CWHI ByLaws Actual

“Teaching America’s History Through First
Person Impressions, Living History Demonstrations
and Battlefield Reenactments"
Article I
Civil War Historical Impressions
Article II Mission Statement
Civil War Historical Impressions (“CWHI”) strives to uphold and preserve the highest
standards of the reenacting community. Through “living history” demonstrations, battle
reenactments, memorial ceremonies, parades, and educational presentations for any
interested group or institution, the organization will support its membership and the public
in gaining a more complete and objective understanding of the life and times of the men
and women, both civilian and military, who served both the Confederacy and the Union
during the War Between the States.
In addition, whenever possible, the unit’s purpose is to educate and encourage public
awareness regarding preservation of historically significant properties and structures from
this period in our nation’s past.
Article III Objectives
To teach the rich history and unique perspective of people during the
19th century through authentic living history with hands-on programs,
demonstrations and educational activities.
To offer a platform of organization, a consistent system of support
and a basis of information to re-enactors and living historians who
want to participate at events in a more organized, active and involved
To provide a resource for other groups, museums, and schools to
supplement their history programs.
To allow individual unit’s to function on their own to plan and
participate in their own scheduled events while being supported by
“CWHI”. (Any and All unit’s within)
Article IV Membership
Any person may apply for membership in this organization
provided the following requirements are met:
That person is a legal resident of the United States.
b. That person will continue abide to by all local, state and federal laws.
That person is not now, and never has been a member of any so called
“radical”, “supremacy” or other “hate” groups.
Membership in the organization is a privilege, not a right and shall be open to anyone
regardless of race, color, religion, political affiliation, disability, marital status, gender or
Requirements of membership are as follows:
1. New members must complete “CWHI” Application forms, pay organization dues, and
Members MUST provide a basic medical history. (Space provided on Application
2. Yearly dues shall be paid by December 15th of each year. Any member, who does not
have their annual dues paid, will NOT be covered on the organizations Liability
Insurance Policy and will be classified as “INACTIVE” in “CWHI” records. “CWHI”
Administration will notify each unit commander of the “Status” of its membership. It
is the responsibility of the individual unit commander to inform his/her members as to
their “Active” or “Inactive” status with “CWHI”. Should an individual unit
commander allow a member to participate in an event who is NOT covered on our
insurance policy and there is an incident or injury, “CWHI”, its leadership,
membership or Insurance provider WILL NOT be responsible for liabilities or medical
treatments. Annual dues for “CWHI” are as follows. These dues may or may not
replace individual unit dues. See individual unit commander for detailed explanation.
Family - $30.00
Individual - $20.00
(Up to 5 under Same Residence)
3. Members in ‘good standing’ are those who have no outstanding unit debts and who
have attended the required number of sanctioned (or approved non-sanctioned) events.
The number of events required will be determined by the individual unit commander.
Members should make every effort to attend scheduled events. It is important to
maintain the same appearance at every event. This has contributed to the expectations
of those who wish us to attend or invite us to their event.
4. All members shall provide their own period military uniforms, civilian clothing, and
equipment. Loaner uniforms, tents, and weapons are available, but new members are
expected to begin acquiring their own personal equipment within a reasonable amount of
time. All military uniforms, civilian clothing, and equipment shall be as historically
accurate as possible to conform to the period 1861-1865.
5. All military members shall abide by the uniform standards set by assigning regiment.
6. All members, civilian and military, or persons associated with a member, who are
staying within the camp during spectator hours, must reflect the dress and material culture
of the period to remain in the unit encampment. Members MUST have era appropriate
clothing relevant to his or her impression. Members will use only era appropriate
equipment and materials during events and/or programs, and maintain an era appropriate
camp at all times during any event.
7. The minimum age for a combatant member is 14. You MUST be 14 to take any field as a
combatant, however, if invited or given the opportunity to participate in another role,
discuss this with parent or guardian and unit commanding officer.
8. Members are required to mail all event registration forms for the events that they are
attending. Fees are the responsibility of each member.
9. Disputes will occur. You are expected to attempt to work out any differences between the
individuals involved. Should this not occur, the individual unit commander will intervene
and attempt to resolve such disputes. Should the individual members not resolve their
differences, the commanding officer shall in his own opinion, decide how to best resolve the
differences up to and or including dismissal from the event. Should this occur, a meeting
between the individuals involved will take place at a later time and the membership status
of those involved will be re-evaluated. “CWHI” administration reserves the right to make
additional resolutions, up to and including expulsion from “CWHI” for any dispute or
infraction which is deemed detrimental to the reputation of “CWHI”.
10. Any donations made to “CWHI” will be deposited into the bank account of "Civil War
Historical Impressions" and used for any items deemed necessary for the operation of the
unit. (Printing, Advertising, Insurance Premiums, Equipment, etc.)
11. Camps must be kept clean at all times. NO non period items of any kind will be
displayed in camp during spectator visitation hours.
Supervision of minors:
1. Minors (under age 18) shall be supervised by their parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
or by prior arrangement agreed upon.
2. A “CWHI” adult member or guardian is solely responsible for all care and
supervision of minors in their charge. We are a family based organization, However,
YOU are responsible for your children's well being and conduct at any and all
13. Any member who engages in an activity deemed unsafe or inappropriate to the
mission of our organization by a Commanding Officer or other members of the
organization shall, in all cases, have the offense brought to his or her attention and, if
warranted, disciplinary action will be taken by individual unit commanders. Corrective
action shall be determined by the Commanding Officer and or “CWHI” leadership.
14. All major decisions affecting organization policy and bylaw amendments will be
discussed by members in “good standing.” The bylaws of “CWHI” shall be amended as
deemed necessary in order to keep this document a functional asset for the well-being of
the unit. It is up to the members to attend and voice their opinions on the amendments. All
comments, suggestions and concerns will be considered.