Team Teach methodology of physical intervention.
Saying the right thing at the right time can often be the way of preventing or deescalating a situation, but in some cases or situations there is a need for some
physical intervention from staff. Staff at the Sallygate School will only intervene in
order to:
Prevent harm to the child or to other children
Prevent harm to adults
Prevent significant damage to property
Prevent significant disruption to the learning of others
The physical control of young people may involve the use of reasonable force when
there is an immediate risk to students, staff or property or when a student is
disrupting the right to education of other students. It is always seen as a last resort.
A copy of the Care and Control Policy is available on request.
Child Protection
As a school we are responsible for ensuring that all action is taken in line with Local
Authority Child Protection/Child in Need procedures. This process follows the
requirements of central government guidelines. The child protection process is
incorporated in a comprehensive policy and procedure for all our students. The role
of the school within this procedure is to contribute to the identification, referral and
assessment of children in need of this support, including children who may have
suffered, be suffering or who are at risk of, significant harm. All adults in the school
have a role to play in relation to: Protecting children from abuse; Promoting the
welfare of children; Preventing children from being harmed. The school has a
Designated Child Protection Co-ordinator, and all staff are regularly trained in Child
Protection. A copy of the Safeguarding Policy is available on request.
School Uniform
As a school community, we value identity and a sense of pride in the school. School
uniform gives a sense of belonging and this extends to how we present ourselves to
the wider community. Our school uniform was chosen by an elected School Council
and was introduced in September 2014. School uniform is compulsory and
comprises of:
White shirt
Plain black jumper or cardigan
Black blazer
School tie
Black trousers
Black shoes or plain black trainers.
For games all students are expected to wear appropriate games kit:
Black or white trainers
Plain black or white t-shirt or polo shirt
Plain black track suit bottoms/tops (no logos)
Plain black or white sports shorts (suitable length).
For maths students will be provided with equipment for each session. For art
students are recommended to bring over-shirts or aprons. Aprons are also available
in school. Food technology / catering students may be asked to bring oven proof
dishes and / or lidded containers to cook / transport food home.
Mobile Phones / Jewellery / Make up
Mobile phones are not permitted in school. Jewellery should not to be worn, with the
exception of a small cross, crucifix or recognized religious symbol on a simple neck
chain, one plain set of ear studs for secondary students only. We recognise that
school is a significant social setting for many of our students. Nonetheless, make up
should be discreet, and students who bring make up to school may be given a ‘bag
ban’ should they apply inappropriate make up in school.
We recognise that homework can contribute significantly to student progress, and
students are encouraged to take home and complete homework. However, our
students have a range of other learning / developmental activities, as well as
meetings and appointments to attend and we recognise that homework must,
therefore, be supplementary, rather than essential to the next lesson’s activities.
Timetables and Schemes of Work are available, on request to give a picture of what
students are learning about in each subject each term. This can be used to further
help and encourage home initiatives around what the pupils are learning.
We work with all students and those concerned with their care to ensure that they
know how to raise a complaint and ensure that they receive prompt feedback on any
concerns and / or complaints raised. We aim to ensure that students know their
rights, are free to exercise them and that the system is capable of giving their
complaints fair and impartial consideration. Complaints should be made in the first
instance to either the Headteacher or the School Operations Manager. When this
does not lead to the issue being satisfactorily resolved, the Directors of Channels
and Choices should be contacted. A copy of the complaints procedure can be seen
on the wall on entry to the school, in classrooms and in the staff room. A copy is
available on request.
School Policies
Sallygate Policies and procedures include the following and a copy of these are
available on request.
Admissions Policy
Adults Complaints Policy
Allegations Against Members of Staff Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Anti-Racism Policy
Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy
Attendance Policy
Care and Control Policy
Children’s Representation and Complaints Policy
Curriculum Policy
Data Protection Policy
English as an Additional Language, Gifted and Talented and Special Educational Needs
E-Safety Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Exclusions Policy
First Aid Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Internal Assessment and Appeals Policy
Literacy and English Policy
Lone Working Policy
Marking Policy
Non-Smoking Policy
Numeracy and Mathematics Policy
Out of Class and Absconding Policy
Partisan Political Views Policy
Public Interest Disclosure (Whistle Blowing) Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Sallygate School Term Dates for 2015-2016
TERM 1 – 8th Sept 2015 – 23rd Oct 2015
TERM 2 – 9th Nov 2015 – 18th Dec 2015
TERM 3 – 4th Jan 2016 – 12th Feb 2016
TERM 4 – 22nd Feb 2016 – 24th Mar 2016
TERM 5 – 11th Apr 2016 – 27th May 2016
TERM 6 – Jun 13th 2016 – 29th Jul 2016
2016 – 2017 TERM 1 will begin on 30th Aug 2016
Please note that school is closed for bank holidays:
31st Aug 2015
25th Dec 2015
28th Dec 2015
1st Jan 2016
25th Mar 2016
28th Mar 2016
2nd May 2016
30th May 2016
29th Aug 2016