Daemen Instructor: Dr. Andrew Kier Wise (Associate Professor and

Daemen Instructor: Dr. Andrew Kier Wise (Associate Professor and Chair, History & Political Science Department)
E-mail: awise@daemen.edu
Office: DS 235
Office hours: By appointment
Office phone: 839-8281
Galicia: One Land, Three Nations. Study abroad in Kraków, Warszawa, Przemyśl (Poland), and Lviv (Ukraine).
July 2014. Lectures and guided tours on Multicultural Poland (3 credit hours in HST); Service Learning project
related to restoration and mapping of Jewish cemetery damaged during World War II (3 credit hours).
Daemen students will be joined by students from Georgia Southern University. These students are enrolled in Dr.
Jacek Lubecki’s study abroad program on Borderlands. Discovering Poland and Ukraine. Politics, Culture and
History. These programs will overlap and will allow both programs to reduce costs in instruction, housing, travel,
Instructors and lecture topics in Kraków:
Dr. Tomasz Pudłocki (Institute of History, Jagiellonian University); past President of the Towarzystwo Przyjaciół
Nauk w Przemyślu (TPN) – Society for the Friends of Learning in Przemyśl – Galicia on the Eve of World War I.
Dr. Barbara Klich-Kluczewska (Institute of History, Jagiellonian University) -- Difficult Neighborhood: Poles, Jews,
and Ukrainians in Interwar Poland
Dr. Annamaria Orla-Bukowska (Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University) -- Being Polish and Jewish in the
Polish People's Republic, 1945-1989.
Dr. Wiktoria Kudela-Świątek (Institue of History, Jagiellonian University) -- The nuts and bolts of group interview
in oral history practise
Dr. Adam Świątek (Editor, Księgarnia Akademicka Wydawnictwo) -- 1) Cemeteries in the cultural borderlands:
The Case of 19th century Galicia; 2) What can graves say about the past? Cemetery studies in practice, 3) Many
cultures or multicultural culture? About ethnic relationships in 19th century Galicia.
Instructor in Warszawa:
Dr. Sławomir Józefowicz (Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw).
Instructors in Przemyśl:
Jacek Blonski (National Museum in Przemyśl) – The History of Przemyśl, 1867-1939.
Przemyśl Cemetery restoration project supervisor: Dr. John Hartman (Remembrance and Reconciliation, Inc.)
Instructor in Lviv: TBA
Course Description: This study abroad course will provide students with a unique firsthand approach to studying
history. Our readings, lectures, and site visits will have a particular focus on the multicultural legacy evident in three
cities of Galicia: Kraków, Przemyśl, and Lviv. This course will focus primarily on cultural developments, but
students will also learn about key political, economic, and social developments in Galician history.
Students will also have an opportunity to gain 3 credit hours in Service Learning for preservation work. This year,
work will be conducted in a Jewish cemetery in Przemyśl, which was heavily damaged during the German
occupation in World War II and is now being restored and mapped.
Required Reading. History Textbook: Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki, A Concise History of Poland (2nd ed.).
Other readings TBA.
Service Learning Reading: Excerpt from John J. Hartman and Jacek Krochmal. Tr. Agnieszka Andrzejewska. I
Remember Every Day . . . The Fates of the Jews of Przemyśl during World War II
Tentative Schedule:
KRAKÓW (June 29-July 6)
June 29 – Arrival in Krakow
NOTE: The Jewish Culture Festival will take place in Kraków from June 27-July 6. We will attend select events.
June 30-July 4 Morning lectures at Jagiellonian University – Dr. Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Dr. Wiktoria KudelaŚwiątek (Jagiellonian University), and Dr. Adam Świątek (Editor, Księgarnia Akademicka Wydawnictwo).
Afternoon guided tours of:
Wawel Castle
Kazimierz (Old Synagogue, etc.)
Schindler’s Factory Museum
July 5 – afternoon guided tour of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps located in Oświęcim.
WARSZAWA (July 6-9)
July 6 – morning – travel to Warszawa
July 6 – afternoon – free time in Old Town of Warszawa
July 7 – morning lecture by Dr. Sławomir Józefowicz (University of Warsaw) and tour of University
July 7 – afternoon tour of Warsaw Uprising Museum
July 8 – guided tours of
Jewish ghetto
History of Polish Jews Museum
Jewish cemetery
PRZEMYŚL (July 9-12)
July 9 – travel to Przemyśl
July 10 – guided tours of
Przemyśl fortress
17th century palace in nearby Krasiczyn
July 11 – Orientation to Service Learning. Tour of Jewish cemetery, the site of ongoing restoration efforts.
LVIV (July 12-16)
July 12-16 – Lviv, Ukraine
Lectures at Lviv University (faculty TBA)
Guided tours TBA
PRZEMYŚL (July 16-26)
July 16 – return to Przemyśl
July 17-20 – Service Learning Work in Jewish Cemetery.
July 21-25 – Morning lectures by Dr. Tomasz Pudłocki (Jagiellonian University) and others at PWSW and TPN
Afternoon guided tours of
Jewish cultural sites in Przemyśl
National Museum of Przemyśl
Afternoon trip to
Day trip to
Lublin – Majdanek concentration camp
July 26 – travel to Kraków
Sunday, July 27. Return flight to Buffalo