Section 1: Examples of simple diagnostic models of ecosystem response to climate forcing Example #2: Northwest Pacific Zooplankton Sanae Chiba (JAMSTEC), Andrew Davis (Geogea Tech) Background It has been well reported that dynamics of the Aleutian Low, that is closely related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, affected the lower trophic levels in the western North Pacific through the wind-driven, bottom-up process that changes nutrient and light availability within mixed layer. The other PDO-related, yet less studied process in LTL variation is influence of dynamics of Kurosho-Oyashio Currents. Finding the low-frequency variation in biogeographical shift in zooplankton community in the Kuroshio/Oyashio transition region based on analysis of the Odate Collection zooplankton data set, Chiba et al. (2009) hypothesized that spin-up of the Kuroshio and Oyashio after the climatic RS in the late 1970s enhanced northward transport of warm water species and southward transport of cold water species, that resulted in high zooplankton concentration in the narrow area between the two currents. Passive Tracer Experiment To test the hypothesis and to assess the effect of low-frequency transport on variations in zooplankton populations in the Kuroshio/Oyashio transition region, we conducted the passive tracer experiment using the output of the Ocean Model for Earth Simulator (OFES) global eddy-resolving ocean model (1/10°) developed at JAMSTEC (Masumoto et al 2004). Our hindcast provided current and sea level data from 1950 to 2000, employing NCEP/NCAR reanalysis climatology forcing (Kalnay et al 2006). We chose a region including the Odate sampling area and major features of the Kuroshio/Oyashio extension (Fig. 1). We used this model-derived current data to drive a Lagrangian transport algorithm. The algorithm simulates both the advection and diffusion of passive tracers-particles with negligible mass and neutral buoyancy that represent zooplankton in this study. Particles were released from both areas in March, then we counted the number of particles from both regions ending up in the sampling area in September. This gave us yearly indices of transport that we could correlate with zooplankton observations. Model output was compared to the observed Odate zooplankton distribution for 1960-1999. We found that the observed number of warm-water species was significantly and strongly correlated (r = .58) with northward transport by the Kuroshio (fig. 2). This means that a large portion of warm-water zooplankton is being carried into the Kuroshio/Oyashio transition zone from the south, and that the amount transported varies interannually and interdecadally. While this underlying physical variability remains difficult to attribute, our results further reinforce the role of climate as a driver of ecosystem variability. We failed to find the significant match between model output and the observed distribution of cold water species. That suggests that zooplankton population in the northern area might be determined by the wind-driven, mixed layer process rather than ocean current dynamics. Further Subject: Seasonality This study area is know as nursery and feeding ground of many commercially important fish species, such as sardine and saury, thus lower frequency variation in zooplankton population would have a significant influence on recruitment success of those fish. Fish species migrate to the area in the various seasonal timing and life stages. Therefore, the seasonality in zooplankton advection should be considered to assess the LTL and HTL link. Temporal and spatial resolution of the Odate Collection data is not sufficient to assess the monthly level analysis of zooplankton distribution. However, May-September average abundance of warm water species showed the highest correlation with tracer counts in August, indicating that interannual variation in seasonal dynamics of currents should be investigated. References Chiba S, et al (2009) Geographical shift of zooplankton communities and decadal dynamics of the Kuroshio–Oyashio currents in the western North Pacific. Global Change Biology, 15,1846–1858 Kalnay E, et al (1996) The NCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 77, 437-471 Masumoto Y (2004) Generation of small meanders of the Kuroshio south of Kyushu in a highresolution ocean general circulation model, Journal of Oceanography, 60, 313-320 Fig. 1 Target area for passive tracer experiment. Blue boxes: Tracer release area; Red boxes: zooplankton data Fig. 2 Time-series of warm water zooplankton abundance (black line) and tracer particle counts in the south box (red line) and both north and south boxes (green) in the Fig. 1.