Biomes Menu - Cobb Learning

Biomes Learning Menu
Due Date: __Monday, September 14, 2015__
Name & Class Period:
Vocabulary Strategy
Choose and complete 1
vocabulary strategy from
those provided.
Climate Data Analysis Lab
Complete the Climate Data
Analysis Lab.
Pop Culture Biomes
Write an episode about
biomes using one of the
following televisions shows as
your model.
 a Survivor episode
 an Amazing Race episode
 a Bill Nye science video
Choose 1 activity from each row to show your learning about biomes.
Complete all 3 activities by the due date.
Use any resource available including B.Y.O.D.
Note-taking Strategy
Choose and complete 1 notetaking strategy from those
provided. Complete your
notes using the life science
textbook Chapter 20, The
Earth’s Ecosystems.
Climate Data Analysis Online
Practice identifying biomes
based on climate data at the
designated interactive
The Artists Among Us
Create 1 of the following.
 a detailed illustration of
one biome as if you were
looking out of a window in
a house in that biome
 a collage of land biomes
 a collage of water biomes
I choose…
Choose and complete 2
foldable strategies from those
provided. One of the
foldables should be for land
biomes and the other water
Points _____/30
Compare & Contrast Biomes
I choose…
Complete 3 Venn diagrams
(two for land biomes and one
for water biomes). Be sure to
include climate data in each
Points _____/30
Ecotourism Analysis
I choose…
Using Cobb Digital Library, find
and analyze an article about
 Complete 1 writing
strategy from those
provided to summarize
the article.
 What is ecotourism?
Points _____/30
 Is it successful?
 Is it sustainable?
The Extra Mile – What will you do to go above and beyond?
Points _____/10
Teacher Commentary & Feedback
Total _____/100
Do you have ideas for alternate activities you would like to do instead? Talk to the teacher. I prefer to do the
following alternate activities…(make a list)
Biomes Learning Menu Vocabulary
 biome
 climate
 tropical rainforest
 temperate rainforest
 temperate deciduous rainforest
 taiga (also known as the boreal forest, the coniferous forest, and the evergreen forest)
 desert
 chaparral
 grasslands (savanna, prairie)
 tundra (artic and alpine)
 polar ice
 lakes & ponds
 rivers & streams
 wetlands (marsh, swamp, bog, estuary)
 ocean
 intertidal zone
 coral reef
 benthic zone
Biomes Learning Menu Self-Assessment
1. Which row of activities on the menu was the most informative about biomes? Why?
2. Which activity from the menu was your favorite? Why?
3. What activity did you do well on your menu?
4. How would you grade your completed menu?
5. What could you have asked for help on?
6. What could you improve upon?
7. In which biome would you want to live? Why?
8. What could the teacher do to make this menu better?