Narratives – Darlene 1-1 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Okay, so you can get all of the offline stuff no trouble, but the online classes you can’t do that from home? (287-8) if I’m home sick and we got an online class (274) I’m missing some program and he won’t, I can’t find it on the Internet anywhere to install it. (279-80) So I can get there, but I can’t hear nothing and none of the stuff will come up right. (284-5) Resolution I’m barely able to figure out them from online (299) I just asks my classmates who I’m with. (299-300) Coda I haven’t accessed any recorded classes (304) it will not work for me whatsoever (305) Narratives – Darlene 1-2 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Last online class I was completely lost cause we are doing Maceth (315) this is the first online class that I have been to (316) I was a little lost and didn’t understand what we were doing and who the characters were (320) I was probably quiet that class (321) Resolution Coda But I asked questions, trying to figure out who the people were and Mr. Martin went over the question best he could (325-326) tried to explain it to me (326) I still don’t under that play, not yet, not quite (327) Narratives – Darlene 1-3 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda do you typically use the mic for that or do you typically do that in the direct messaging? (336-7) when you say you ask or answer questions (336) my mic so not word, I think it’s a problem with the computer or it might be the mic, I don’t know, but this is the third set of mics that I’ve had. (343-345) And none of them work, they keep breaking (353) Oh, I direct message it. (339) Yeah, I think they dislike me a lot. (357) Narratives – Darlene 1-4 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda I’m a bit late on most of my assignments (368-369) some people don’t have their homework in, like me (368) Cause work is piled on every night (373) try to get it all done, but I gets ‘em on time, if, or a little bit after (373374) he just says some people haven’t got homework in and he’d like to see everyone get it in by such and such a date (378-379) so I can still get a good mark (374) Narratives – Darlene 1-5 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda does he call upon specific people or does he put a general call out there (415-416) he generally asks that, but when he asks people to read, he’ll take, he’ll just ask would anyone like to read (419-420) if no one volunteers, he’ll ask specific people (421) if they’re mics don’t work or their sick and their throat is bad (421-422) he’s just say that’s alright and move on to someone else (422-423) Only for reading though (431) Narratives – Darlene 1-6 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda how often do you use your offline time for school work for your classroom based courses (671-2) normally only, like, to study for a test or if I got something for English (674) but in math, I’m doing it home and I’m not sure what I’m doing (679) I need somebody here to help me, so I normally do it when I’m in class (679-80) in school when I got a bit of free time (681) That’s pretty much it (678) Narratives – Darlene 1-7 Abstract Orientation think about a time during the past month, where you had trouble with the content of your CDLI course (699-700) where did you go for help? (704) the, my students in the CDLI (706) The ones around me Kathy, Max, Dayna and Mya. (710) Complication Evaluation some of them really seems to understand it (714-715) I’m too shy to ask the other students in the class (715) I’ve asked sir, I’ve asked Bill Martin about it. (715-716) And he helped where possible that where I question, I ask questions in class it involves. (720-721) And he just told me to go to all the, he’s got like notes written up on them. (725) Resolution Coda And quotes and all that, so I just printed all that off and I went over it with Dayna and Kathy and everybody in there, explain it to me and now I’ve just got to read it over myself and actually read the play. (729-731) And if I’ve got anymore questions I’ll go to Mr. Martin about it (735) that’s basically the two groups of people that I go to (735-736) Narratives – Darlene 1-8 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda would you say that you prefer your CDLI classes or do you prefer your classroom based courses? (906-907) For English, for anything relating to English I prefer online, I don’t know how I’d do in a math or a science course, I’d probably do really bad in those though. (909-910) I need a, like a one to one, I really need the teacher there for those, those kind of things, I don’t know, well (914-915) I know with math I need someone there actually pointing out to me what to do (916-917) I can look at papers and questions, examples guided out (917-918) but I still won’t know how to do them (918-919) Narratives – Darlene 1-9 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda would you say that your CDLI courses are more work, less work, or about the same amount of work as your classroom-based courses? (934935) I know in English that we’ve got here, the basic English course they’re offering, it seems like their assignments are basic, are just about the same as our’s, except our’s are, sometimes our’s are more difficult and sometimes I looks at their’s and like, my God, I wouldn’t be able to do that, but I’d say it’s pretty much the same, but I still like online a lot better. (937-941) Our assignments, well, he’s starting to pile them on us now (laughs) cause I’ve got an assignment on my novel, I’ve got that due on Friday, I’m pretty sure that’s going to be late considering my book isn’t done yet, I’ve got a really long, complicated book and I haven’t go that read yet, and we’re doing Macbeth now and that’s a really complicated play (945949) we’re all trying to figure that out as best we can, we got questions due in that, and then we had the ad assignment the week before which I just past in today, I know I’m bad (laughs) and we’re work, and we’re working on the grad book, we’re late on that one, so we’ve been doing that today and trying to get everything in last week and we had, got an exam, a few exams last week, so