141 - Kerrville Independent School District

Character & Kindness Campus “Actions” Synopsis:
Our original Character & Kindness strategy was officially implemented in August 2013, after nearly two years of
research and development through our Academic Excellence Committee. It began with a meeting at central office
with Dr. Troxell, morphing into a committee comprised of nearly two dozen KISD teachers, counselors and
administrators, one parent and a school board member. At the end of the 2012-2013 school year, Dr. Troxell and our
school board approved the implementation of our Character and Kindness strategy for 2013-2014.
107 ---- The total number of “Actions” occurring in KISD schools as of 2/22/14
141------The total number of “Actions” occurring in KISD schools as of 6/6/14
When we divide the number of school days this year by the number of actions recorded, we find that our KISD
campuses implemented a new and original Character & Kindness “Action” every 1.26 days! On our elementary
campuses, every single morning started out with morning announcements and classroom meetings focused on
Character & Kindness.
When looking at the number of C&K “Actions” that occurred after 2/22/14 (34), we see that STAAR testing and
end-of-year fatigue DID NOT slow our champions down! Even the very last week of school brought Character
Council members handing out “Happy Summer!” notes to parents and a Kindergarten 1,000 Acts of Kindness
celebration. Our teachers, administrators and staff would not continually push for excellence in the area of Character
and Kindness if they did not feel our students benefitted from it greatly.
The attached list of actions was created by a single person, however championed by dozens of KISD employees
across the district throughout the 2013-2014 school year. This list represents our creativity, propensity for teamwork,
and the positive, optimistic outlook we have for all students and ourselves. We will continue to champion this
strategy so that it may continue to grow, becoming further instilled as a permanent and sustainable component of our
school district culture.
Each “action” was a deliberate part of our district-wide Character & Kindness strategy and DID NOT HAPPEN
On a personal note, I am tremendously proud to have my family and profession in a school district where
the teachers, staff and administrators care a great deal about facilitating “whole student” development,
rather than solely on academics. My involvement in all aspects of our C&K strategy has been by far one
of the most humbling and fulfilling roles I’ve served in my 11 years as an educator. I am looking forward
to helping lead our C&K efforts into the 2014-2015 school year!
Thank you,
Micah Wrase, LSSP
ECC: (contacts: Pam Peter, Chris Simone, Micah Wrase)
Made Cards/Gifts given to local Nursing Home
Tivy Football,GG,Cheer visits lunches to spread C & K
Thank you notes made & given to HEB, Cafeteria staff, Nursing home
Banners made and used at Veteran's Parade
Kindness Capes and Character Masks (superhero theme) -kids wear when kind
Students created Make a Wish letters and sent to Santa
Children created letters for classmates
Kindness Carnival - for parents, students, staff etc.
Kindness wall – classroom strategy
Tom Daniels Elementary School:
(contacts: Dana Grona, Micah Wrase)
Tivy Football,GG,Cheer visits lunches to spread C & K
Art classes made huge posters for Tivy hallways and football locker room
5th grade shoe tying workshop for Kinder
5th grade implemented a kindness tree in the back hallway
4th grade entrusting 1st grade with class pets (hermit crabs)
2nd grade created cool Respect video - see Safari Montage
1st decorated hallway with character & kindness decorations (Fairness)
CC made posters to help advertise for DES Annual Garage Sale
CC read Christmas books to 1st grade
CC sponsored shoebox gifts collection for needy
Tivy ALT members speak with StuCo and CharCo
CC meetings every other week
1st - Christmas ornaments on tiny trees with Tivy ALT - sent to local agencies.
2nd grade students picked up trash on the playground as part of C&K
Post 2/22/14
Character Rap/Skit during pep rally
Nimitz Elementary School:
(contacts: Bridget Michon, Rebecca McCright, Melissa Hoyne, Micah Wrase)
Tivy Football,GG,Cheer visits lunches to spread C & K
5th Admiral Training Session
5th Admiral Deployment - various jobs/responsibilities around campus
5th Admirals read announcements EVERY MORNING
4th "Guarding the Necklace" Trustworthiness
4th grade shoe tying club with Kinder/T1
5th assists K/T1 at lunch with student codes/navigating line
3rd grade Veteran's Day Invitations and Presentation
Honor Choir - Veteran's Day Presentation Performance
2nd grade School Board Appreciation
3rd-5th Valentines Cards for peers
K/T1 - Pledge of Allegiance and Veteran's Tribute
Tivy ALT to visit CharCo and Admirals for Character & Leadership Talk
Post 2/22/14
Reading Buddies Program Implemented
Seeds of Love
STAAR Encouragement
1000 Acts of Kindness
Hilltop Village Service Trip
Starkey Elementary School:
(contacts: Amanda Martin, Tammy Callcott, Tami Bocanegra, Micah Wrase)
CC- meetings every other week
Tivy Football,GG,Cheer visits lunches to spread C & K
5th grade flashmob for 4th in cafeteriai - RESPONSIBILITY song
CC - handwritten cards for each staff member -thank you,appreciation
CC - made Red Ribbon Week banner for fence along West Water playground
5th grade helped Kinder learn ropes at lunch, self serving food, line, etc.
3rd grade wore yellow to promote Respect
CC + 3rd grade sponsored CAM food drive grade level competition
CC visited Sid Peterson Hospital - passed out treats, carnations on VDay
CC - Traveling Citizenship necklaces - Teachers to students to students etc.
2nd - Caring by picking up trash around campus (special prize trash too!)
