LINCOLN-WOODSTOCK COOPERATIVE SCHOOL DISTRICT Annual School District Meeting Minutes March 21, 2013 The annual meeting of the Lincoln-Woodstock Cooperative School District was held March 21, 2013, at the LinWood Public School in the elementary school multi-purpose room. Moderator O.J. Robinson called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. Carol Riley, Supervisor, certified the Ballot Box was empty. Cheryl Bourassa, Ballot Clerk, made a motion, seconded Janet Peltier, to dispense with the reading of the warrant articles. Motion carries unanimous by affirmative voice vote. At 2 p.m. Mr. Robinson recessed the meeting for the purpose of balloting. The Ballot Clerks were: For the Town of Lincoln: ● Ginny Perkins ● Janet Peltier For the Town of Woodstock: ● Cheryl Bourassa ● Jack Richardson The Supervisors of the Checklist were: For the Town of Lincoln: ● Carol Riley ● Laurel Kuplin For the Town of Woodstock: ● Barbara Avery ● Sherry Hoover ● Cindy Thomas At 6 p.m. Moderator O.J. Robinson declared the polls closed. Moderator O.J. Robinson called the business portion of the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Approximately 130 people were in attendance. The Moderator announced the following results of the afternoon voting: Number of ballots cast: 234 For Moderator for One Year (vote for 1) O.J. Robinson (write in) 93 (elected) For School Board for Three Years (vote for 2) Deb Ford Jonathan Ham Paul Rand Alexander (A.J.) Sousa Paul Beaudin (write in) 129 (elected) 113 (not elected) 156 (elected) 6 (not elected) 8 (not elected) For Budget Committee for Three Years (vote for 3) Tony Drapeau 150 (elected) Bonnie Ham 128 (elected) Alice Pearce 165 (elected) Sheila Rich (write in) 84 (not elected) The Moderator encouraged people to participate and ask questions, and he established the rules to be followed at the meeting. ARTICLE 4. To hear all reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees or Officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto. Jim Spanos made the motion to approve all reports as written and to dispense with reading of such. Tamra Ham seconded the motion. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 5. To see if the District will set the salaries of the School Board at $1,000, the Vice Chairperson at $1,250, the Chairperson at $1,500, the Board Negotiation Team at $150 per day, the Moderator at $90 per meeting, the School District Clerk at $250 per meeting, the Ballot Clerks at $80 per meeting, the Supervisors of the Checklist at $90 per meeting, and the School District Treasurer at $3,600 per year. The money for this article is included in Article 6. The School Board does recommend this article. The Budget Committee does not recommend this article. Judy Boyle made a motion, seconded by Paul Rand, to approve Article 5. Alice Pearce, School Budget Committee Chair provided a brief explanation of Article 5. Discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries by voice vote with opposition. ARTICLE 6. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of seven million forty-seven thousand seven hundred seven dollars ($7,047,707) for the support of schools; for the salaries of school district officials, employees and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the District, and to authorize the application against said appropriation such sums as are estimated to be received from state aid, including building aid funds together with other income; the School Board to certify to the Selectmen of each of the Towns of Lincoln and Woodstock, respectively, the balance to be raised by taxes by the Towns of Lincoln and Woodstock in accordance with the formula adopted by the Lincoln-Woodstock Cooperative School District; and the School Board further to certify to the Selectmen of each of the Towns of Lincoln and Woodstock the amount to be raised by taxation by each of said two towns. This article does not include appropriations in any other warrant article. The School Board does not recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Sherry Hoover made a motion, seconded by Ron Siekmann, to approve Article 6. Alice Pearce, School Budget Committee Chair and Matt Manning, School Board Chair, provided a brief explanation of Article 6. Discussion followed. Matt Manning made a motion to amend Article 6 to increase the budget by eleven thousand one hundred dollars ($11,100) increasing the budget from seven million forty-seven thousand seven hundred seven dollars ($7,047,707) to seven million fifty eight thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,058,800). Julie Rand seconded. Discussion followed. The Moderator read a letter from Woodstock resident Mary Ann Walters expressing her wish to see no cuts in the teaching staff. Moderator OJ Robinson called for a voice vote. The Moderator then called for a hand count. Results of the hand count to Article 6: Yes (55), No (22). The amendment to Article 6 carries. Jerrilynn King spoke in support of maintaining the current teaching staff. Jerrilynn King made a motion to amend Article 6 to increase the budget by seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) increasing the budget from seven million fifty eight thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,058,800) to seven million, one hundred twenty eight thousand, eight hundred dollars ($7,128,800). Sheila Rich seconded. Matt Manning, School Board Chair, spoke to the residents regarding any staff cuts and the future of the Lincoln Woodstock Cooperative School District. Alice Pearce, School Budget Committee Chair clarified how the proposed increase would affect the property taxes in both towns. Discussion followed. Kinsley Nicoll spoke to the voters regarding the support she received in the school and asks that the current staff be maintained. Judy Boyle spoke in support of this amendment and the possible sequestration of monies and the potential impact to this proposed budget which has no flexibility. Matt Manning, School Board Chair, clarified that they did not take in to consideration the possibility of sequestration when formulating the budget. The Moderator called for a voice vote to approve the amendment to Article 6. The Moderator then called for a hand count. Results of the hand count to amend Article 6 to seven million, one hundred twenty eight thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,128,800): Yes (61), No (30). The amendment to Article 6 passes. Bonnie Ham made a motion to amend Article 6, to cut from the amended budget of seven million, one hundred twenty eight thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,128,800) by ten thousand dollars ($10,000) decreasing the amended budget to seven million one hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,118,800). Pat Romprey seconded. This reduction amount to reflect the savings to the District in having the two Towns continue to plow the school at no charge. Matt Manning, School Board Chair, thought that the $10,000 had already been removed. After a discussion it was noted that the monies had not been removed from the budget. Discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries by voice vote with opposition. Joe Chenard made a motion to vote by secret ballot. The Moderator