Codes of Conduct At the Out of School Club we all try to abide by the following Code: *WE MUST NEVER OPEN THE FIRE EXITS OR FRONT DOOR: ADULTS ONLY* We will not enter the Staff Room/Toy Cupboard without an adult We will try not to: Swear / fight / shout / be cheeky / nip / bite / push, pull or hit others / run whilst inside the club / use rude hand gestures / throw or misuse the clubs toys, equipment or property / hurt other people’s feelings / be a bully or gang up on others / be annoying / bossy / take toys from other people or make anyone feel bad about themselves / make fun of others / deliberately trip anyone up / accuse someone of doing something or make untrue accusations. Interfere with other peoples games when playing We will not eat/drink whilst being escorted to and from the club We will not chew gum We will only eat in the designated snack area at the tables and never in the quiet room, TV room or the soft play area Bring any personal property into the BSC/ASC/HPS. If we do and it is broken or lost it is not the fault / responsibility of the staff or other children at the club. Not to touch electrical equipment Take or remove the clubs property from the building We will always try to: Respect other children and staff Think of our safety and not climb on tables or swing on chairs We will hang up our jackets, store our bags, put on indoor shoes, and wash our hands with soap before getting our snack. When we have finished playing with toys and equipment, we will help to tidy them away or give it to a staff member to put away. We understand that if we are asked not to do something or play somewhere is for our own safety We will always ask a person’s permission before playing with the property of others. Ask permission before going to quiet room or leaving hall ****************************** Scamps | Codes of Conduct | Reviewed & Revised Sept 2015 | Confidential Security and Safety IN SETTING: DOOR ENTRY/COLLECTIONS/STAFF/CHILDREN & MEMBERS Anyone that you have authorised to collect your child from our care must be aware of this procedure; it is your responsibility to ensure they are made aware. If unknown to our staff members they MUST know your collection code. As you are aware, the main door to the building has a lock/bell entry system so that no unauthorised entry can be made. YOUR CHILDREN MUST NOT OPEN THE FRONT DOOR AT ANY TIME! You should only be given access into our settings by an appointed staff member. All members, parents, guardians, carers or appointed persons who come to collect a child/children should NOT open the door for anyone, nor should they hold the door open for anyone as they leave the building. You must also ensure the door closes properly behind you. This is in line with our Security Policy. Children & young people’s protection during drop off into or collection from our care: Whoever drops off or collects the child from our care must not be under the influence of drink or drugs— Our staff are obliged to contact Social Services for advice under these circumstances. For example, if the staff feel that someone collecting a child from our care is or may be under the influence of a substance, we have a duty of care to the child and if we think they may be put at risk, we may not to let the child go with the person and contact the Social Services (and the Police where appropriate) for advice. If you are getting a child ready to go home in the cloakroom area and you hear someone ring the bell, please DO NOT open the door, wait for a member of staff to answer/open the door. If you are leaving the building having collected child/ren, DO NOT hold the door open for someone who appears to be coming in, even if you know them, close the door directly. In the same manner, when you have entered or leaving the building, please push the door closed directly behind you; do not assume it will shut on its own. We have found it necessary to inform you of this as the children and staff safety may be at risk. This is applicable to all members and appointed persons; if you have appointed persons on your authorisation slip please inform them. In the event we do not recognise anyone coming for a child, we will follow the door entry procedure and they will be asked to wait outside whilst the code is checked. We do try to remember faces, but sometimes even though you have been before, you may be asked for the code and to wait. We ask for your cooperation and patience. ********************************** Collection & Escort Procedure: This procedure has been implemented so all children being collected/dropped off, to/from Schools by staff members are aware of where the designated meeting places are. It must be followed at all times. As detailed in the contract, in line with our insurance, the club and staff will not accept responsibility for any child until they have arrived at the designated collection point and marked as present by the staff member, or if making their own way to the club un-escorted, signed themselves into the club. We cannot collect children out with normal finishing times. In the event your child has an extra activity or outing organised by the school and may arrive back late, alternative arrangements for drop off/collection should be made by the parent/carer. The staff