FEC Minutes October 5, 2015 - UCLA

Faculty Executive Committee Meeting
October 5, 2015
Room 2-648
Present: Wendie Robbins(Chair), Dong Sung An, Mary Sue Heilemann, Felicia Hodge, Mary Ann Lewis (ex officio), Karabi Nandy, Linda
Sarna (ex officio), Dottie Wiley
Guest: Lynn Doering
Excused: Mary Woo
Meeting called to order by Dr. Wendie Robbins at
No Action Taken
FEC meeting minutes for September 14, 2015 were
reviewed for corrections and edits.
Motion to approve September 14,
2015 FEC meeting minutes as
corrected was carried with no
Old Business
A. Bylaws- Dr. Robbins
Dr. Robbins announced that on June 2, 2015, the
Faculty approved “minor revisions” to SON 2010
bylaws in order to reflect that there are no longer
functional units within the administrative
organizational structure in the School of Nursing.
However, the ballot did not contain an accurate
version of 2010 bylaws. Dr. Robbins also reported that
the UCLA Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction (R&J)
is requesting that the bylaws clarify SON voting
privileges. For these reasons, a new vote on bylaws
will need to occur.
New Business
A. DNP Update – Dean Sarna
Dr. Robbins will draft a new ballot
for faculty vote on SON bylaws.
Dean Sarna announced that the first draft of
curriculum for the self-supporting DNP program did
not comply with the AACN Essentials of Doctoral
Education for Advanced Practice Nursing. The
curriculum is currently being rewritten to comply with
these essentials with goal of having the DNP program
reviewed by the Academic Senate Legislative
Assembly (LgA) by the Winter and the Coordinating
Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA) by the
B. Karen Grimley Update – Dean Sarna
Dean Sarna announced that she has met with Dr.
Karen Grimley, the new chief nursing executive for
UCLA Health System to discuss various topics. Dr.
Grimley is also the Assistant Dean of Nursing for the
SON and will be invited to SON faculty meetings
moving forward. A welcoming will be held at the SON
in the near future.
C. Retirement Changes – Dean Sarna
Dean Sarna reported that the University of California
will set new caps for pensionable salary for all
employees hired on or after January 1, 2016. The new
caps will be $117,000 and $235,000 for staff and
faculty respectively.
D. UC Enrollment Issues – Dean Sarna
Dean Sarna reported that the state Legislature has
mandated that the University of California (UC)
increase California undergraduate (freshman)
enrollment by 5,000 by the 2016-17 academic year.
The UC has yet to present a proposal but it is expected
that this mandate will apply to all UC campuses.
Discussion ensured regarding space, clinical
placements and SON growth. Dear Sarna encouraged
No Action Taken
the Curriculum Committee to consider bringing back
the leadership program and also to discuss strategies to
expand the prelicensure undergraduate program.
E. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Dr. KoniakGriffin
Dr. Deborah Koniak-Griffin discussed the interactive
theater production taking place on February 8, 2016 in
the School of Nursing. Lunch will take offered from
11:00am-11:30am and the theater production will be
held from 11:30am-2:00pm.
F. BRN Visit – Dr. Doering
Dr. Lynn Doering announced that the California BRN
will be conducting a three day on-site review of the
SON’s prelicensure and APN programs during fall
2016. Dr. Doering noted that data was incomplete and
missing for the previous two academic years. The FEC
discussed strategies to deal with this missing data.
FEC agreed that a BRN visit date should be chosen
that provides the necessary time to gather the required
information in preparation for the BRN visit. The FEC
agreed to the following three options:
Option One – The week of October 24-28
Option Two – The week of November 7-11
Option Three – The week of November 14-18
Dr. Doering stated she would confirm a date with the
BRN and send a save-the-date to the faculty shortly
E. Recruitment of AI/AN nurses and HRSA grant –
Dr. Hodge
Dr. Felicia Hodge presented slides discussing the
shortage of American Indian nurses and how
American Indian hospitals do not have surgical nurses
causing these hospital to contract out these services
thus reducing their budgets.
Dr. Hodge also discussed self-determination which
provides the ability for tribes to manage and
administrate their own programs. However, this causes
challenges in staffing these facilities with the shortage
of nurses. Dr. Hodge also discussed scholarship and
training requirements. If you are an American Indian
enrolled in a federally recognized tribe and are
enrolled in Allied Health you can be provided up to
$40,000 a year in funding to help with training. Those
who accept the funding agree to pay back the funds by
working for a tribe. The payback is a year of service
for every year in funding.
Dr. Hodge also discussed the possibility of submitting
a HRSA grant proposal to recruit 5-10 students a year
in various programs.
F. System wide Senate Review: Proposed Revision
to Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and
Sexual Harassment – Comments due by October
20, 2015 – Dr. Robbins.
Dr. Robbins recommended a standard procedure be
implemented for requests for comment by faculty on
system wide senate reviews and proposals. The FEC
discussed various options and concluded that the FEC
Chair with the help of the Vice Chair could review
each request and send out requests for comments to
faculty regarding the topics that effect the School of
Nursing directly.
Committee Reports
Faculty Research & Professional Affairs (FRPA) –
Dr. An
A. Intramural Funding
Dr. Dong Sung An announced that Dr. Su Yon Jung
submitted an intramural funding application which
received an average funding score of 4.7. Dr. Jung has
been asked by the committee to revise her proposal
and resubmit.
Dr. An also reported that the committee is working to
identify adjunct and tenure track assistant professors
who are going to submit for the next round.
B. Research Days
Dr. An announced that the 2016 SON Research Days
will take place on May 10th and 11th during National
Nurses Week. Dr. An stated that the goal is to utilize
the research days as a means of disseminating research
and informing students of the research of SON faculty.
C. Intramural Funding Progress Reports
Dr. An announced that the committee has reviewed
progress reports from SON intramural funding
recipients who received funding in the previous five
years. He noted that Dr. Carol Pavlish’s research
project which was not completed as she was unable to
visit the Sudan to complete the research due to safety
concerns. The project has been on hold for several
years but Dr. Palvish is working to revise her proposal.
Update to follow.
No Action Taken
D. 6th Floor Research Lab and Biosafety Cabinets
Dr. An announced that three new biosafety cabinets
were installed and certified for use in the 6th floor red
lab space. A fourth biosafety cabinet was installed but
a ventilation issue must be corrected before it can be
certified. Facilities has been contacted and is working
to correct the issue.
Student Affairs Committee – Dr. Heilemann
Dr. Heilemann reported that the Student Affairs
Committee did not have anything to report as the first
meeting will be next week.
Curriculum Committee – Drs. Wiley and Woo
Dr. Dottie Wiley reported that the Curriculum
Committee will soon be sending out a ballot for
faculty to vote on the proposed 80% passing
requirement for undergraduate and graduate students
who are taking clinical or clinical laboratory courses
linked to a theory course.
Dr. Wiley also reported that the Curriculum
Committee is working on bringing to ballot all of the
prelicensure program curriculum changes.
Dr. Wiley stated that three brownbag discussions will
be held on these topics before the ballots come out.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm