Laboration 3/SPEED UP

Laboration 3/SPEED UP
Course description
Ädellab, MA2, tutor Karen Pontoppidan
Laboration 3 consists of the following three learning elements:
2,5 ECTS
Speed Up
Green Light
3,5 ECTS
Laboration 3 is the “Speed Up”: the final period of experimenting leading up to the degree-projects. In this period the
students will work self-conducted, using their ideas for the master-project as a platform for try-outs and material
investigations. Hereby is the focus not on finished results but on playfully investigation and on deepening their
individual artistic expressions. The hands-on material research is done simultaneously with the theoretic research
within the project.
Laboration 3 starts with the shorter project Workplan where the students develop a detailed plan and schedule for
their exam projects, and thereby demonstrate the professional skills of developing artistic process as well as the skill
of time-management. Guided by a tutor the student will here learn to analyze and reflect on working methods in
relation to results.
Towards the end of Laboration 3 the students will participate in the Green Light evaluation. Following the earlier
formats of evaluations; the Green Light is the last evaluation practice before the exam. The students will present their
exam projects and the results developed within Speed Up, verbally as well as physically. At the Green Light
evaluation the students will receive a result in form of green-light or red-light: an estimation from the teaching-group of
the student’s possibility of passing exam, if the work process is continued similar to the process development up to the
present moment. The Green Light evaluation should be considered a practice for the exam situation, as well as a
moment to reflect and question the project’s development, and a practice in discussing work.
MA2 – Laboration 3/ SPEED UP
Learning outcomes
Examination criteria
Material based research
Upon completing the course, the student is to:
To fulfil the learning outcomes:
Present a coherent body of try-outs and
finished jewellery/corpus pieces reveling a
deeper understanding of material and form
The student presents an individual body of finished
pieces and try-outs. The body of work is
communicating aspects of the chosen exam-work
subject. The body of work is showing an experimental
approach to material and form choices as it includes
different investigations and starting points.
Demonstrate a self-directed and profound
experimental investigation and a subtle selfreflective approach to their work
The student presents a variety of pieces which
demonstrates a development within the project.
Demonstrate an individual contemporary
expression as well as professional technical
solutions within the field of jewellery and
corpus art
The student’s work demonstrates her/his artistic skills
as well as her/his technical knowhow. Each technical
solution is appropriate for the chosen material and
each technical solution is accomplished to perfection in
relation to the expression of the piece. The pieces
have contemporary expressions, as they relate to the
contemporary western culture; this might also include
quotes to other periods or cultures.
Demonstrate profound insight into the
complex relation between the human body,
an object and a space
The choice of material, form and techniques as well as
the cultural references within the work are expressing
the subject of the exam project. The student is able to
reflect on her/his choices in relation to the subject of
the exam-work. The work also communicates the
context in which it should be placed, as well as it refers
to the category of objects it relates to.
Knowledge within the field
Upon completing the course, the student is to:
To fulfil the learning outcomes:
Demonstrate profound insight into the method
of communicating through objects
The choice of material, form and techniques as well as
the cultural references within the work are expressing
the subject of the exam project. The student is able to
reflect on her/his choices in relation to the subject of
the exam-work.
Demonstrate profound knowledge of jewellery
and corpus in an international and
contemporary context
The student is able to reflect on her/his work in relation
to the international field and in relation to the
contemporary situation. This might include referring
and comparing to other artist’s work.
Demonstrate an ability to relate their work in a
social context as well as in a historical context
The student is able to verbally reflect on her/his
choices in relation to the historical tradition within the
field. The student is able to reflect on her/his object
within a social context, this might including
environmental issues, gender issues, role patens or
class systems. The student is able to reflect on her/his
work and its relevance for their field of practice.
Reflective ability
Upon completing the course, the student is to:
To fulfil the learning outcomes:
Actively participate in profound discussions
about our field of practice as well as related
art practices
The student is engaging in the discussion with
students and teachers, pointing out aspects of the
work or the process in relation to other artist’s works or
processes. The student demonstrates insight into art
and craft practices.
Demonstrate the ability to analyze and reflect
on their chosen working methods in relation
to their results
Demonstrate an ability to verbally analyze
and reflect on our field as well as on related
The student is able to verbally reflect on the different
steps of the working process, the choices she/he has
made during the process and how these choices have
let to the result.
The student is able to discuss the fields of craft, art,
jewellery and corpus and their relevance in the
western culture.
Demonstrate self-responsibility for the
working method and for the work process, to
a professional standard.
Demonstrate the skill of time management
within their projects
The student is well prepared for the tutoring and the
evaluation. The student demonstrates analytic insight
into her/his work process. The student demonstrates
the ability to discuss her/his pieces and working
process objectively.