APUSH: Chapters 1-4 Identifications & Short Essay Questions

APUSH: Chapters 1-4 Identifications & Short Essay Questions
Briefly identify each of the following terms and short essays in order to make sure that you are familiar with each
for focus writings, discussion, quizzes, and essay tests in class.
Adena/Hopewell cultures
Kinship/Manitou/social reciprocity
Enclosure movement
Atlantic slave trade
Columbian Exchange
Virginia Company of London
Captain John Smith/John Rolfe/Powhatan/Pocahontas
Headright system
Puritans (separatists and non-separatists)
Mayflower Compact
Great English (Puritan) Migration
John Winthrop
Praying towns
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
General Court/Town meetings
Little commonwealth
Half-Way Covenant
King Philip’s War
Salem witchcraft hysteria
House of Burgesses
Lord Baltimore/Maryland Act for Religious Toleration
Indentured servitude
Bacon’s Rebellion
Racial slavery
New Netherland
Duke of York (James II)
William Penn/Quakers
New France/seigneurs/coureurs de bois
Dominion of New England
Sir Edmund Andros
King William’s War
Mercantilism/Navigation Acts
Stono Rebellion
James Oglethorpe
English Bill of Rights
John Peter Zenger
Enlightenment/Ben Franklin/Poor Richard’s
Almanack/American Philosophical Society
Great Awakening/Jonathan Edwards/George Whitefield/Old
Lights/New Lights
Short Essay Questions:
(Chapter 2) Evaluate the “Black Legend” and write a persuasive statement for or against the work of the Spanish in the New
World. Give several examples to support your position and refer specifically to the works/views of Sepulveda and de las
Casas on this subject (see The American Spirit, pp. 3-6).
(Chapter 2) Characterize the goals and the strengths of the colonial efforts of Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands.
You can use a chart to respond to this question.
(Chapter 3) Explain the goals of John Winthrop’s “city upon a hill” and evaluate whether or not these goals supported the
successful growth of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Refer to The American Spirit, pp. 46-53, for additional background.
(Chapter 3) The authors of your textbook blame the events in Salem in 1691-92 on social and economic changes more than
on religion or mass hysteria. What factors brought about the Salem witchcraft hysteria and trials and what impact did it have
on the influence of Puritanism?
(Chapter 4) List at least 8 reasons for the fast growth of colonial population during the 18 th century.
(Chapter 4) What was the Great Awakening and how did it help to shape American culture in the mid-1700s? Refer to The
American Spirit, pp. 94-97 for additional background.