After Activities

Interactive Podcast Lesson
Time Warp Trio: Tut Tut by Jon Scieszka
Joe Ross
Table of Contents
Welcome ....................................................................................................................3
Engagement Activities.................................................................................................4
KWL (Teacher Instruction) ..................................................................................................................................4
KWL (Student Instruction) ...................................................................................................................................4
Advertisement Poster (Teacher Instruction)................................................................................................6
Advertisement (Student Instruction)...............................................................................................................6
During Activities .........................................................................................................7
Diary (Student Instruction) ..................................................................................................................................7
RAFT (Teacher Instruction) .................................................................................................................................8
RAFT (Student Instruction) ..................................................................................................................................9
Vocabulary List (Teacher Instruction) ............................................................................................................9
Vocabulary List (Student Instruction) .............................................................................................................9
After Activities .......................................................................................................... 10
Role Play (Teacher Instruction) ...................................................................................................................... 10
Role Play (Student Instruction) ....................................................................................................................... 11
Epilogue (Teacher Instruction)........................................................................................................................ 11
Epilogue (Student Instruction) ........................................................................................................................ 12
Location Sketch (Teacher Instruction) ......................................................................................................... 12
Location Sketch (Student Instruction).......................................................................................................... 13
Timeline (Teacher Instruction) ....................................................................................................................... 13
Timeline (Student Instruction) ........................................................................................................................ 14
Character Sketch (Teacher Instruction)....................................................................................................... 14
Character Sketch (Student Instruction) ....................................................................................................... 15
Build Your Own Pyramid (Teacher Instruction) ...................................................................................... 15
Build Your Own Pyramid (Student Instruction) ....................................................................................... 16
Time Warp Trio: Tut Tut
Welcome to our interactive Podcast lesson! We have created a Podcast of the
story Time Warp Trio: Tut Tut by Jon Scieszka. This story takes a step back in time
and provides students with the opportunity to explore Ancient Egypt. Tut Tut is a
humorous and engaging story that incorporates adventure while simultaneously
meeting the curriculum outcome.
The Podcast and activities were created to compliment the New Brunswick
Grade Five Curriculum Outcome 5.2.1: Explain how the environment influenced the
development of an Ancient society. While the environment is not specifically the main
focus of each activity, we have ensured that it is integrated in one way or another.
In the following pages you will find activities that can be accomplished before
listening to the Podcast, while listening to the Podcast, and after the Podcast has
been completed. These activities are further categorized according to the necessity
of completion: students could complete the activity, students should complete the
complete the activity, and students must complete the activity.
Some of the activity instruction sheets that follow are for teacher use; we
have created them with the hope that any teacher could take this binder and our
Podcast and successfully conduct various lessons that meet the curriculum outcome.
We have also provided student instruction sheets for each activity that are in a
much simpler format and language, specifically for student use.
Please take the time to fully explore this binder before jumping into the
Podcast in order to gain an understanding of both our curriculum outcome and
goals for each activity.
Engagement Activities
KWL (Teacher Instruction)
- Students will learn about ancient Egypt by being presented with an image of
the Nile River. Students will learn about how the environment influenced the
development of Ancient Egypt.
- Students will actively participate in their learning by completing a chart of
information containing what they know, what they want to know and what
they have learned about the image that is presented.
Type of activity:
- Must
- Before
- Image of the Nile River (see below)
- Chart for students to write their notes on (see below)
- Writing utensil
1. Teacher will put an image of the Nile River up on the SMART board.
2. Students will take the time to look at the image and fill out their chart on
what they know, questions they may have and what they have learned.
3. Students will have the opportunity to ask the teacher questions about the
4. The teacher will give students some background information on the Nile
River (where it is located, etc.)