stated that he would need a petition with five signatures of registered voters to request the secret ballot. The Moderator asked the District clerk to draw up a petition which was then signed by five residents. The Moderator clarified what the residents would be voting on by secret ballot. The original Article 6 in the amount of seven million forty-seven thousand seven hundred seven dollars ($7,047,707), was amended in the following amounts: 1 2 3 Amendment called for approximately eleven thousand one hundred dollars ($11,100) to be added back in to the budget for administrative and legal fees. Amendment called for seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) to be added to the budget to retain teaching staff. Amendment called for ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to be deducted from the budget. With this vote Article 6 in the amended amount of seven million one hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred dollars $7,118,800 would be decided. The vote by secret ballot would be voting to approve the amended Article 6 budget to seven million one hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,118,800). The Moderator called for a recess to vote by secret ballot. The results are the secret ballot to amended Article 6. Yes (69), No (29). Amendment to Article 6 carries by secret ballot. ARTICLE 7. To see if the School District will vote to approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Lincoln-Woodstock Cooperative School Board and Lin-Wood Education Association/NEA-New Hampshire which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits over those paid in the prior fiscal year: YEAR 2013-2014 2014-2015 ESTIMATED INCREASE $60,057 $62,051 and further to raise and appropriate the sum of sixty thousand fifty-seven dollars ($60,057) for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, such sum representing the additional cost attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Pat Romprey made a motion, seconded by Paul Rand, to approve Article 7. Matt Manning, School Board Chair, provided a brief explanation. No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 8. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate up to sixty-one thousand eight hundred twenty dollars ($61,820) to be placed in the School Special Education Expendable Trust Fund with such amount being funded from the June 30, 2013 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Paula Strickon made a motion, seconded by Ron Siekmann, to approve Article 8. Deb O’Connor, Financial Manager, provided a brief explanation. No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 9. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate fifty percent (50%) of the June 30, 2013 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1, up to the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to be placed in the School Facilities Expendable Trust Fund. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Joe Bossie made a motion, seconded by Paula Strickon, to approve Article 9. No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 10. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate twenty percent (20%) of the June 30, 2013 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1, up to the amount of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to be placed in the School Vehicle Expendable Trust Fund. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Paul Boissonneault made a motion, seconded by Sally Nicoll, to approve Article 10. No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 11. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate five percent (5%) of the June 30, 2013 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1, up to the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to be placed in the School Equipment Expendable Trust Fund. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Ron Siekmann made a motion, seconded by Alan Rich, to approve Article 11. No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 12. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate ten percent (10%) of the June 30, 2013 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1, up to the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to be placed in the School Technology Expendable Trust Fund. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Jerrilynn King made a motion, seconded by Patricia McTeague, to approve Article 12.No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 13. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate ten percent (10%) of the June 30, 2013 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1, up to the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to be placed in the School Special Education Expendable Trust Fund. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Patti Jo Ouellette made a motion, seconded by Joe Bossie, to approve Article 13. No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 14. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate five percent (5%) of the June 30, 2013 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1, up to the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to be placed in the School Energy Expendable Trust Fund. The School Board does recommend this appropriation. The Budget Committee does recommend this appropriation. Tamra Ham made a motion, seconded by Ron Siekmann, to approve Article 14. No discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. ARTICLE 15. Shall the District vote to authorize, indefinitely until rescinded, the retention of year-end unassigned general funds in an amount not to exceed, in any fiscal year, 2.5 percent of the current fiscal year’s net assessment, in accordance with RSA 198:4-b, II. Such fund balance can only be used to reduce the tax rate or for emergency expenditures and over-expenditures under RSA 32:11 which are approved by the Department of Education. Joel Bourassa made a motion, seconded by Julie Rand, to approve Article 15. Deb O’Connor and school Board attorney Barbara Loughman provided a brief explanation of the new law. Discussion followed. The Moderator called for a voice vote. The Moderator then called for a hand count. The results of the hand count Yes (75), No (12) Motion carries. ARTICLE 16. To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. Moderator O.J. Robinson thanked the members of the School Board, Budget Committee, and Administration for the hard work and spirit of compromise that they demonstrated during the budget process. School Board Chair Matt Manning welcomed the new Board members and expressed the Board’s appreciation to members of the Board Jay Bartlett and interim Jonathan Ham, who had served and have stepped down, for their dedication to the School Board. Joe Chenard spoke in favor of equality of the Board members town of residency. Mr. Chenard asked if a petition could be written to deal with this. Attorney Barb Loughman responded in the affirmative. At 8:21 p.m. Moderator O.J. Robinson called for a motion to adjourn Patricia McTeague made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Sherry Hoover seconded. Motion carries unanimously by voice vote. Respectfully Submitted, Joanne Osgood School District Clerk