Shared Decision Making Committee Minutes, October 2013 Ms

Shared Decision Making Committee Minutes, October 2013
Ms. Stewart opened the meeting and introduced two of our new members.
Clarification Question…Is this Committee advisory or legislative. Per , Peggi- we are both. Sometimes we will vote as a
committee and at times we will engage in dialogue to inform decisions depending on the seriousness and relevance of the issue.
Review of minutes last month:
In reference to the minutes, the issue of passes to get to tutorials, this has been resolved- students do not need passes;
however, beefed up supervision. Conversation ensued about the need for more clear communication.
Question asked about, can they bring lunch to tutorials?
Answer: Teacher in command will be responsible for the decision about food in the classroom.
Action item: Peggi will talk to teacher's on duty regarding the matter of food being brought into the classroom.
Recommendation made that communication about what is allowed will go into Pack Press to create greater awareness.
Update on the AP Capstone project- Peggi officially submitted the letter of intent that Westside wants to be included.
Paper use- this was addressed in a faculty meeting- the conservation of paper.
Use of Electronic Devices Policy:
Peggi displayed a sign that will allow each classroom to modify their policy or communicate their policy. The signs will be placed
in teachers boxes.
Question for committee- do we require teacher's to place the sign in the classroom?
Answer- committee agreed that teachers should post. In class rooms that accommodate floater teachers, we can offer two signs.
PTO Update:
wrapping up membership and support Westside success.
Selling Homecoming dance tickets
Beefing up door prizes
Incentive is to buy a ticket and get a door prize.
Alumni update:
Need a date for Alumni breakfast.
Tradition Jan date will be tough because Texas colleges are going back earlier. Need to pick a date that does not interfere with
planning period. Need some controls in place that allow for alumni to come but not stay and disrupt class time.
Kim suggests some structured talking time.
The alumni need to be in Westside dress codes.
Committee agreed that more communication is needed around guidance on what is allowed in terms of visiting students.
Committee voted to have the the event later in the day- Monday Jan 6th. This is a teacher's work day.
School Business:
Enrollment- up to 2732. Peggi had projected 2750. The budget is being built around the actual number so it is a 50,000 hit to the
budget. Attendance increase will equalize the funds lost.
Grading policy update: this needs to be revisited. There are many practices and policies that are not in writing.
A formal repeatable process needs to be in place.
A committee of teachers was brought together to discuss this. All teachers were invited. They were provided a copy of the
guidelines in the Westside Way and asked "what is missing?".
Objective of the meeting was discussed - Brian has the notes from the meeting.
It is clear that the newer teacher's need more guidance around the grading policy.
The intent would be that there is a fair degree of professional discretion, but Brian and Peggi hope to build some guard rails so
that the overall policy is clear.
Action item-Brian will be prioritizing the topics and begin to guide the group around road blocks and the things that they want to
Question was raised about revisiting the 70/30 policy. SDMC voted on this policy earlier and it was a dead tie between keeping it
or changing it. Peggi states that for this year, that policy will not change.
Enrichment Period Update:
Peggi summarized the consensus- trying to incorporate that in November is too much. Suggestion that it begin in Jan. it is
important that parents understand the details so as to get on board. There was also discussion about extending the enrichment
beyond students who test poorly on STAAR to students who can use additional support preparing for college essays and
applications. There was also discussion about the fact that this time can not be extended to all CLUBS. Peggi shared some
thoughts around having a vision for how this might work- more to come.
Additionally, there were discussions about the work that will be done on the computer LABS and possible challenges how they
might create an inefficient use of time.
SDMC was adjourned at 4:45pm