1st grade - bilingual reading buddies to help those students struggling
Post 2/22/14
Teacher appreciation – students served yogurt on decorated cart – teachers chose yogurt and topping
Tally Elementary School: (contacts: Micah Wrase, Amy Ahrens, Holly Jones)
Tivy Football,GG,Cheer visits lunches to spread C & K
CC - weekly meetings
Warm fuzzy bags sent to Tivy Football for encouragement
K-5 Help Needed Posters
4th-5th Candy & Cards to drivers for Bus Driver Appreciation Week
4th-5th Red Ribbon Week skit @ flag pole (collab with StuCo)
K-5 Shout out Tree - take a leaf, leave a leaf - write on to encourage others
4th-5th Locker posters for Tivy football coaches
3rd created road signs fo Tivy football playoffs
4th-5th made cards for School Board (appreciation)
K-5 Xzabier's Super Cool Christmas (hospital ward)
5th grade tutored 2nd in reading
5th grade participated in the food drive on Holdsworth
5th helped teach K/1st during PE class
4th grade read to kinder
4th grade read to 1st/2nd
4th - Teacher Helpers
3rd grade flashmob to RESPECT
3rd read Respect quotes on announcements
3rd had school take the Respect Pledge
3rd created Respect posters - hallway campaign
3rd place Respect quotes in school newsletter(s)
3rd grade wore yellow on Thursdays to promote Respect
3rd grade implemented Morning Greeters
3rd cleaned cafeteria to assist custodial staff
3rd read to every TES student about Respect
3rd performed school grounds trash pickup
Post 2/22/14
5th and 4th Veteran’s Game Day
2nd trash pickup
K-5th teacher appreciation notes
4th and 5th staff appreciation snacks
4th and 5th Memorial Day salute (collaboration with Student Council)
1st Caring poster campaign
1st care and share time
1st caring heart share boards
2nd manners luncheon
Kinder – care announcements
Kinder – congrats! High fives to 5th graders
Character Council – wrote “Summer Special Persons” notes (to be delivered summer ‘14)
BT Wilson: (Jennifer Riley, Micah Wrase)
WLT Weekly meetings
WLT charged all BTW girls to take the Mean Girl Pledge
WLT welcomed Outdoor Ed student/staff participants with signs, popsicles, etc
WLT Mean Girl Hallway Campaigns
WLT Campus-wide Christmas Card Social for Veterans
WLT Treats/letters/Gifts for drivers during Bus Driver Appreciation Week
WLT Kindness Announcements (3x)
WLT Ambassador Program - New Student Welcome
WLT Mix It Up Lunch
WLT Students sit with FLU students at EVERY lunch
WLT representatives speak at December school counselor meeting
WLT show counselor appreciation by decorating counselor's office
WLT - TGIF welcome committee to parents/students in morning
WLT + Librarian - Teacher/Staff of Month -honored for C&K to staff/students
WLT Student-nominated teacher appreciation
WLT made Valentines for all students
WLT Valentines for all parents - handed them out as students dropped off
post 2/22/14
BT Wilson girls (Elizabeth…) and Flu student perform C&K dance/skits/talks after STAAR
Easter Kindness with Easter eggs with treats inside for all staff in their campus boxes
Teacher Appreciation PTO appreciation luncheon
Hal Peterson Middle School:
(John Mein, Hillarie Swanner, Micah Wrase)
SLT Tivy Football player visits and participates in kick-off meeting
SLT implements character sticker campaign - stick 'em on everyone!
Morning character/leadership announcements
SLT Salvation Army Santa Box Collection
SLT Counselor Appreciation
Post 2/22/14
SLT purchased and passed out STAAR encouragement pencils in March
"Don't let sour attitudes ruin your sunny day"- we served lemonade to students at lunch on Good Friday
Teacher appreciation day- SLT put together candy kiss bags for all teachers
To come:
ALT will visit SLT during meetings for planning/leadership training
SLT will travel to elementary schools to work with younger students
Tivy High School:
(Missy Davis, Kendall Young, Micah Wrase)
Antler Leadership Team (ALT) members participated in Character lunch visits at all elementary schools
ALT - Character/Leadership themes every other Friday (ex: Superhero Day)
ALT - Positive Post-Its on Cafeteria wall (Scrappy joined in!)
ALT - Leadership lesson (Teammates Matter by: Alan Williams) and action planning meetings
ALT - Hot chocolate served during Christmas season
ALT + Choir - Caroling in Tivy hallways
ALT - Ambassador Bags (welcome packets) + link up with new students for 2 weeks
ALT - Small teams visit elementary StuCo and CharCo - give character talks
ALT - Member spoke at 1st SLT meeting
ALT - Members implemented "Christmas Trees for Caring"at DES
ALT - Members assisted with Nimitz Math night
ALT - Several members attended "Tunnel of Oppression" at Schreiner Univ.
Post 2/22/14
ALT members visited Starkey 5th grade classrooms - STAAR inspiration
ALT hosted lunch on the lawn – activities for all students
Teacher appreciation – baked goods and took to teachers during “most stressful” time of day
Special Olympics pep rally – participated in cheer tunnel
ALT luncheon to wrap up year and develop new ideas for 14-15
To come 2014/15
"The Potty Mouth" bathroom newsletter campaign tolerance/acceptance
ALT + Tivy Track Team - coach elementary students for Little Olympics
ALT members implement "Coexist" classroom campaign
ALT to pitch (to KISD admin) bringing in Teammates Matter author to Tivy
Pancakes and puppies (de-stressor prior to finals)