Rules and Regulations of Doctoral Studies

to the SGH Senate Resolution no.590
of 22 February 2012
Rules and Regulations of Doctoral Studies
at the Warsaw School of Economics
Preliminary provisions
1. Rules and Regulations of doctoral studies at the Warsaw School of Economics
(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the organisation of doctoral studies
and the relevant rights and obligations of doctoral students undertaking full or part-time
studies conducted in Polish or in a foreign language.
2. Should any domestic or international, bilateral or multilateral agreements on doctoral
programmes binding on SGH provide for other doctoral students’ rights and obligations
concerning the organisation and mode of studies than those specified in the Regulations,
such provisions shall be obeyed within the limits of the applicable law. The Rector may
specify, by way of an order, different doctoral students’ rights and obligations concerning
the mode of studies than otherwise stated in the Regulations, should this be required for
the performance of SGH obligations resulting from such agreements.
1. Doctoral student’s rights and obligations shall be acquired upon matriculation and taking
of an oath whose wording shall be determined by SGH statutes. A person admitted to
doctoral studies shall confirm having taken the oath in writing.
2. Enrolment in doctoral studies shall result from:
1) compliance with the admission requirements;
2) a transfer from another SGH Collegium, another university or research entity pursuant
to the following rules:
the right to be admitted via the transfer mode shall be given to a doctoral student
who passed at least 1 year of a doctoral programme in another entity conducting
doctoral studies if the credit was obtained not more than one year before,
b) the enrolment decision via the transfer mode shall be made by the Head of studies
to which the doctoral student is to be transferred and shall determine the scope of
and the dates for filling curriculum discrepancies and, upon consultation with
relevant lecturers, the dates for passing the courses on general curriculum,
for doctoral students enrolled via the transfer mode the time spent studying before
the transfer shall be counted as the planned time of study specified in para 8.
A doctoral student shall receive a doctoral student’s ID card and a student’s book. He/she
shall make a statement set out in the annex to these Regulations.
1. A doctoral student shall have all the rights resulting from the Act of 27 July 2005 – The
Law on Higher Education (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365 as amended), the SGH
statutes and regulations issued on this basis, defined in these Regulations and other
provisions with regard to doctoral studies.
2. A doctoral student shall specifically have the right to:
1) have his/her personal dignity respected by every member of the academic community;
2) conduct research and obtain assistance from SGH staff and units as well as use the
university infrastructure;
3) participate in the life of the academic community;
4) become a meber of doctoral student organisations and other associations active at
5) pursue cultural, sports and tourist interests and use the respective SGH infrastructure;
6) access the SGH Library;
7) take a holiday break of up to eight weeks in the time free of academic instruction.
1. A doctoral student shall act according to the oath, the Regulations and other provisions
effective at SGH as well as decisions made by the Head of programme concerning the
mode of studies.
2. A doctoral student shall be specifically obliged to:
1) obey academic rules and customs;
2) take special care of SGH reputation and property;
3) participate in classes and organisational activities provided for by the curriculum;
4) pass all the courses in due time, conduct scientific research, run academic instruction
and meet other requirements stated in the curriculum;
5) take examinations on an independent and ethical basis and conduct research work
according to the laws protecting intellectual property;
6) settle financial liabilities to SGH without delay;
7) immediately notify the secretary of studies of any changes in personal data relevant to
the course of studies, in particular the name and surname, residence or correspondence
8) submit a report on the conducted research and academic instruction at the end of every
academic year;
9) select, by the end of the first year of studies, a research tutor from among the SGH
faculty or, upon the study Head’s consent, from among the faculty of other universities
or research institutions;
10) have an account on the SGH electronic mail server with the SGH domain address and
use it with regard to study related matters; being unfamiliar with the information sent
by SGH to doctoral students’ mail accounts does not exempt them from due and
timely performance of all obligations.
Doctoral student’s rights and obligations shall expire on completion of classes of the last year
of studies or removal from the list of doctoral students. It does not apply to the doctoral
student’s outstanding liabilities to SGH.
1. Doctoral studies are conducted by SGH Collegia.
2. The Head of studies is responsible for the organisation and implementation of the study
1. The planned time framework of the studies shall be 4 years.
2. The planned date of completion of studies ending in the summer semester shall be 30
September, and for studies ending in the winter semester the last day of February, unless
otherwise stated pursuant to § 20.