KWL (Student Instruction)
1. Look at the image of the Nile River
2. What do you see in the image? What do you know? (Record on chart)
3. What questions do you have about the image? What do you want to know?
(Record on chart)
4. What did you learn about the image? (Record on chart)
Image for KWL
Name: ____________________________
K (Know)
Date: _____________________________
W (Want to know)
L (What I have learned)
Advertisement Poster (Teacher Instruction)
Type of activity:
- Should
- Before
- Students will create an advertisement poster to promote a trip to Egypt.
- The poster should attract people to Egypt and promote important features
such as the pyramids and the Nile River. This makes a connection to the
curriculum goal of having students be able to explain how the environment
influenced the development of Ancient Egypt.
 Bristol board, construction paper, blank white paper (their choice)
 Markers, pencils, crayons (their choice)
 Scissors
 Glue
1. Have students look at the cover of Tut Tut.
2. Give them time to think and discuss as a class what they see
3. Brainstorm and write on board what students might see or want to see when
they go to Egypt
4. Discuss parts of an advertisement to be included:
 Name of place (Egypt)
 Attractions to visit when in Egypt (Physical Environment)
 Poster may have information in text form on the country
5. Give materials to students and let them create the advertisement
Advertisement (Student Instruction)
1. Look at the cover of novel – what do you see?
2. Share your thoughts with the class
3. Brainstorm, what would you want to see if you were to go to Egypt?
4. On your poster include:
 Name of place (Egypt)
 Attractions to visit when in Egypt (Physical Environment)
 Information on the country (Not Mandatory)
5. Use blank paper, construction paper, markers, glue, pencil crayons, crayons,
During Activities
- Students will maintain a diary from the standpoint of a specific character,
while listening to the podcast, in order to reflect upon the events that occur
both to and around this character.
- Students will be instructed to focus on how the environment influences this
character throughout the story and reflect upon that in the entries
Type of activity:
- Could
- During
- Podcast
- Pencil & paper (if keeping diary by hand/note taking)
- Laptop (if keeping diary electronically/ note taking)
- Book (for reference, if needed)
5. Students will pick a character that they will “be” as they listen to the podcast
6. Students will listen to the podcast and take notes regarding their character
and their relation to the environment around them
7. Students will complete a diary entry after each chapter, as if they were that
character, explaining events that happened to the character throughout
8. Optional: students can bind the diary after they have completed the entire
podcast and all of their diary entries
Diary (Student Instruction)
1. Pick a character
2. Listen to Podcast
3. Take notes on what happens to the character
4. Take notes on the environment
5. Create a diary entry after each chapter from the perspective of the character
you chose
RAFT (Teacher Instruction)
- Students will actively participate in their own learning by taking on the role
of a character in the assigned reading and vicariously experiencing what that
character experienced in the story
- In taking on this role and presenting their RAFT to a specific audience,
students will demonstrate reading comprehension.
- Students will be asked to incorporate an environment element in their role
play, specially how the environment influenced the development of Ancient
Egypt (this will be the “topic” of the RAFT)
Type of activity:
- Must
- During
- Podcast
- Book (for reference, if needed)
- Paper & pencil (if creating RAFT by hand)
- Laptop (if creating RAFT electronically)
- Role (who are you?)
- Audience (who are you writing to?)
- Format (what style of writing are you creating?)
- Topic (what are you writing about?)
1. After finishing each chapter the students will complete a RAFT
2. Students will choose a character who they are going to “be” while creating
their raft
3. Students will pick an audience, another character that they are writing to
4. Students will pick the format of their writing: letter, newspaper article,
instructions, travel guide, etc.
5. Students will be provided with a topic for their RAFT: explain how the
environment influenced the development of Ancient Egypt
6. Students will create their RAFT using all of the above information
RAFT (Student Instruction)
1. Listen to the Podcast
2. At the end of each chapter complete a RAFT
3. You can pick your role, audience and format.
4. The topic of your RAFT is the environment. Explain how the environment has
influenced the development of Ancient Egypt
Vocabulary List (Teacher Instruction)
- While listening to the Podcast, students will record any vocabulary they do
not understand.
