Beds SU Aspects and Impacts Action Plan Date – January 2015 Update PRIORITY AREA 1. a) Printing Printing in SU offices Aspect SU Staff Printing Positive Impact Reduced paper consumption Reduced paper consumption 2. a) Lack of Recycling Staff Recycling Awareness SU Purchasing Recycled paper increases sustainability SU Staff Behaviour Reduced Waste ACTION SU Staff to print less – Awareness raising Double sided printing – SU Staff encouraged to print double sided Computers to be reset Purchase 100% recycled paper for printers Increased Recycling – Increased paper recycling and general recycling Motivate Staff to Lead by Example b) Glass Recycling c) Student Recycling Awareness Student Behaviour Reduced Waste Glass Recycling – Glass recycling in SU Bars Reduced Waste Increased Recycling – Increased recycling awareness Key Performance Indicator / Target By when (end of) PROGRESS / COMMENTS Less paper purchased; Less jobs sent to the printer Reduction in staff printing of 5% Less paper purchased June 2015 Staff are now more aware of printing, photocopier data is recorded as part of Green Impact Feb 2015 Not all computers set to this after large updates Evidence of recycled paper purchased October 2014 Paper is now 100 % recycled Increased awareness from staff about recycling; Increased recycling visibility – bins, posters etc… New posters to be developed Evidence of staff awareness/motivation campaigns Email reminder Glass recycling bins in bars; Increased glass recycling in bars Increased awareness through survey; Visible campaigns on recycling Posters are on Beds SU bins Feb 2015 More staff are observed to be engaging with recycling bins Jan 15 Continuing June 15 Glass recycling bins were purchased for SU bar Initial results are in from 1st year Green Gauge Survey (58.3%) d) 3. a) UoB/Beds SU Recycling Waste Cup Usage Paper June 15 Student Behaviour Reduced Waste Run talk shows / stalls – Raise awareness General Recycling Reduced Waste Ensure that all general waste bins and recycling bins are placed together Produce a waste/recycling publication Run a day event for recycling Visual checks June 15 Evidence of the publication Evidence of the event June 15 ‘Lug a Mug’ – Using a reusable mug at work SU venues purchasing less paper cups; More staff have their own mugs SU venues purchasing less paper cups – Feb 15 Less paper purchased Feb 15 Less paper thrown out/recycled; More visible use of devices in meetings Less paper purchased; Orders for recycled paper note pads Ongoing SU Staff Behaviour Increased waste diverted from disposal Student Behaviour b) Increase in % students recycling (GG survey) to 65% Evidence of talk shows taking place; Increased awareness through survey SU Staff Behaviour SU Purchasing Increased waste diverted from disposal ‘Lug a Mug’ – Students bring their own mug/refillable for hot drinks in SU Venues possibility of discount to be discussed Use Scrap Paper for Notes One sided printed paper stored Use ipads/tablets/laptops in meetings Use recycled paper/note pads June 15 Feb 15 Ongoing 100% recycled paper purchased and in use c) Clothing Waste Student Behaviour Increased waste diverted from disposal Run an end of year clothes collection in halls Run swap shops 4. a) Transport Staff inter-campus travel SU Staff Travel CO2 reduced Skype meetings are favoured over inter-campus travel Lift share scheme 5. a) b) Energy Equipment left on Lighting left on SU Staff Behaviour SU Offices Energy saved Energy saved Switch off office equipment – Screens, PC’s, Laptops, Phone chargers etc… Could encourage staff to turn monitors off when out for breaks not just end of day Check power down software and install Improve labeling Microwave in GM16 turned off when not in use Label it Switch off lights on bright CO2 savings from clothes re-used, amount of bags donated – increase to 0.5 tons CO2e or approx. 160 bags from 0.37 (120 bags at end of June 2014) Increase CO2e from 0.028 to 0ver 0.05 June 2015 Reduction in expense claims between campuses; Lowered CO2 footprint on business mile calculator form Increased number of staff registered on scheme June 2015 Reduction in SU Office energy consumption; Increased awareness from staff June 2015 Visual Checks, Awareness raising label in place Reduction in office June 2015 Successful clothes collection carried out saving 0.37 tons CO2e Swap shops very popular Staff travel is now monitored each month for Green Impact June 2015 June 2015 Posters/Labelling is in place around the offices SU Staff Behaviour C) d) Temperature Control 6. a) Position of equipment Other Indoor Office Plants b) Student Eats SU Staff Behaviour SU behaviour Energy saved Energy saved Energy saved SU Office Air Quality and Aesthetics Reduced food miles days energy use Switch off sockets when not in use – more labels Visual checks of plug sockets; Awareness raising evidence June 2015 Visual Checks June 2015 Visual checks, Having a thermometer in the offices, not as hot in summer June 2015 Visual Checks. Awareness raising, not as cold in winter Visual Checks, Awareness raising June 2015 Lobbying June 2015 possibility to include labelling ‘Turn off the light if last out’ Lights could be switched off in G111 on bright days Closing G111 Blinds – Heat could be reduced in summer months Close blinds in G111 at night in winter Windows Open Over Night – Not leaving windows open over night Ensuring radiators aren’t blocked and that thermostats are operational Discuss with UoB the temperature and better regulation Fridge in GM16 close to copier – investigate moving it Indoor plants installed as part of a Student Led Project – These could be labelled to show why they are in place Plants purchased for Bedford Increasing the weight yield from the garden from year 1 totals. Feb 2015 Feb 2015 Visual Checks, Reduction in indoor CO2 ppm and improved air quality June 2015 Weighing food June 2015 Reduction in CO2 observed and increased air quality. Staff engagement with sustainability, everyone asks about the plants