
Presidential Diseases
From George Washington's toothlessness (he has no teeth left by middle age), to Grover Cleveland's gout, to
Franklin D. Roosevelt's polio, to Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer disease, and finally to George W. Bush's colon polyps,
presidents throughout history suffer from the same diseases and ailments like the rest of us.
Find out what diseases you have in common with the leaders of the free world!
George Washington
Malaria, smallpox,
tuberculosis, dysentery,
boils (carbuncles), tooth
loss, hearing loss,
presbyopia, infertility,
quinsy, pneumonia,
epiglottitis or strep
infection of the larynx.
John Adams
Hair loss, depression,
boils, heartburn, falling
into a coma,
porphyria (?),
rheumatism, manicdepressive (?).
James Madison
James Monroe
Frostbite, frequent illness, Malaria, gunshot wound,
hypochondria (?),
seizure (stroke?), heart
inflamed gallbladder
failure, tuberculosis.
(cholecystitis), arthritis,
congestive heart failure.
Thomas Jefferson
broken/fractured bones,
dysentery, depression,
rheumatism, constipation,
boils, hearing loss,
enlarged prostate,
Asperger syndrome (?).
John Quincy Adams
Hairloss, stroke, cerebral
Andrew Jackson
Sword wound, smallpox,
depression, gunshot
wound, malaria,
dysentery, frequent
headaches, tuberculosis,
edema (dropsy), heart
Martin Van Buren
Frequent colds,
indigestion (dyspepsia),
gout, asthma, heart
William H. Harrison
Ulcer (?), stress, cold,
pneumonia, pleurisy,
jaundice, septicemia.
John Tyler
Paralysis, dysentery,
colds, bilious fever (?),
arthritis, bronchitis,
James K. Polk
Kidney stone, sterility,
cholera, debilitating
Zachary Taylor
Yellow fever, malaria,
dysentery, double vision,
(myopia), heat stroke,
bilious fever, cholera (?)
or acute indigestion,
arsenic poisoning (?)
Millard Fillmore
Paralysis and stroke.
Franklin Pierce
Horse riding injury,
depression, alcoholism,
tuberculosis, cirrhosis of
the liver.
James Buchanan
Eye twitch, alcoholism,
gout, respiratory failure.
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Color blindness,
Typhoid fever, alcoholism
Alcoholism (?), throat
strabismus (cross eyed),
(?), stroke.
cancer (carcinoma of the
presbyopia, concussion,
tonsils and tongue).
fractured jaw, malaria,
depression, Marfan
syndrome (?), scarlet
fever (?), dental phobia,
toothache, smallpox,
hairloss, fatal gunshot
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Garfield
Chester Arthur
Poison ivy dermatitis,
Malarial fever (ague),
Indigestion, gallstone
heart attack (myocardial cold, upset stomach, anal
disease (?), Bright's
fissure, infected gunshot
disease, malaria (?),
wound, heart attack or
hypertension, heart
aortic aneurysm (?),
failure, cerebral
blood poisoning,
hemorrhage (hemorrhagic
Grover Cleveland
Obesity, leg laceration,
typhoid fever, jaw
(palate) cancer, hearing
loss, nephritis, gout,
heart attack.
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
Food poisoning, scarlet Pancreatic necrosis, fatal
fever, contact dermatitis,
gunshot wound, blood
nervous breakdown, cold,
Theodore Roosevelt
William H. Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Skull fracture and head
Dyslexia (?), eye
(myopia), asthma,
injury due to wagon
twitches, atherosclerosis,
hyperactivity, gunshot
accident, sunburn,
headache, cold,
wound, obesity, detached
typhoid fever, severe
hypertension, multiple
retina, blind in one eye, obesity, dengue fever (?),
throat infection, thigh
perineal abscess,
abscess, middle ear
dysentery, food
infection, deafness in one
poisoning, heartburn,
ear, rheumatoid arthritis,
sleep apnea, motion
coronary embolism.
sickness, constipation,
headache, gout, cold, eye
injury, pink eye, lower
back pain (lumbago),
hypertension, carpal
tunnel syndrome (?),
indigestion, atrial
fibrillation, rheumatoid
arthritis, chronic cystitis,
myocarditis, heart failure.
Warren Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
Nervous breakdown,
Depression, heart failure.
Croup (strep throat or
mumps, nasal allergy,
laryngitis), measles,
mild aphasia (?),
mumps, diphtheria,
dermatitis, infertility (?),
chicken pox, hatchet
hypertension, diabetes,
injury to finger, burn
heart disease, obesity,
injury to foot, gall bladder
stroke, pneumonia, flu
disease, shingles,
(?), food poisoning (?),
intestinal cancer,
heart attack.
deafness, near blindness,
pneumonia, fatal,
gastrointestinal bleeding.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Dwight Eisenhower
Polio, hypertension,
Appendicitis, seborrheic
hemorrhoids, anemia,
(hyperopia), diphtheria,
keratosis, arthritis,
melanoma (?), anorexia,
headache, dizziness,
Crohn's disease, anxiety,
weight loss, indigestion,
sleeplessness, horse
depression, bowel
sebaceous cyst,
riding injury, sore throat,
obstruction, stroke,
asthma, flu, gall bladder
cholecystitis, prostatic
cardiomyopathy, angina,
disease, allergy to
hyperthropy, heart
cholecystitis, cerebral
medications, hernia,
disease, multiple heart
broken ribs, lung
attacks (myocardial
congestion, heart failure..
John F. Kennedy
Scarlet fever, measles,
knee injury, bronchitis,
jaundice, rubella,
whooping cough, colitis,
osteoporosis, presbyopia,
diphtheria (?), sexually
transmitted prostatitis
and urinary tract infection
(?), back aches, malaria
(?), Addison disease, fatal
gunshot wound.
Lyndon Johnson
Angina, gall bladder
disease, heart disease,
multiple heart attacks.
Richard Nixon
Phlebitis, "furious eye
blinking", stroke.
Gerald Ford
Actinomycosis (with
tongue abscess),
pneumonia, stroke.
Jimmy Carter
Severe chronic
Ronald Reagan
(myopia), pneumonia,
fractured thigh bone,
urinary tract infections,
prostate stones, severe
cold, Temporomandibular
joints (TMJ) disease,
arthritis, hay fever,
gunshot wound, collapsed
lung, hearing loss, colon
polyp and cancer, basal
cell carcinoma, benign
prostatic hyperplasia
(enlarged prostate),
gastroenteritis, epidural
hematoma, Alzheimer's
disease, hip fracture,
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Staph infection, bleeding Gasteroesophageal reflux
Hemorrhoids, benign
ulcers, arthritis, mucoid (GERD), rectal bleeding, colon polyps, alcoholism,
cyst, sebaceous cyst,
knee injury, allergy, torn cocaine abuse (?), actinic
glaucoma, eye sty, atrial knee tendon, sebaceous
keratosis, loss of
cyst, basal cell
consciousness (syncope),
hyperthyroidism, Graves carcinoma, acne rosacea,
knee injury (torn
disease (a form of
angina, atherosclerosis,
goiter), depression,
coronary artery disease,
vomiting and fainting
sexual addiction (?).
(flu?), actinic keratosis.