Ship`s Log Report

Official Ship’s Log of the S.S.L.M.W.P
Date: 27/06/11
Time: 08:45:00
Weather: Mostly sunny; 60 degrees
Crew meets in assigned location at Devos Room 125 A, toting their supplies needed for the journey. Writing implements
appear to have been secured by the crew, including laptops, journals, pens, and of utmost importance, coffee mugs. All
crew members appeared to be excited in anticipation of the upcoming journey to learn more about themselves as
Date: 27/06/11
Time: 09:00:00
Weather: Mostly sunny; 60 degrees
Co-Captain Ellis debriefs the crew on the mission for the day. Mission includes coffee, sacred writing time, coffee,
teaching demonstration by Co-Captain Cornwell, coffee, reflection, coffee, lunch, computer lab, coffee, reading
workshop, reading group meeting time, coffee, teaching demonstration by First Mate Kim Wyngarden, coffee, and
Co-Captain Mowers presents overview of Log Reflection from two previous meetings of group in form of an engaging,
entertaining, witty “Psychiatric Report”, much to the chagrin of First Mate Clemence who “graciously agreed” to the
duties of writing the log report for today’s activities and was not thrilled to follow in the footsteps of such a memorable
piece of writing.
Time: 09:15:00
Weather: Partly sunny 62 degrees
Co-Captain Ellis relays first mission of the day to the crew. Crew is to create a listing of Writing Territories, which are
to include musings on topic, audience, and genre of writing. Ideas for writing presented by crew include giant dogs, a
new sailboat, social injustices, family backpacking trips, and the Potato Famine.
Crew is given sacred writing time to write to the invitation presented by Co-Captain Ellis, which is to write about one of
our identified writing territories. Crew proceeds to work on said assignment and gets more coffee, some, in dusty mugs.
Time 10:20:00
Weather: Partly cloudy, 63 degrees
Co-Captain Cornwell presents teaching demonstration Tech Tuesdays: Blogging in the Classroom.
Crew learns about incorporating meaningful technology experiences for students into their lessons in writing. Crew
learns how to use a blog with students, observed examples of student blog entries such as Slice of Life. Crew reflects
upon use of blogs within own classroom settings and drinks more coffee.
Time: 11:35:00
Weather: rain, 68 degrees
Co-Captain Reynolds informs crew of price hike of $0.50 in lunch cost. No apparent mutiny by crew, although the
Dutch members of crew appear to cringe at the unanticipated expense.
Crew leaves main hold of ship to move to galley for lunch at B.O.B.
Rain was not expected, however Co-Captains hand out S.S.L.M.W.P shirts for crew members without umbrellas to use to
keep dry during the jaunt to the galley.
Time: 11:50:00
Weather: rain, 68 degrees
Captains and crew gather in the galley for a buffet lunch of salad (no scurvy on this trip), pasta, a variety of pizzas, and
breadsticks. Several crew members contemplate ordering “grog” as a beverage, but do not as other members of the
crew fail to do so and some crew fear that the “grog” will cause them to doze at their duties on the ship. Crew shies
away from eating by Co-Captain Mower as it is rumored that she takes food off other’s plates and sometimes off the
forks of her crew. Overall, lunch appears to be enjoyed by all and delightful conversation ensues.
Time: 13:00:00
Weather: rain, wind, 69 degrees
Co-Captain Ellis leads crew back to the other side of the ship to gain passes to tie their dinghies up. Upon leaving the
galley, the captains and crew are met with gusty winds and rain. Crew races back to the other side of the ship amidst
blowing and bending umbrellas, wet S.S.L.M.W.P tee shirts, and soggy shoes only to learn that they will be tying their
dinghies up in another location entirely.
Crew commences to main hold of ship to the log room for instruction in creating a blog page and creating our first
posting in said blog, which is a reflection on the text Bird by Bird. Some crew appear to struggle with the task at hand,
mostly because they were checking their Facebook pages or Emails (or did indeed imbibe in said “grog” at lunch) while
instructions were given. Lashings may be handed out in the future if this appears to be an ongoing issue.
Some crew also appear to be growing restless, perhaps because of the lack of coffee, and some throw wedding rings at
one another. After creating first blogs, crew returns to main hold of ship.
Time: 015:15:00
Weather: light rain, 70 degrees, variable winds
Co-Captain Ellis describes reading workshop and reading groups plan to meet to discuss readings. Crew is encouraged
to voyage around the ship to gain access to environments which would be most conducive to working. It is during this
time that it is observed that several crew members are in need of coffee. Mad dashes for the lone “real” coffee pot
occur and a second pot of coffee is needed to be made, which apparently cannot be done with success by one crew
member, and instead requires the assistance of several other members of the crew. Crew appears to be in good
cooperative spirit.
Upon refilling coffee cups, crew departs to explore parts of the ship to read and research an area of their choosing
within the realm of writing. Crew is then to report back to their reading groups, share their findings and musings, and
then report back to the main hold by 16:45:00. Several crew members commence to the ship’s library while others
venture to the bookstore to seek supplies and warm clothes. Still yet others hover and congregate around the defunct
Starbucks kiosk, hoping for it to open.
Time: 16:45:45
Weather: mostly cloudy, breezy, 69 degrees
Chocolate is administered to tables in hopes of appealing to the senses of the crew at the late hour of the day. Crew
responds well to the bribe.
First Mate Kim Wyngarden presents her teaching demonstration about building community and The Replacement
Poem. As a way to create community, crew is asked to write about themselves, including two lies in their commentaries.
Crew then meets in groups of three to share writings and to try to identify the lies of fellow mates. Coffee refills are
made. Much is learned through this activity, particularly that some of us are better liars than others. Mental notes are
made by all.
First Mate Wyngarden then asks crew to write a replacement poem following her modeling and use of examples. Crew
works diligently on their writing invitation, stopping only to refill coffee. Several first mates share their replacement
poems with the captains and the entire crew, and First Mate Wyngarden provides quality feedback concerning what she
noticed in said poems. A challenge is made by First Mate Wyngarden to observe our lives with the eyes of a writer and
to write down the small things in a small notebook, which she supplied. Crew then reflects upon utilizing strategies and
concepts provided by First Mate Wyngarden.
Time: 018:00:00
Weather: mostly cloudy, light breeze, 67 degrees
Co-Captains Ellis and Reynolds explain dinner choices and procedures. Crew appears restless (lack of coffee?) and
ready to arm wrestle each other for first choice of food. After directions are given a mad dash ensues for choice of
sandwiches, and most crew, appeased with food, proceed to the deck to commune with one another about the ongoings
of the day as well as their current lot in life.
Time: 018:45:00
Weather: partly sunny, light breeze, 68 degrees
Crew reconvenes in main hold and Co-Captains give closing comments for the day. Co-Captain Cornwell reads an
amusing book about a jackass to the group before dismissal. Crew is excused for the evening at 19:00:00.