Names: ______________________________________________ Subject: Math HSPA Teacher: Dr. DePaolo Date: _________________ U. S. Population Webquest Introduction Have you ever looked around you and wondered just how many people live in the United States? How many of them live in your state? Are there more males or females? How ethnically diverse is our nation? Well, put on your researching gear, because we are about to jump into a sea of data in search of the answers to these and other related questions. You will look at our nation's population, past and present, and make some predictions about its future. So prepare to learn more about your neighbors and your nation than you ever thought possible. The Task: Below is a brief description of each challenge you will encounter in this WebQuest. The Process section has a detailed description of each activity. Also, the Guidance section has some helpful hints, and the Resource section has useful websites for you to use. Population Challenge 1: First, gather data about the number of males and females in the United States in 2000. Also, find data about the ethnicity of those living in the United States at that time. Then create two graphs that appropriately represent the data. Population Challenge 2: Next, find the population of each state in the United States in 2000. Find measures of central tendency for this data. Use this data to estimate the population of the United States. Find the actual population of the United States and compare to your estimate. Then predict the population of the United States in 2015. Population Challenge 3: Last, create a presentation that includes your data and graphs from Challenges 1 and 2. The Process: Below is a detailed description of each challenge. Population Challenge 1: Find data on the number of males and females in the United States, as well as the ethnicity of the population of the United States in 2000. Print out Worksheet 1 and record your findings. a. Using your knowledge of the various types of graphs, create an appropriate graph for each set of data. b. Explain your choice of graph type in at least two sentences for each set of data. 1 Worksheet 1 Name:_____________________________________ Date:_________________ Fill in each chart with the appropriate information. Ethnicity and U.S. Population in 2000 Number Ethnicity Caucasian African American Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander Other Ethnicity and Gender in 2000 Ethnicity Number of Females Number of Males Caucasian African American Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander Other 2 Population Challenge 2: a. Find and record the population of each state in the United States using Worksheet 2. b. Use your findings to estimate the total population of the United States. Record your estimate on Worksheet 2. c. Find the actual population of the United States and compare this number with your estimate. Record the difference between your estimate and the actual population on Worksheet 2. d. Find the mean, median, and mode of the state population data. Determine which measure best describes the central tendency of the data and explain your reasoning. Record your answers on Worksheet 2. e. Research the change in the U.S. population since 1950. Then create a graph that represents this data. Use your graph to predict the population of the United States in 2015. Explain how you arrived at your prediction in 2-4 sentences. 3 Worksheet 2 Name:_____________________________________ Date:_________________ 1. Fill in the chart with the appropriate information. State Total Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana 4 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 2. Estimate the total population of the United States using the above data. 3. Research to find the actual population of the U.S. What is the difference between your estimation and the actual population? 4. Find the mean, median, and mode of the state population data. Which measure best describes the central tendency of the data? Explain your reasoning. 5. Now that you have researched the history of the population of the U.S., create your graph below or on graph paper. What is your prediction for 2015? Explain your prediction in 24 sentences. 5 Population Challenge 3: Create a presentation that includes the following: Worksheet 1 and both of your graphs on gender and ethnicity in the United States; and Worksheet 2 and your graph of the U.S. population since 1950. Choose one state, research its gender and ethnic make-up in the year 2000. Create two graphs similar to those done in Population Challenge 1 and write a few sentences comparing the gender and ethnic make-up of that state to the gender and ethnic make-up of the United States as a whole. Guidance If you are having difficulties with a particular challenge, take a look at some of the helpful hints below. Population Challenge 1: a. Remember to label and title your graphs. b. The following are the different types of graphs you can choose from: frequency tables, bar graphs, line graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, and circle graphs. Your text has descriptions of each type of graph. c. Since the numbers you are graphing are large, rounding the numbers to the nearest thousand or hundred thousand might be helpful. d. Remember, your second graph has three components: ethnicity, female, and male. All three need to be on the same graph. Population Challenge 2: a. Remember to label and title your graphs. b. Since the numbers you are graphing are large, rounding the numbers to the nearest thousand or hundred thousand might be helpful. c. To review calculating the mean, median, and mode of a set of data, refer to Lesson 2-8 in your text. 6 Population Challenge 3: Some of the presentations that you could create are: a booklet, a poster, or a newspaper/magazine article. Resources: Listed below are two websites that you will find very useful in this webquest. U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Historical Census Data Browser Conclusion: Congratulations! Only a sophisticated and intelligent student could complete such a challenging task! You have successfully completed your job as a Data Analyzer, Researcher, and Sociologist. As you can see, it is important for everyone to be able to analyze and properly display information. You have proven your ability to graph data, find and interpret measures of central tendency, and research real-life problems. We hope you have enjoyed learning about the people that make up our nation. 7 Your final project will be evaluated on the rubric below and will count for 2 test grades for the fourth marking period Evaluation Rubric: Beginning 2 Developing 5 Accomplished 8 Exemplary 10 Challenge 1 Data is almost Data is complete Data is complete Data is accurate and graphs complete and and some graphs and most graphs are accurate. graphs not present present are accurate Challenge 2 Data is almost complete and calculations not shown Data is complete and some calculations shown Challenge 3 Some attempt made to graph data Partial graphs are Most graphs are All graphs are shown and shown shown are accurate Score Data is complete Data is accurate and all and most calculations are shown and calculations are correct shown Group No teamwork and Some teamwork, Most team All team members work Collaboration bad use of time but not all team members collaboratively and members put forthcontribute to the efficiently and are highly the same effort group task and aremotivated motivated Creative Project No signs of a unique presentation Group Not all team Presentation to members the Class participate in presentation Some unique elements but limited original work Presentation shows original thought Presentation stands out in its use of original thinking and visual creativity Presentation is Entire team Team works as a solid unit given by the team,participates in an to make the presentation, but presentation isorganized and using body language and not organized or clear presentation good voice projection to clear address the class Highest points: 60 Lowest points: 12 12/60 = 20%, 30/60 = 50%, 40/60=67%, 50/60=83%, 55/60=92%, 60/60=100% 8 In addition to the final project grade, you will be graded for each day’s work you complete in class starting with day 1. These grades will be class work grades. All work must be submitted in writing and be placed in your group’s folder. If you do not complete each day’s work you must complete it before the next class and your class work grade will be reduced by 10 points. Daily Tasks and Deliverables: Monday: Read the entire webquest. Decide on your two partners. Divide up the tasks. Start researching. List all websites accessed to obtain your information. Each group will be assigned a different year (1990, 2000, 2005, 2010...) in which to research the U.S. population. Tuesday: Each group member must gather information for their respective task. List all websites accessed to obtain your information. List all websites accessed to obtain your information. Wednesday: Each group member must perform calculations and decide on the type of graph appropriate for your data. Thursday: Each group must neatly record all calculations and all graphs. Friday: Group must decide on presentation and prepare a presentation of your research. Your teacher will schedule the date you present it to the class. 9