Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws Ratified January, 2013 March 2012 1 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America, Inc. Beta Xi Bylaws Chapter Bylaws Adopted on April 1st, 2012 ARTICLE I Name and Governing Documents Section One – Name This organization shall be known as the BETA XI CHAPTER OF PHI MU ALPHA SINFONIA FRATERNITY OF AMERICA. Section Two – Constitutional Authority The Beta Xi Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity is organized in accordance with the National Constitution and Bylaws of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America. Section Three – Governing Documents The Beta Xi Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity shall be organized and shall function in accordance with the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws, the Province 3 Bylaws and the Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws. Section Four – Eligibility Title I, Article I, Section 2 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws states that no man under the age of 18 shall be permitted to hold any class of membership. Additionally, no man will be considered for membership if he is a member of any other secret national fraternal society in music. Section Five – Non-Discriminatory Clause This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Per the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws, Title I, Article I, Section 2, “Membership is restricted to males, as permitted under 20 U.S.C. 1681 (a)(6)(A) and as evidenced by the letter of exemption from Title IX provided by the United States Department of Education received December 21, 1983.” ARTICLE II Financial Obligations *Section One – Chapter Dues In addition to the national per capital tax detailed in Title I, Article X, Section 1 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws, each collegiate member of the Beta Xi Chapter shall March 2012 2 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws pay chapter dues of $42 annually, payable in two installments of $21 each, due at a time set by the chapter treasurer no later than one week prior to October 15 and March 15 of the academic year. Section Two – Initiation Fee. Each probationary member shall be required to pay the Initiation Fee as set forth in the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws, Title I, Article I, Section 10. This is a requirement for initiation and is to be paid no later than the day of the National Exam. The Executive Committee will consider any probationary member who has not paid his fee for removal from the probationary process. Section Three– Failure to Remit Dues All members in good standing who have failed to remit the sum total amount of dues owed to the chapter shall be automatically suspended without the necessity of a chapter vote, per Title III, Article IX, Section 2 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. Section Four – Fines Any member who has accumulated chapter fines is expected to pay them off at the next business meeting after which the fine was given out. If a member in good standing has outstanding fines come the due date for chapter dues, then the total due to the chapter will be the sum of national dues, chapter dues, and outstanding fines. Section Five – Chapter Accounts The Beta Xi chapter shall hold at least one checking account, which shall serve as the chapter treasury. All accounts shall require two signatures for the use of chapter funds. Any two of the following three chapter officers can sign for the use of chapter funds: Treasurer, Faculty Advisor, and President. ARTICLE III Officers Section One – Officer Slate As defined by Title III, Article IV, Section 1 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws, with the addition of a Province Council Representative Section Two – Nominations As defined by Title III, Article VIII, Section 1 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, each member who has been nominated for a position must post a letter of intent to the Phi Mu Alpha, Beta Xi Google account no later than the Friday following nominations. Section Three – Elections In addition to Title III, Article VIII, Section 2 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws, elections shall be held during the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Autumn Semester. March 2012 3 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws Each candidate will be given three minutes to discuss his platform as well as two minutes worth of questions. Additional time may be granted to questioning with a proper motion to extend debate. A person will be granted extra time via 2/3 majority of the chapter. Section Four – Installation and Term Officers are installed within a week of being elected, using the official installation ceremony. The length of each officer’s term shall be each calendar year, extending from the beginning of spring semester and concluding at the end of the autumn semester. Each elected officer shall serve a term of one year, holding any one office no more than two terms. Section Five – Removal Removal of an officer shall follow the policies and procedures laid out in the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws Title III, Article IV, Section 3: A Chapter may remove an elected officer from office for due cause. At a regularly scheduled meeting, a chapter collegiate member in good standing must give previous notice that he will make a motion to remove an officer at the next meeting. The chapter must inform the officer of the action immediately. The officer may respond to allegations against him. A majority of members in good