1. The academic year shall last from 1 October till 30 September of the next calendar year.
2. Doctoral studies may commence in the winter or summer semester.
§ 10
SGH shall charge tuition fees for part-time doctoral studies and the issued documents on the
terms outlined in separate regulations.
1. Studies are conducted according to the doctoral studies curriculum.
2. Studies are conducted pursuant to the law on the establishment of doctoral studies defining
their curriculum, educational results, study loads of compulsory and elective courses
included in the curriculum together with the ECTS credit points assigned to them as well
as the required academic instruction work.
§ 12
1. All forms of classes, academic instruction practice and research work included in the
curriculum shall be subject to credits.
§ 13
1. A doctoral student’s absence from any class shall be justified immediately after the
cessation of the reason thereof.
2. The lecturer shall determine the way the student is expected to make up for the absence
and set a deadline therefor.
§ 14
1. Credits for classes are awarded according to the following grading scale:
5.0 – very good;
4.5 – good plus;
4.0 – good;
3.5 – satisfactory plus;
3.0 – satisfactory;
2.0 – fail.
2. Research work and classes are subject to descriptive assessment.
3. Grades shall be entered into examination reports, class credit sheets and student books.
4. In the case of receiving a failing grade or not taking the examination in the first
examination term a doctoral student shall have the right to a retake in the second term.
5. Upon a well-grounded application of a doctoral student submitted within 7 days of the date
of announcement of the final fail grade in a course, the Head of studies may order the
board examination to be held not earlier than 14 days and not later than 1 month from the
date of filing the application.
6. The board examination is taken before a committee appointed by the Dean of the
Collegium. At the doctoral student’s request, a representative of the Doctoral Student
Board recommended by the relevant body of the SGH Doctoral Student Board shall sit on
the committee.
7. Research work shall be assessed by the doctoral student’s tutor or supervisor.
8. Academic instruction work shall be assessed by the doctoral student’s tutor or supervisor.
9. The Head of studies shall grant annual credit for research conducted by the doctoral
student, covering his/her study curriculum as well as conducting academic instruction
practice in the way defined by the Collegium Council.
§ 15
1. The Head of studies shall be a doctoral student’s immediate superior.
2. The Head of studies shall settle individual issues arising from the course of studies.
3. In particular, the Head of studies shall make decisions with regard to:
1) setting two terms for obtaining final grades in every course;
2) following a doctoral student’s well-grounded application, giving a consent to set
different dates for obtaining final grades.
4. The Head of studies shall make a decision to remove a doctoral student from the student
list if he/she received a fail grade in the board examination or failed to take it altogether.
5. Dean of the Collegium shall consider a doctoral student’s complaints with regard to
obtaining credit for research, covering the curriculum or conducting academic instruction.
§ 16
Credits are obtained on an annual basis.
§ 17
1. The year of studies is regarded as passed after obtaining positive final grades in all courses,
research work and academic instruction practice included in the study curriculum of a
given year.
2. A doctoral student who passed the year and does not default on tuition fee payments shall
be admitted to the next year of studies.
§ 18
1. Apart from the cases defined in § 16.4 the Head of studies shall remove a doctoral student
from the student list in the following situations:
1) a failure to commence study in due time;
2) a submission of a written resignation note;
3) a lawful ruling of the Disciplinary Committee on the expulsion of the doctoral student
from SGH.
2. The Head of studies may remove a doctoral student from the student list should he default
on the relevant tuition fee payments.
3. Should credit be not granted for a given year, the Head of studies shall:
1) give consent for the doctoral student to repeat the courses and academic instruction
practice as well as his/her outstanding research work and to be conditionally admitted to
the next year;
2) resolve to remove the doctoral student from the student list.
4. The following rules shall be applied when approving of the repetition of courses, academic
instruction practice and the failed research as well as when granting conditional admission:
1) the period allowed for conditional credit must not be longer than one year;
2) conditional admission may not be granted in the final year of studies.
5. A doctoral student who has been removed from the student list shall be obliged to settle all
his/her liabilities with SGH.
