Acts Week 8 - Clear Water Church

Week 8
1. Let’s begin by observing what takes place in this story. Read Acts 8:1-25 straight
through to set the context. Then go back to the beginning and work yourself through
the text to answer the questions below.
a. 8:1-4What happens to the church when Stephen is killed?
Where did they go to escape? Compare this with what Jesus told His followers to
do in Acts 1:8.
Who remained in Jerusalem?
What was the result of this persecution according to v.4?
b. 8:5-8Which apostle left Jerusalem to go to Samaria?
What effect did the presence of the Holy Spirit, working through Philip, have on
this city?
c. 8:9-13Who had been a previous spiritual leader in Samaria?
What had he been up to before Philip arrived?
Who had he claimed to be? What was he allowing the people to call him?
What effect does Philip’s witness have on Simon?
d. 8:14-17Who do the apostles send to help Philip once they realize that the Holy Spirit is at
work in Samaria?
What happened when they began laying their hands on the believers, and praying
for them?
e. 8:18-25What does Simon do when he sees the effect of the Holy Spirit on the Samaritans?
Does he attribute this to God, or to the apostles? In other words, does Simon give
the glory to God, or to men?
What sin does Peter accuse him of? What does he tell Simon to do?
How does Simon respond?
f. Compare this story to the story in Acts 5:1-10, of Ananias and Sapphira. Why do
you think that Simon did not come to the same end?
What does the Holy Spirit seem to recognize in Simon’s heart that was not present
in Ananias and Sapphira?
The key to forgiveness is confession and repentance. Agreeing with God that our
old way of living is wrong. Then, by His grace, turning from our old way of living to
a new way of trusting in God and being obedient to Him.
Simon had been accustomed to a life of prestige and notoriety. In his heart, it was
all about him. He had been impressed with this “new” supernatural display that
the Holy Spirit was manifesting through Philip. He began to follow Philip as a way
of “learning the trade”.
When Peter and John arrived, he was really blown away. He wanted for himself
what they possessed and he even tried to purchase it with silver. But he sought
the Power rather than the God who gives the power.
What about you? Do you want God, or only the blessings- the talents, gifts and
mercies that He gives you? Spend a moment asking the Holy Spirit to search your
heart on this, and reveal any wicked way in you. Then confess that your attitude
has been wrong, and ask for His grace to help you to repent.
g. Read 2 Timothy 3:1-9. Does this description sound like Simon to you? What
similarities do you observe (esp. v. 5)?
Read Exodus 7:10-12 for the context of Jannes and Jambres.
Like Simon, they were “wise” men, the sorcerers, the magicians of Egypt. They
impressed everyone with their “secret arts”. But their folly became obvious to all.
“I bow my knee before Your Throne.
I know my life is not my own.
I offer up a song of praise
To bring You pleasure, LORD.
I seek the Giver, not the gift.
My heart’s desire is to lift You
High above all earthly things.
To bring You pleasure, LORD.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah to the King!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah to the King.”
Don Moen
2. Now let’s focus on the Holy Spirit in this passage of scripture, and what it means to
receive Him.
a. Read Acts 8:14-17 again.
What is the pronoun used for the Holy Spirit in v. 16 (NASB, ESV & KJT- word for
word translations)?
He is a Person- one of the three persons of the Godhead. He is not a power or
force; rather, He gives us the power of His grace when we receive Him into our
b. Read Titus 3:4-7.
How did God display His kindness toward us? Through the appearance
(manifestation) of Who?
On what basis are we saved?
Not by our ______________; but according to God’s __________________.
How does salvation occur?
According to v.5, which Person of the Godhead does this?
What do you learn about the Holy Spirit in v. 6?
Now, let me ask you this: Can you receive only a small portion of the Person? Why?
The complete, whole Person comes to us. Our receiving and being filled by God-the
Holy Spirit is only limited by our faith and obedience. He is all there, we just need to
make room for Him in our hearts by emptying ourselves of self! If we are in Christ,
the Holy Spirit has been poured out richly upon us.
In the times of the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit would come upon a prophet, and
that man or woman would speak forth “the Word of the LORD”. Then, the Spirit
would depart.
But now that Jesus has inaugurated the New Covenant for us. We receive the
(eternal) life-giving Spirit of God, once for all time. He does not leave us or forsake
us. He is always with us. (Hebrews 10:14-22)
c. What about you, my friend? Look up these cross-references and note what your
responsibility is concerning your relationship with God- the Holy Spirit, and do it!
Ephesians 5:18-
1 Thessalonians 5:19-
Ephesians 4:30-
Galatians 5:16-
May His grace and power be with you!