- After listening to the recording students will look up meaning of words or
find meaning from context.
- This will expand on student’s vocabulary.
Type of activity:
- Must
- During
 Podcast
 Book (for reference, as needed)
 Pencil & paper (if writing the vocabulary words by hand)
 Laptop (if recording the vocabulary words electronically)
1. Students listen to Podcast
2. While listening students write down any vocabulary they do not understand
3. After listening, students look up meaning of vocabulary in the dictionary
(hard copy or online)
6. Students may also write their own meaning that they got from the context of
the sentence.
Vocabulary List (Student Instruction)
1. Listen to podcast
2. While listening, write down any vocabulary you do not understand
3. After listening, look up meaning of words
4. You may also write your own meaning using the context of the sentence in
the story
After Activities
Role Play (Teacher Instruction)
- Students will actively participate in their own learning by recreating and
presenting a scene from the assigned reading.
- Students will demonstrate reading comprehension while simultaneously
presenting their peers with a summary of an important event.
- Students will be instructed to create a mural for the background of their roleplay presentation. The mural will incorporate the physical environment
curriculum outcome.
Type of activity:
- Could
- After
- Podcast
- Copy of book (for reference, if needed)
- Costumes
- Paper & pencil (to create script, if writing by hand)
- Laptop (to create script, if typing)
1. Students will select a chapter/significant scene from the book that they want
to use to create a role play
2. Students will create a mural for the backdrop of their role-play, this will
incorporate the physical environment
3. Students will create the script for their role play according to this
4. Students will create costumes/borrow from the class costume box for the
presentation of the role play
5. Students will practice the role play
6. Students will present the role play to the class
7. Class members will take “who, what, when, where, and why” notes on role
play while it is happening and submit their answers as an exit slip
Role Play (Student Instruction)
1. Listen to entire Podcast
2. Pick an important event or chapter
3. Create a mural backdrop for your role-play of the location where it takes
4. Create a script
5. Create costumes/borrow costumes from class costume box
6. Practice role play
7. Present role play to class
Epilogue (Teacher Instruction)
- Students will actively participate in their own learning by putting themselves
in the position of one of the characters to create an epilogue at the end of the
- The students will have an understanding of the point of the view of a specific
character in order to complete this task. This will demonstrate reading
Type of activity:
- Must
- After
- Podcast
- Book (for reference, if needed)
- Paper & pencil (if choosing to write by hand)
- Laptop (if choosing to create epilogue electronically)
1. Students will select a character from the novel that they wish to continue to
explore the story with.
2. Students will brainstorm ideas about how this character’s story might
continue based on a certain circumstances that happened at the end of the
3. Students will then write an epilogue about their chosen character
4. Students will present their epilogue to the class and indicate why they chose
the character that they did to create this epilogue.
5. For further engagement, students can create a comic strip about their
epilogue having pictures to go along with it.
Epilogue (Student Instruction)
1. Select a character from the novel that you found interesting/intriguing
2. Brainstorm by using a word web some of the events that happened to the
character throughout the story.
3. If the story were to continue, what would happen to this character?
4. Write a “continued ending” (epilogue) for the character
5. Present your epilogue to the class
Location Sketch (Teacher Instruction)
- The goal of this activity is to produce a drawing or sketch of the main places
that the characters visited throughout their adventure.
- While listening to the podcast, the student should keep track of the locations
mentioned and draw these in map-like form on paper. This contributes to the
curriculum goal of having students familiar with the physical environment
and it’s influences on the development of an ancient society.
Type of activity:
- Could
- During/after
 Podcast
 Pencil
 Paper
 Markers, crayons, etc.
1. Students listen to Podcast
2. While listening, students records the different locations mentioned in the
story (ex. the Nile River, the trio’s bedroom, etc.)
3. After listening, students are to create a location map that includes all of the
places that they recorded
4. Students will sketch these locations onto their paper, in map form
5. Students can color and label their map
6. Map should include: legend, labels and color
Location Sketch (Student Instruction)
1. Listen to Podcast and record any places the that trio visits (their bedroom,
the Nile, etc.)
2. Imagine where these places would be located on a map, create this map
3. Your map should include sketches, color, and a legend
Timeline (Teacher Instruction)
- Students will demonstrate reading comprehension by creating a timeline of
important events, in chronological order, throughout the assigned reading.
- Students will demonstrate reading comprehension by summarizing the
important events throughout the assigned reading
- It is mandatory that students incorporate environment elements that occur
throughout the story
Type of activity:
- Could
- During/After
- Podcast
- Book (for reference, if needed)
- Paper, pencil, pencil crayons, markers (if creating timeline by hand)
- Laptop (if creating timeline electronically)
- String & clothes pins (if creating a physical timeline in classroom)
1. Students will listen to podcast and note important events throughout the
2. It is mandatory for the students to incorporate environment elements from
the story, specifically those that could explain how the environment
influenced the development of Ancient Egypt (ex. the Nile)
3. After completing the podcast, students will create a timeline of important
events throughout the story.
- Students will have various options as to how they wish to present their
4. The timeline will be in chronological order and include a summary of each
event when it is placed on the timeline.
- The event summaries will be done in the “who, what, when, where, and why”
5. Students will present timeline to the class
Timeline (Student Instruction)
1. Listen to Podcast
2. Note important events (in order) as they occur
3. Make sure you include any reference to the environment (ex. Nile)
4. After you have finished the Podcast, create a timeline.
- Timeline can be done: by hand, on computer, with string and clothes, or
any other creative way you can think of
5. Include event summaries on your timeline
- Event summaries answer the 5 W Questions: who, what, when, where and
6. Present your timeline to the class
Character Sketch (Teacher Instruction)
- Students will demonstrate an in depth understanding of a particular
character by defining a character’s specific personality traits as well as their
physical characteristics.
Type of activity:
- Must
- During/After
- Podcast
- Copy of the book “The Time Warp Trio; Tut Tut”
- Writing utensils (markers, crayons, pencil, pens, etc.)
- Construction paper, bristle board
- Felt, material (if they wish to create their own clothing for their character)
1. Students will choose a character of their choice from the book “Tut Tut”
2. Students will make a word web describing the character’s specific
personality traits and physical characteristics.
3. Students will draw a picture of their character (using art materials to
decorate it how they want)
4. Students will have a choice to do a small write up of their character, including
a picture or create a word wall on a poster with a picture of their character.
5. Students will present their character sketch to the class, also explaining why
they chose the character they did.
Character Sketch (Student Instruction)
1. Choose a character from the book that interested you
2. Make a word web describing the character’s personality traits and physical
3. Draw a picture of your character
4. Add the words that describe your character around the image that you
5. You can add more than just words: other images, poems, and sentences are
all acceptable.
6. Present your character sketch to the class and explain why you chose to
include what you
Build Your Own Pyramid (Teacher Instruction)
- Students will understand the structures that existed in Ancient Egypt and
will be able to create their own pyramid.
- Students will gain an understanding of the physical environment that was
developed in Ancient Egypt
- This activity makes cross-curricular ties to the grade five science unit on
Type of activity:
- Could
- After
 Sugar cubes
 Glue
1. Students can use as many sugar cubes as they want
2. Pyramid must be hollow – just like in Ancient Egypt
3. Create the base of the pyramid and glue less and less sugar cubes until the
pyramid is built
4. Each layer has less sugar cubes than the layer before and the outer edge of
the cube must be glued to the top-middle of the cube underneath in order to
make the shape of a pyramid
Build Your Own Pyramid (Student Instruction)
1. Using as many sugar cubes as needed create a hollow pyramid, just like the
ones created in Ancient Egypt
2. Create the base of the pyramid and glue less and less sugar cubes until the
pyramid is completely built
3. Compare your pyramid with your classmates