§ 19
1. At the request of a doctoral student, the Head of studies shall grant a maternity leave,
additional maternity leave, leave on the terms and conditions of a maternity leave,
additional leave on the terms and conditions of a maternity leave and a paternity leave. The
Head of studies shall extend the duration of doctoral studies by the time periods of these
2. At the request of a doctoral student, justified by extraordinary circumstances including
temporary inability to continue studying due to a health condition, necessity to take care of
a sick family member or a child of up to 4 years of age or a child with a certified disability,
the Head of study may extend the duration of studies exempting the doctoral student from
class participation. The joint prolongation time over the total period of doctoral studies
must not exceed one year.
3. The Head of studies, having consulted the tutor or the supervisor, may prolong the duration
of doctoral studies, simultaneously releasing the doctoral student from the duty of
attending classes, in well-grounded cases due to the necessity of conducting long lasting
research, for the time period of the research duration, however not longer than by two
years in total.
§ 20
1. The Dean of the Collegium may allow for the resumption of studies by a person who was
removed from the list of students after passing the first year of studies, unless the person
was removed owing to a disciplinary punishment of expulsion from SGH which has not
been expunged or if more than three years have lapsed since the penalty.
2. The person resuming studies shall be obliged to take an oath.
3. The resumption may be effected not earlier than in the following year after the removal
subject to the removal being due to a default on tuition fee payment.
4. A doctoral student resuming studies is admitted to the year not later than following the last
year the doctoral student had passed before being removed from the list of doctoral
students. The year of conditional admission shall not be regarded as passed.
§ 21
1. Studies shall be deemed completed on the day of acquiring the third cycle qualifications
following compliance with the requirements provided for in the study curriculum.
2. A doctoral student who has passed all the courses required by the curriculum shall receive
a certificate of his/her academic record.
§ 22
1. The Head of studies shall settle doctoral students’ individual issues at their written request
or by his own motion (ex officio).
2. An application signed by the applicant shall be submitted to the Collegium office within 7
days of the occurence of circumstances giving rise to the application. The application
should include the applicant’s personal data, outline the subject matter and comply with
other requirements specified in a special ruling.
3. An incomplete doctoral student’s application, after the ineffective lapse of a 7-day period
indicated in the notice requesting completion of the application shall not be considered if
the missing information makes it impossible to formulate a reasonable decision.
§ 23
1. A doctoral student shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Head of studies to the
2. The appeal shall be filed through the Head of studies within 14 days of the service of the
§ 24
Other doctoral students’ issues unaccounted for in these Regulations as well as not regulated
by other provisions of law shall be settled by the Rector.
Annex to
the Rules and Regulations
of Doctoral Studies
(Date) ……………......…
Name and surname .....................................................................................................................................
Private e-mail address ................................................................................................................................
Telephone ...................................................................................................................................................
Address ......................................................................................................................................................
Mode of studies (full-time/part-time) ........................................................................................................
Study edition ..............................................................................................................................................
Date of commencement of doctoral studies ...............................................................................................
Date of completion of doctoral studies (according to the study curriculum) ............................................
I, the undersigned ……................................................ give my consent for the above personal
data to be processed by the Warsaw School of Economics for the following purposes: (optional choice)
research concerning professional careers of graduates
(e.g. fulfilling the duty of monitoring professional careers of graduates resulting from Article 13a
of the Higher Education Law of 27 July 2005, Journal of Laws No. 164 Section 1365 as amended;
participation in rankings of higher education institutions)
maintaining contact
informing me about SGH educational and professional training offer
confirming qualifications obtained at SGH at the request of entities conducting recruitment of
(e.g. SGH Alumni Club, graduation, alumni reunions)
(when the graduate takes part in the recruitment process)
I shall inform SGH of any changes in my contact data.
Pursuant to Article 24 of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (consolidated text
Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101, Section 926 as amended) I have been informed that the place of
processing my personal data is the Collegium..................................................of the Warsaw School of
Economics, 02-554 Warszawa, al. Niepodległości 162 and that I have the right to change them or
demand that the data be deleted.
(legible signature)
I, the udersigned …………………………………. do not give consent for the above personal data to
be processed for any of the aforementioned purposes.
(legible siganture)