standing who are present and voting may remove an officer. ARTICLE IV Officer Duties Section One – President The President shall be responsible for all the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 5 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the President shall be the chair of the Executive Committee. Section Two – Vice President The Vice President shall be responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III Article IV, Section 6 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Vice President shall serve as the coordinator of all chapter standing committees, excluding the Executive Committee. He shall oversee each committee meeting at least once per semester. The Vice President shall also serve as the chapter’s parliamentarian, being the keeper of the National Constitution, General Regulations, the Province Three By-Laws, Chapter By-Laws, and Roberts Rules of Order. Section Three – Secretary The Secretary shall be responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 7 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Secretary shall keep track of attendance of active members to all meetings and chapter events. The Secretary shall be the recorder of all chapter meeting and Executive Committee meeting minutes, and shall be responsible for the distribution of each to the chapter. He shall notify all active March 2012 4 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws members of the date and time of all chapter functions, as well as any changes in scheduled programs. He will provide an ushering schedule for all major School of Music events at the beginning of each semester. Section Four – Treasurer The Treasurer shall be responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 8 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Treasurer shall submit a semi-annual chapter budget. He shall be responsible for collecting and keeping an accurate record of all dues from collegiate members, as well as any money owed or other excessive fines. He shall present a weekly update as to the status of the chapter’s funds at the weekly business meeting. The Treasurer shall serve as the chair of the finance committee. Section Five – Historian The Historian shall be in responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 9 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Historian shall keep an up-to-date, photographic record of all chapter activities. He will create a yearly scrapbook highlighting all chapter events that have taken place over the last year. He shall update and preserve the family trees, update the chapter bulletin board with upcoming chapter events on a regular basis, and be responsible for the slideshow presented at Omega Night (The Ceremony for Graduating Brothers). Section Six – Warden The Warden shall be responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 10 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Warden shall be in charge of reserving locations for chapter functions, as well as maintaining the quality of all chapter materials in the Beta Xi chapter room. The Warden shall be in charge of all keys of the chapter and distribute them to chapter officers as necessary. Section Seven – Alumni Relations Officer The Alumni Relations Officer shall be responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 11 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Alumni Relations Officer shall update all chapter alumni of current chapter events on a regularly basis, He shall inform any local alumni associations of graduating brothers, as well as adding them to the alumni listserv associated with the chapter prior to sending their permanent information on to nationals. Section Eight – Fraternity Education Officer The Fraternity Education Officer shall be responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 12 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Fraternity Education Officer shall organize the voting process for probationary members, as well as handling all bid disbursement. The Fraternity Education Officer shall also be responsible for continuing member education among the active members of the chapter. He shall be the chair of the membership development Committee. March 2012 5 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws Section Nine – Province Council Representative The Province Council Representative shall be the primary liaison between Beta Xi and other chapters located within the province. He is responsible for organizing trips to obtain the traveling province trophy, knowing the date, time, and location of all province workshops, as well as being the primary informant of all major province events such as chapter initiations, fundraisers, etc. Section Ten – Faculty Advisor The Faculty Advisor shall be responsible for the duties appointed to him in Title III, Article IV, Section 13 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. ARTICLE V Committees Section One – Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall act in accordance with Title III, Article IV, Section 14 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Executive Committee of the Beta Xi chapter shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Fraternity Education Officer, Alumni Relations Officer, Province Council Representative, and Warden. Another duty of the Executive Committee shall be to act as a disciplinary review board. The committee shall review any case of active member “misconduct”, defined as any action that is deemed harmful to the interests and reputation of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Any member under review shall be notified in