SSPE 304 – Test 1 - Ch 1-3 Name: ______ ______ ______ ______

SSPE 304 – Test 1 - Ch 1-3
Name: __________________________________
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41) List and define the 5 components of health-related fitness (10 points)
42) List and describe the stages of change (10 points)
Bonus (2 pts each)
1. Who has the most #1 hit singles according to Billboard’s Top 100?
2. Kevin Durant played college basketball at what University?
3. What year was Huntingdon College founded?
SSPE 304 – Test 1 – Ch 1-3
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
1) Wellness can be defined as ________.
A) a state of healthy living.
B) a state of high physical fitness.
C) a state of good emotional health.
D) feeling good.
2) Osteoporosis is ________.
A) high blood pressure
B) high blood sugar
C) loss of bone mass and strength
D) a disease of the blood vessels
3) Weight-bearing activities are particularly important for ________.
A) reducing the risk of lung cancer
C) increasing bone density
B) lowering blood glucose levels
D) reducing the risk of CVD
4) Total wellness can be achieved by balancing ________.
A) physical, social, and mental health
B) cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility
C) physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual health
D) psychological and physical health
5) Which of the following is not considered to be a health benefit of exercise?
A) reduced risk of bone loss with age
C) reduced risk of diabetes
B) reduced risk of kidney disease
D) reduced risk of heart disease
6) Which of the following is not considered to be one the five major components of
health-related physical fitness?
A) cardiorespiratory fitness
C) body composition
B) motor skills
D) muscular endurance
7) Charles has decided that for every 3 pounds he loses in the next 6 months, he's
going to splurge on a new t-shirt to show off his sculpted muscles. What behavior
modification strategy is Charles using by doing this?
A) substituting behaviors
C) relapse prevention
B) self-monitoring
D) self-reinforcement
8) Olivia has decided that she's going to eat healthier. She gives away the two bags of
potato chips she has in her pantry. She goes grocery shopping and stocks her fridge
with vegetables to snack on. This is an example of what form of behavior modification?
A) counter conditioning
C) decisional balance
B) self-monitoring
D) self-reinforcement
9) If you smoke, are not aware of its health risks, and have no desire to stop, in what
stage of change are you?
A) preparation
B) precontemplation
C) contemplation
D) maintenance
10) Conditions or situations that may prevent you from making your behavior change
are called ________.
A) barriers
B) blockages
C) diversions
D) challengers
11) All exercise programs should be individualized. Therefore, an exercise prescription
should consider the individual's ________.
A) age
B) fitness status
C) age and fitness status
D) height
12) Physical fitness can be lost due to inactivity; this is termed the ________.
A) principle of reversibility
B) principle of detraining
C) principle of progression
D) overload principle
13) One particular rule of training holds that training loads should not be increased
more than ________ per week.
A) 10%
B) 15%
C) 5%
D) 20%
14) Establishing ________ is an important part of the exercise prescription for
beginning an exercise training program.
A) an appropriate workout wardrobe
C) a rigid schedule
B) short-term and long-term fitness goals
D) a low-carbohydrate diet
15) The period of solid exercising that takes place between getting started and
finishing up is termed ________.
A) the cool-down
C) Stage II
B) the primary conditioning period
D) the warm-up
16) The principle of ________ states that the effect of exercise training is specific to
those muscles involved in the activity.
A) progression
B) recuperation
C) specificity
D) targeting
17) The best field test for estimating VO2max for individuals with joint problems is the
________ test.
A) 1-mile walk
B) cycle ergometer
C) step
18) The radial artery is located ________.
A) on the inside of the wrist just below the thumb
D) 1.5-mile run
B) along the neck below the jawline
C) in the groin, just above the thigh
D) behind the knee
19) The blood vascular system that circulates blood through the lungs is termed the
A) pulmonary circuit
C) anaerobic pathway
B) aerobic pathway
D) systemic circuit
20) The larger vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart are
A) arterioles
B) arteries
C) veins
D) venules
21) A commonly used strategy to assist with behavior modification is ________.
A) setting short- and long-term goals
B) self-reinforcement by sacrificing something you enjoy if you lapse
C) stating your goals in broad, general terms
D) postponing behavior change until after the holidays
22) Any movement of the body produced by skeletal muscle that results in energy
expenditure is termed
A) physical activity
B) exertion
C) fitness
D) exercise
23) The maximal ability of a muscle to generate force is known as muscular ________.
A) endurance
B) fatigue limit
C) contraction
D) strength
24) Which of the following is an example of a low-impact activity?
A) kickboxing
B) cycling
C) volleyball
D) running
25) With regard to physical fitness, the overload principle can be defined as ________.
A) overloading the body by exercise stress that results in an improvement in physical
B) lifting too much weight during a weight-lifting procedure
C) overloading the body, which results in muscular damage
D) overloading tendons with excessive use that results in damage
26) In which of these activities would anaerobic energy product predominate?
A) cross-country skiing from your house to your aunt's house
B) jogging 8 times around the high-school track
C) running the 100-meter dash
D) running a half-marathon
27) Diabetes is a disease characterized by ________.
A) high blood glucose levels
B) low blood sugar levels
C) low red blood cell counts
D) hypoglycemia
28) Too much exercise can impair the body's ________ and increase one's risk of
catching a cold.
A) ability to excrete toxins
B) blood pressure
C) central nervous system
D) immune system
29) The number of times that the heart beats per minute is termed ________.
A) stroke volume
B) heart rate
C) cardiac output
D) blood pressure
30) One way to maintain ________ health is by keeping your mind active through lifelong learning.
A) social
B) intellectual
C) spiritual
D) emotional
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
31) Factors other than behavior, such as ethnicity and gender, can also affect your
wellness and risk for certain diseases.
32) Regular exercise can reduce your risk of heart disease.
33) Muscular fitness is an alternative term for muscular endurance.
34) Every exercise prescription must include at least one mode of exercise.
35) The primary purpose of a warm-up is to activate the central nervous system.
36) Adaptations can be reversed when regular exercise is suspended for an extended
37) If you're going to make a change, it's best to try to change unhealthy behaviors all
at once.
38) The principle of progression is an extension of the overload principle.
39) Responses are changes that occur over time as a result of regular exercise.
40) Flexibility is the ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion.
1) A
26) C
2) C
27) A
3) C
28) D
4) C
29) B
5) B
30) B
6) B
7) D
31) TRUE
8) A
32) TRUE
9) B
10) A
34) TRUE
11) C
12) A
36) TRUE
13) B
14) B
38) TRUE
15) B
16) C
40) TRUE
17) B
18) A
19) A
20) B
21) A
22) A
23) D
24) B
25) A