Purdue University Calumet Annual Faculty Lecture

Call for Nominations
The Faculty Lecture Committee invites nominations for the 2015 Faculty Lecturer. The Annual
Faculty Lecture is the featured public event and highlight of the academic year.
This lecture series honors outstanding faculty members, showcases scholarly activities of our
faculty, and enhances the relationship between the University and the community.
Further, this event provides support and visibility to the efforts to enhance scholarly activity on
our campus.
Selection as a Faculty Lecturer is a very high honor. The recipient of this honor will present
his/her scholarly work at an event open to the University faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the
local community. The lecture should be prepared with this varied audience in mind, along with
references to their work. The recipient will be honored with a monetary award of $1000. We
encourage you to nominate someone whom you feel represents the very best that Purdue
University Calumet can offer.
Guidelines for Nomination
All full-time, tenured and tenure track faculty are eligible for nomination. Faculty members who
meet the eligibility requirement may nominate themselves.
Guidelines for Proposed Lectures
The lecture must be prepared for a general public audience. This is an opportunity to present the
topic to the community in a creative and fun way.
The lecture must be based on scholarly material of the speaker with references in the lecture.
The lecture should be prepared to last 1 hour with ½ hour for questions.
Faculty Lecturer Selection Procedure
Applicants for the Faculty Lecture may self-nominate or be nominated by another faculty
member. When nominating another faculty member, please inform the nominee so that the
nominee may prepare a proposal in a timely fashion. Nominees may send an e-mail to Dr. Neeti
Parashar, Chair of the Faculty Lecture Committee, 2014, at
parashar@purduecal.edu with questions.
Nominees must submit a brief vita, prepare a 1-3 page summary indicating the purpose, method
of analysis, and provisional conclusions of the proposed lecture. These materials must be
delivered electronically to Dr. Neeti Parashar no later than Thursday, February 20, 2014,
by e-mail at Parashar@purduecal.edu.
The Faculty Lecture committee will evaluate the proposals and select the Faculty Lecturer for
2015. The name of the selected 2015
Faculty Lecturer will be announced at this academic year's Faculty Lecture by Prof. Saul Lerner,
scheduled for Tuesday, March 18, 2014.
Thank you for supporting the Annual Faculty Lecture.
Information Bulletin #13 FY13-14 Faculty Lecture Series _ Call for