Amended IEP Instructions - Special Education

Amended IEPs on EdPlan for Part B Ages 3-21
January 2016
Appropriate Uses of the Amended IEP for SPPS:
 Removal or decrease in transportation services
 Extended School Year – change from need more information to “yes/no” decision. Fill out ESY section on EdPlan as needed.
 Behavior Intervention Plan changes
 Progress reporting frequency and months
 LRE justification statement and general education classes the student is removed from in order to receive specialized
services and related services
 Instructional modifications
 Accommodations or modifications for state or district assessments
When NOT to Use the Amended IEP:
 Any change in federal setting (no decrease or increase of federal setting without an IEP team meeting)
 Changes in goals and objectives
 Increases to a more restrictive Federal Instructional Setting
 Changes in services including related service
 Additions of transportation or paraprofessional services
 Addition of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) to an IEP
1. Communicate among service providers on the IEP about changes being suggested to be sure there is agreement to pursue
amending the IEP.
2. Call parent to inform them of the proposed change (e.g. decrease in service minutes in academic instruction). Explain
parent rights (e.g. the parent does have the right to meet), and that the change can be added to the IEP by informing them
of the change and sending out the PWN for signature. If the parent would like an IEP meeting, then the IEP meeting should
be scheduled. Otherwise, proceed with the procedures for amending an IEP. Use an interpreter if needed as noted in the
student’s file. If parent agrees to no meeting, log this in the contact log on EdPlan for the student. You must log the parent
agreement under Contacts in order to be in compliance of federal regulations.
3. Amended IEP follows the same process as the annual /initial IEPs in EdPlan.
a. Complete the changes to the text that currently exists in the IEP Process section.
b. When you are ready to finalize the IEP, click on Create a Final Draft,
c. When asked what type of IEP this is, select Amended IEP from the dropdown menu. Do not change the IEP
meeting date.
d. Click on Create Final IEP.
4. Notify all members of the IEP team of the changes within a reasonable timeline.
5. Create a Prior Written Notice to be sent home with the Amended IEP for the parent. Highlight changes made to the IEP for
ease of finding the change.
Sample language for the PWN:
a. Proposed Action: The St Paul Public Schools is proposing to amend (Student’s) IEP to decrease specialized
instruction in math.
b. Why Action: (Student) has made progress in the area of math and does not need the current amount of service to
make progress on IEP goals and objectives.
c. Based on: observations, teacher reports, informal testing results
d. Other options considered/rejected: The IEP considered keeping the current service minutes for math. However,
the IEP team rejected this option because (student) is making progress in the area of math calculation in the
general curriculum with instruction from his general education teacher.
e. Other factors: none