NAME:_________________________________ COLOR: R B G Y DATE:_____________ Neolithic Communites The first Neolithic communities lived in densely built settlements and numbered 50-300 individuals. During the Middle Neolithic, the basic unit of society was the clan or extended family that consisted of parents, children, grandparents and other close members. Its members lived in one or more neighboring houses, that formed households sharing hearths (fireplace) and ovens situated in open spaces for common use, in between the houses. These households practiced a mixed farming and animal raising economy. Production was shared and did not allow for economic wealth and therefore people did not feel jealousy towards others. The social roles in each community were defined on the basis of gender, age, and participation in communal processes. Through the farming and animal raising economy the roles of both sexes were defined. Judging from the numerous female figurines, the role of the woman in Neolithic society seems to have been somewhat important. Existing data has not provided though clear evidence as to whether Neolithic society was female or male centered. From the beginning of the Late Neolithic an increase in population has been observed, with changes in the number and the inner organization of settlements, as well as in economy. In architecture, large, rectangular buildings were used, capable of housing large families. Hearths and ovens ceased to be commonly used and were constructed in the interior of houses. In economy there was specialization (pursuing a particular line of work) in production e.g. in pottery and jewelry of seashell, while at the same time cultural and trade developed. This brought about changes in community makeup, the main unit of which was by now the nuclear family. The first attempts at specialization in production, developing trade and exchanges had a clear impact on communal work and social relationships, which characterized previous periods. New conditions and values developing in Neolithic society were reflected in distinctive objects, owned only by a few members of the community during the Late Neolithic. These objects were symbols of social power and consisted of: leaf-shaped arrow heads, jewelry of gold or silver (ring idol pendants, strips of gold), jewelry of seashell and copper tools. Guided Reading Questions: 1) They way people lived changed from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age but according to the reading the way people lived changed drastically from the beginning to the end of the Neolithic Age. What changed occurred during the Neolithic Age and what evidence supports these changes?