we’re a little bit rushed with everything now (949954) but especially English, well at least me (954-955) I’m especially rushed I think (955) Narratives – Darlene 2-1 Abstract Orientation Complication think back to the last online class that you had (478) if I’m a fly on the wall watching you during that class, what would I have seen you do? (482-483) Sit down, CDLI, trying to get my headphones to work, and going through my Macbeth play, trying to figure out where we were to. (485-486) We missed the class before because the power went out and we got kicked off the server, so we missed that online class and he went on so I was completely lost. (490-491) you’re trying to get your headphones working, how long have they not worked? (493-494) Ever since, ever since the beginning of the year, this is the fourth set of headphones that I’ve had. (496-497) Evaluation The pair that they got me that sent out he to, cause I had the headphones from last year, but they didn’t work, then he had to send me out two other ones. (501-502) But other than that I just takes them off the rack and uses ‘em. (506) Resolution Coda But they don’t work either, one of got the left headphone gone and the other got the right headphone gone (510-511) I just said screw it I’m using this one, I can have hear him (511-512) I’ll just go deaf in one ear (512) Narratives – Darlene 2-2 Abstract Orientation Evaluation are you interacting with the teacher and the other students? (524-525) When he asks questions I’m always answering them, if I can figure them out or else because I haven’t got a clue. (527-528) Oh my mic has never worked, I’ve been able to talk to him twice, I don’t think any of the headphones in our school works right (533-534) But I think I’ve talked to him a total of two or three times. (540) Resolution Coda I’m all, I hates talking on the mic. (548) I normally just types mine (553) That’s why no one usually uses the mic (566) Complication Narratives – Darlene 2-3 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda think back to your last offline class (740) if I’m a fly on the wall watching you during that class, what do I see? (740-741) last offline class that we had, the power went off (743) we never had anything to do because we had our assignments passed in and we just going over the novel , so we basically sat around talking to each other and I was taking pictures with my camera. (744-746) he never assigned us any other work, so, still hasn’t except that we got one question and I’m doing that tomorrow because report cards are soon coming out, so he’s not assigning nothing else until after Easter, except for the test, so we never had nothing to do, we could have studied but never done that (laughs), so we just talking about this and that, and some people were on MSN, I think, no we weren’t on MSN because the computer wouldn’t connect. (750-755) For the whole class, we were just sitting around talking to each other, complaining because the power was off and we were missing class and I was taking pictures (laughs). (759-761) And we’re, we’re doing stuff on grad book too, that day. (765) That was a fun free period (laughs). (777) Narratives – Darlene 2-4 Abstract Orientation Okay, alright, umm, think over the past month, so since the last time since we’ve talked, to a time where you’ve needed help with some of the content, describe for me the process that you went through to, to try to get that help? (861-863) Make Kathy help me (865) Okay, what was it, what was she helping you with? (867) Complicating Action Evaluation Macbeth (laughs). (869) you had a question about some of the content in Macbeth (871) She showed me her questions, I read off those to get a sense of it, she gave me her notes so I could read off them, she explained the best she could and printed off more notes for me on the computer that she had from the, the whiteboard (878-880) they already, they’re doing the same thing that I’m doing and they got a better grasp of, grasp of it than I did. (893-894) If I got to a teacher, I got to explain to them the questions, and explain what I don’t get, and besides, with Kathy, how do you do this, is all I got to say and since she’s doing the same thing she’ll know what it is and she’ll tell me if she understands it, and if she do, tell me what it’s about. (898-901) Resolution If not, I’ll ask teacher. (905) Or do research. (909) Google! (914) Coda Google has all the answers, and if it doesn’t I’ll cry. (922) Narratives – Darlene 2-5 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda Okay, alright, umm, last interview, we chatted a little bit about the things that you liked about your CDLI class, what are some things that you dislike about them? (1005-1007) You don’t get to have as many classes with your teacher, sometimes you’re offline and, it just gives you the chance to not do anything, there’s no supervision, now I’m not complaining about the no supervision but it’s just nice to have a teacher around if you got any questions. (1009-1012) normally you can’t contact him (1016) you got an offline class and if you got a problem come to me and I’ll help you with it go, I knows in writing and in English, I’ve got on sometimes to ask him a question and I’d be there talking away to myself and he was either away or on the phone or something, but his name was there and he never answered so I got off (laughing), got frustrated and got off. (1017-1021) I just sends him mail and when he answers me, I’m normally home, I just checks CDLI every night for that. (1025-1026) I don’t know any other way. (1035) Narratives – Darlene 3-1 Abstract Orientation think about a time where you’ve needed help with some of the contents of your CDLI course, can you describe to me the process that you went through ton get that help? (269-272) I Google it and get some information then I’d ask Kathy to explain it to me (laughs). (278-279) If Kathy didn’t know the answer or if she was only able to give you half the story what would your next strategy be? (287-288) I sit there in one class mainly just before the test I’d sit there and ask the crowd to explain it to me (290-291) Complication If I knew as much as I did on my sheets then I’d study over that for a little