PhD Research Studentships - Glasgow Caledonian University

University PhD Research Studentship
Glasgow School for Business and Society/
(Wise) Research Centre
Reference Number: S2015GSBS002
Studentship Project Title: Investigating the Economic Costs and Benefits of the Universal State-funded
Provision of Early Years Care and Education
Applications are invited for a full-time PhD research studentship at Glasgow Caledonian University within
the Women in Scotland’s Economy (WiSE) Research Centre in the Glasgow School for Business and
Society. The studentship is for a period of three years, subject to satisfactory progress and provides
payment of tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus an annual stipend of £14,800 [please note that students
from outside the EU are required to pay the difference between International and EU fees, currently this
would amount to £7,100 per annum]. The successful candidate will carry out up to 6 hours of academicrelated work per week as part of their research training.
Research Discipline
Research Theme
Inclusive Societies/Equalities and Justice
Research Project Summary
Access to high quality affordable childcare can make a significant contribution to economic growth by
encouraging labour market participation, particularly of mothers. State funded provision of childcare can
also play an important role in local economic regeneration strategies and tackling area-based poverty in
two major ways. Firstly, it offers increased employment opportunities within the local area and secondly,
gives parents the opportunity to access the wider labour market. Similarly, it could improve the quality of
educational provision for children in areas of deprivation and outcomes in later life. The Scottish
Government’s White Paper on Independence (2013) highlighted the transformational potential of
universal state-funded childcare provision.
The aim of this project would be to identify and measure the economic benefits over the short, medium
and long run of providing a universal system of high quality early learning and childcare for children
from age one to when they enter school. Similarly the project would also identify and measure the short,
medium and long term economic costs associated with such provision.
Supervisory Team
Director of Studies: Emily Thomson, Senior Lecturer, LEAR, GSBS
Second supervisor: Dr Jim Campbell, Reader, LEAR, GSBS
Third supervisor: Dr Leaza McSorley, Lecturer, LEAR, GSBS
Staff Contact
Emily Thomson (x3233)
How to Apply
Applicants should complete the University Research Application Form, available from:
Please send the form, stating the studentship project title and reference number, with a CV, copies of
academic qualifications, references, and any other required documentation to:
The closing date for applications is Monday 13 April 2015