member can’t remain at school past the normal collection times. Scamps | Codes of Conduct | Reviewed & Revised Sept 2015 | Confidential Mile End Primary School: P1 to 4: are collected from within the school at the designated collection point to meet the staff members who will be there from 3.15pm All children must make their way to the designated meeting point Designated meeting point is the gym hall doors. NOT THE PLAYGROUND. Please ensure that your child/ren are aware of this. When the bell rings at the end of the school day, all children attending the club are to make their way quickly and directly to the designated meeting point to check in with our staff members. When you have informed the staff members that you are present, you must then wait for the rest of the children who are listed for collection on that day. Pair off in 2’s this is imperative for safety; and make way directly to club with staff members. P5 to 7 Upon the bell ringing, you must sign in with the staff and once you have been put into groups and given permission you can make your way quickly and directly to the club; you have been given 30 minutes and must be signed in to the club by NO LATER THAN 3.45pm. (Unless we have been notified that you are attending another out of school activity). Text or call the club mobile by LATEST 8:00am BSC, 2.30pm ASC & 8.30am HPS on the day Drop in to the club to let us know you will collect prior to your child arriving into our care. If any children that are on the rota for collection do not arrive to meet the staff member within 15 minutes (or as soon as is possible) after the bell rings, staff will go to their class looking for them. If thereafter there is still no sign of you, the staff member will try to make contact with the club to inform them what is happening. The club will try to contact the parents/legal guardians only, and if no contact can be made the police will be the next call we make, as the child will be deemed as missing. The same would apply if a child forgot they were coming to the club and made their way home and realised they should be at club: If you realise on the way home, about turn and go directly to the club. If you arrive home and your parents are in, we should be contacted immediately along with the school and you can decide whether to drop the child at the club or keep them at home. If you arrive home and your parent is not in, return to school if you are unsure or to the club if you remember where you are supposed to be going. Again, the teachers do have rotas of who is coming on what days and the contact information for the clubs. In the interest of safety, we suggest that if you do wish to collect your child early, as per contracted days, you leave them to be collected by the staff and wait at the club and sign them out from our care. This way, it saves confusion for all concerned and especially for the younger children who perhaps only attend 1, 2 or 3 days a week. If any of the above does happen, and procedure set in motion, extended reports by all staff have to be completed and passed to the Manager to ensure our procedures have been followed and that they work. Scamps | Codes of Conduct | Reviewed & Revised Sept 2015 | Confidential Missing Child: In the event a child does go missing or does not show up for club the staff will follow the following process: 1. Contact Legal guardian in column 1 on emergency contact list 2. Contact legal guardian in column 2 as above (if applicable) 3. Contact Police and report child as missing/no show to club. APPLICABLE TO ALL CHILDREN BEING COLLECTED or ESCORTED & ON TRIPS AND OUTINGS: Any child found to be misbehaving or causing danger to themselves, other children, staff members or members of the public will be reported to the Practitioner and Manager on arrival at the club. At this point further action may be taken and depending on the severity of the incident. Permanent exclusion may apply. The club also reserve the right to withdraw this escort service from any child or young person if they are found to be persistently taking actions out-with our club code on the way to the club. Each child should be made aware that if they forget where they are meant to be going or who with, they must go back into their class and ask their teacher. Never leave the school grounds!! If you make your way home, and realise that you are at the club, about turn and make your way directly to the club. It is each child’s individual responsibility to ensure they have all their belongings with them when they meet the staff for collection. No food or drink is to be consumed whilst being collected and escorted. No chewing of gum or littering en-route. We cannot collect or drop of children to other activities before or after school. When you are en-route to the club, Please try and avoid blocking the footpath for other pedestrians. The staff member will ask you to pair off; you will then make your way in an orderly manner directly to the club. Always walk on the inside of the footpath with the youngest member on the inside. In the autumn/winter reflective jackets will be worn by all members of staff. ~ For any of the above; all cases will be treated on an individual basis ~ Scamps | Codes of Conduct | Reviewed & Revised Sept 2015 | Confidential