bit (295) so you wouldn’t typically say contact your online teacher for help? (302-303) Naw. (305) Evaluation Resolution Coda I don’t know why, its just something about the computer, I can’t do it. (309) Its like they expects me to talk through the mic and I can’t do that either, my mic don’t work. (313-314) the only time I emails him is if my assignments are late or something like that there (319-320) I might explain why and that I’d have it in soon (320-321) I just tells him that I was sick and that I’m sorry I missed so many online classes (321-322) Narratives – Darlene 3-2 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda if there was something that you could change about either the things that he does or the stuff that you find in WebCT, what would it be? (461-462) I likes the way WebCT is set-up, can’t say there’s really anything I’d change except actually asking the teacher to be able to help you (464-465) just get a hold of the teachers easier. (471) Cause sometimes when I did have a problem mainly, this was probably in writing in grade ten, I tried to get in and talk to him in an offline class and I send him five or six messages and he wouldn’t, he was away talking on the phone of something, and you didn’t know, and you’d leave, get off again. (475-478) And you’d have no way of getting a hold of him, and you’d call it would be busy, just hard getting a hold of teachers (482-483) I know some people in this class and other online classes got the same problem sometimes. (483-484) Trying to get a hold of teacher. (488) Narratives – Darlene 3-3 Abstract Orientation think about the lessons that you’ve used, either in your English course or your writing course (494-495) Can you think of, of one of them that you’ve actually gone through that you thought was particularly good? (501-502) I used to go in writing because that’s where all my assignments used to be. (503-504) But with English he sends them out, like on this whole other page, so I don’t really need to go into them then, but I remember goin’ into one with Macbeth, I don’t know what it was called, but it had stuff there about the characters and the plot. (509-512) And I went down and I actually figured out what the novel was about (laughs). (516) Just like explain it to myself all over again, oh I know, you had to click on the lesson and you had to click on something else and something else and it would bring you to the, like a little video thingy would pop up. (521-523) And then you wait a while for it to load and all the, just t would come out every sentence or every paragraph, I can’t remember now, and it would just tell you what it was and there would be a little picture on the bottom and it would keep going like that for every couple of pages, it might have been, I don’t want to lie and say twenty pages, but I don’t really know how many, but I knows it’s a good lot. (527-531) And words would pop up. (536) There’d be words there and then there’d just be a little picture from the play. (540) a picture of the character or a picture of the scene because some of it was about the play. (544-545) they had someone reading but I had to turn it off because it irritated me. (549) I waited for it all to load and read it over and printed it off for notes. (553) There was a next button, but it, then I had to wait for it to load, so I Narratives – Darlene Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda got rid of that and I went loaded up my own notes and waited until it all loaded and then I just went through and copied and pasted so I could print it from there. (559-561) The loading part irritated me. (565) It was so slow. (569) everyone was online and I knows me and Kathy were in it and, and it might have been someone else, but they all had their programs going and I had a couple of other things going, like Word Perfect and I knows I had Google going again (578-581) I’m sure of it, I was just slowing down the computer (581) a bit behind. (581) Narratives – Darlene 3-4 Abstract Orientation have you ever gone in and went through one of those that, you kind of, when you were finished said, well, that was a waste of time? (600-601) That’s why I don’t go in them (laughs) that’s the way I feels about most of them because it just tells me what I should know and tells me what I’ve learned, but there’s nothing there for me to actually learn, so I don’t, I don’t even bother to go in them. (603-606) I can be more productive by not going there. (610) Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda I know at the first of the year I went into, and then I went in again Macbeth, and that was only because Kathy found it and told me I should go see it, other than that I wouldn’t have known it was there. (615-617) It just tells me things I should know, but that’s why I’m going there to figure it out, and they just tells me I should know it and I don’t (laughs), there’s not really any information there (620-622) At least I don’t think there’s not, I don’t know, I could be overlooking the good ones, but the ones I’ve been they’ve, there’ve been nothing there and I never actually got that far where the test myself thingy is to, maybe that’s where all the information is (laughs). (627-630) Yes and it drives me nut because you got to click on some many things. (638) I can’t remember (laughs). (648) Narratives – Darlene 3-5 Abstract Orientation Complication Evaluation Resolution Coda if you had to give the guys who design these lessons one suggestion to improve these things, what would you tell them? (657-659) it’s too long and you got to click on so much stuff and half the time I gets lost, so I just X out the screen. (654-655) Don’t make me do more work (661) take out the activities thing, cause that’s just creating more work on yourself if you actually got to do that, take that out altogether (laughs). (661-663) And just put all of the information on one page and the top has links and when you clicks on it you go down half way instead of having to click on all these little buttons up top and then you don’t have a clue where you’re to (667-669) it might just be me, computers are evil and complicated little things. (669) Well, sometimes, other than that they are my best friends. (674)