Appliances information of TCA Abstract: The purpose of this document is to see how much energy is used for the appliances in TCA and to find out how we can conserve the energy usage. In this document, freezers, microwaves, food heat lamp and projectors are the subject. For the freezers, we checked the outside temperature to see if the cold air comes out or the freezer is overheated. We also checked inside temperature to check whether the refrigerator keeps food or drinks cold or not. Equipment: Kill A Watt EZ (model: P4460) Thermal Leak Detector Data: Appliance:Freezer(for Ice-cream only) * Unit for temperature: Celsius surface (heat) temperature red (hot); 31 inside temperature -20 volt 120.7 watt 108 cost per year $ 52 Appliance:Teacher’s refrigerator: surface (side) 17 surface (upper) 21 inside of freezer -17 Appliance:Student’s refrigerator: surface (side) 20 surface (upper) 25.6 freezer -17 Volt 122.7 Watt (with door closed) 25 Watt (with door opened) 67 cost per year $ 92 Appliance:refrigerator in other room: surface (bottom) 19 surface (upper) 22 freezer -12.5 volt 120.4 Watt (with door closed) 11 Watt(with door opened) 49 cost per year 142 Appliances:Two Microwaves Volt 122 cost per year $ 1.85 Appliance:Food heat lamp: volt 120.6 Watt (turned off) 1 Watt (turned on) 497 cost per year $98.41 Appliance:Projector in Math class: volt 116.4 Watt (turned off) 0 Watt (turned on) 420 cost per year $104 Appliance:Projector in Science Lab: Volt 120 Watt (turned off) 0 Watt (turned on) 560 cost per year $92.9 Appliance:Projector in History class volt 121.1 Watt (turned off) 5 Watt (turned on) 86 cost per year $ 80.8 Conclusion: The surface temperature of the ice-cream freezer was higher than any other refrigerators even though its cost is lower than others while the cold air was emitted through the side of the teacher’s refrigerators. The condition of refrigerator along with the water heater was dirty. These observations mean that TCA need to check the refrigerator and to change it if there is serious problem considering energy usage to save energy and the cost. The data also shows that when the door of the refrigerator is open, the amount of Watt increases which means it uses more energy when it is open. To prevent this, we always have to close the door of refrigerators. Most of refrigerators work fine. For the food heat lamp and the projectors, they use a lot of energy according to data. When they are turned on, the Watt increases incredibly. To conserve the energy, we have to turn off the projectors when it is not in use. We also need to plug out too because some of them use energy even though they are not turned on.