writing of the location and time of their hearing. The member in question can also represent himself in writing given to the Executive Committee. Section Two – Additional Standing Committees The additional standing committees of the Beta Xi chapter shall be known as the, social, music, service and fundraising, and officer assistants committees. Section Three – Social Committee The social committee shall plan social events within the chapter, such as brotherhood events, the chapter semiformal, and the chapter formal. The social committee shall also be in charge of social events outside of the chapter, such as the semi-annually barbeques as well as the School of Music Gala. The Vice President shall appoint the chairman of the committee. Section Four – Music Committee The music committee shall be responsible for all stages of planning of chapter music events. This includes Valentine’s Day serenades, American Music Recitals, chapter concerts, the chapter’s Mill’s Music Mission, Homecoming sings, and Christmas Caroling. The chairman shall be made up of section leaders for each voice part, appointed by the committee chairmen in collaboration with the Vice President. The Vice President shall appoint the chairman of the committee. March 2012 6 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws The chairman shall be responsible for setting the date for each of these events at least one month in advance. This includes all publicity for said events. The chairman should arrange rehearsals and repertoire. Section Five – Service and Fundraising Committee The service and fundraising committee shall be in charge of organizing the creation and organization of community service events within the chapter that expand out in the college and local community. It shall also create opportunities to raise funds for the chapter. A collegiate member in good standing shall chair the committee. Section Six – Officer Assistants Committee The officer assistants committee shall be in charge of assisting officers in any aspect of their jobs as outlined in the National Constitution and Bylaws and the Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws. The committee shall consist of no more than ten collegiate members. Individuals in this committee will choose the officer they wish to assist. An officer is not required to take an assistant. The Vice President shall chair the committee. Section Seven – Special Committees Special committees may be appointed according to the provisions set forth in Title III, Article VI, Section 2 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. ARTICLE VI Special Events and Observances Section One – Special Observances The chapter shall observe both Founder’s Day (October 6) and Chapter Day (May 29) in accordance with Article XII, Section IX of the National Constitution. Chapter Day will be observed on Omega Night. Section Two – American Music Recital The chapter shall present annually at least one program devoted exclusively to the music of American Composers. Section Three – Mills Music Mission The Beta Xi Chapter shall annually present at least one Mills Music Mission in the community. Section Four – School of Music Ushering Each active member is responsible for ushering at least one concert per semester. If there are more concerts than active members over the course of the semester, those who are able must usher more than once. Each member must \make a conscious effort to usher at least one concert per semester. March 2012 7 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws Section Five – Wearing of Letters The brothers of the Beta Xi Chapter will be encouraged to wear fraternity letters and/or other memorabilia in public every Wednesday of the academic year. Section Six – School of Music Barbeques Once per semester, the Beta Xi chapter shall host a public barbeque open to all university students (Ohio Union regulations permitting). The School of Music may financially support the barbeque events. The Fall Semester barbeque shall serve as a welcoming event and the Spring Semester barbeque as a farewell event. Section Seven – School of Music Gala The Beta Xi chapter shall organize and host a School of Music Gala (a dinner/dance) once per academic year during the Spring Semester. This event shall be open to all students of the campus. In the case of limited resources, the chapter may vote to suspend the dance by simple majority vote. This vote can occur no later than the last meeting of Fall Semester. ARTICLE VII Discipline Section One – Attendance All active members in good standing are required to attend all chapter meetings and events. Active members are also required to attend two probationary meetings, while those who have a little brother during the current probationary process must attend three probationary meetings. The Secretary (meeting or event) or the Fraternity Education Officer (probationary meetings) will record attendance. The Fraternity Education Officer shall in turn report probationary member attendance to the Secretary. If the secretary or Fraternity Education Officer is not present to take attendance, it is the Secretary’s and/ or the Fraternity Education Officer’s responsibility to appoint an individual to take attendance. The appointee will then report the attendance to the appropriate officer. A collegiate member in good standing is allowed to have two unexcused absences per semester. If a member accumulates more than two unexcused absences within a semester, the member will be fined according to this schedule: Third unexcused absence – five dollars Fourth unexcused absence – ten dollars Fifth and each consecutive unexcused absence – fifteen dollars each Any member who accumulates more than four unexcused absences will be brought up by the Executive Committee for suspension. If the executive committee deems it appropriate to put an active member on suspension due to attendance, the member in question may appeal this decision to the Executive Committee. The unexcused absences apply for weekly business and/or social meetings. Any member who has an unexcused absence for a ritual defined as pinning ceremony, color nights, Omega Night, Initiation, will be fined thirty dollars. March 2012 8 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws Any member who misses a special event (defined as Mill’s Music Mission, American Music Recital, Dinner Dance, or other large group event that requires the involvement of all collegiate members) will be fined twenty dollars. Any member who enters a meeting, ritual, or special event after it has begun and before thirty minutes after the event has commenced, will be marked as tardy. Three tardies will count as one unexcused absence. Section Two – Excused Absences Any member who must miss or be late to a chapter meeting must file his reason with the Secretary at least two hours prior to the meeting. The decision as to whether or not the reason is acceptable is at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Any member who must miss a ritual or special event (As defined in Article VII, Section One) must file his reason with the Secretary at least ten days in advance of the event. The decision as to whether or not the reason is acceptable is at the discretion of the Executive Committee. If emergency situations arise, such as serious illness or a family emergency, a simple notification to the Secretary will suffice, regardless of how soon it is to the event. These emergency circumstances will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and may serve as an excused absence. Section Three – Failure to Usher assigned concerts Any member failing to meet his obligation of ushering a concert for the School of Music, (as highlighted in Article VI, Section 4 of the Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws), will be fined at the equivalent price of missing a chapter meeting, increasing any amount owed as if a chapter meeting was missed. If a member is unable to make his assignment it is his responsibility to find a replacement for the concert. No excuses, save for emergency situations, will be accepted. Section Four – Removal of Members Per the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws Title III, Article IX, Section 1, “For conduct which is harmful to the best interests or good name of the Fraternity, the chapter may expel any of its collegiate members from the Fraternity.” A motion to start the expulsion process of a member must be made in a regularly scheduled business meeting and must be approved by a majority of members in good standing who are present and voting. Per the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws Title III, Article IX, Section 3: The chapter sends at lease one week’s written notification to any member being considered for…expulsion by the chapter informing him of his right to an interview with the chapter executive committee and the Faculty Advisor. The member may waive such interviews. The written notification states the reasons for the proposed action, the time and place of the proposed interviews, and the member’s right of appeal to the NEC if the chapter approves the…expulsion. Three fourths of the members in good standing present and voting may…expel [a member] from the Fraternity. March 2012 9 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws ARTICLE VIII Probationary Membership Section One – Invitation and Ceremony Probationary members will be chosen based Title III, Article III, Section 1 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws Section Two – Length of Probationary Process The length of the probationary process is such as laid out in Title III, Article III, Section 4 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws In addition, the Beta Xi chapter shall hold two probationary classes. The first shall occur in the Fall semester while the other occurs in the Spring semester Section Three – Content As defined in Title III, Article III, Section 4 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. Section Four – Hazing Title III, Article III, Section 5 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. Section Five – Fair Consideration As defined in Title III, Article III, Section 6 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. Section Six – Retention Voting As defined in Title III, Article III, Section 7 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. Section Seven – National Examination As defined in Title I, Article I, Section 9 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. Section Eight – Final Vote As defined in Title III, Article III, Section 8 of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity National Constitution and Bylaws. ARTICLE IX March 2012 10 Beta Xi Chapter Bylaws Amendments and Reviews Section One – Amendments These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the collegiate members of Beta Xi chapter who are present and voting at any regular business meeting, provided that the proposed amendment was presented in writing at a previous meeting. Section Two – Reviews These bylaws shall be reviewed at least once every year and following any major changes to the governing documents listed in Article I, Section Two of these bylaws. These bylaws shall be reviewed no later than December of the year of a National Assembly.