ACADEMIC FORMATION: (2011- ) Post-doc – University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin, USA) (2010-2011) Post-doc – Université Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens, FRANCE) Research project: “Impact of landscape fragmentation on species and functional diversity in north western European forests.” (2005-2009) PhD in Ecology – Codirection between Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke CANADA) and Montpellier SupAgro (FRANCE) Research project: “From plant functional traits to plant communities towards a prediction of species relative abundances through a maximum entropy model.” (2003-2004) degree in “Tropical environment and biodiversity valorization”- Université des Antilles-Guyane (Guadeloupe island, FRANCE) Research project at the “Ecology of French Guiana tropical forests” laboratory: “Intraspecific variability of photosynthetic traits in the tropical tree species Eperua falcata (Caesalpiniaceae).” (1999-2002) B.Sc degree in Biology - Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy, FRANCE) GENERAL INFORMATION: I’m a plant ecologist. My past (PhD project) and present (postdoc) research relate to two aspects of plant ecology: community and functional ecology. More precisely, I’m interested in describing and predicting patterns of species and functional diversity in response to various environmental and land use changes. PhD project: Predicting community structure from plant life history traits: a maximum entropy model. The objectives of my PhD were: 1) to study the relationships between the composition of traits found in different communities and underlying environmental gradients; 2) to determine the capacity of a recently developed model to predict the relative abundance of species in different environment based on these relationships; 3) to use this model to determine a list of parsimonious traits for future research. Previous Post-doc project: Impacts of fragmentation on forest functional diversity in Northern France. Does a functional diversity area relationship (FDAR) exist? Using structural equation modeling and a large data set, I assessed (i) the impact of forest fragmentation on plant functional diversity and (ii) the existence of a general relationship between area forest fragments and functional diversity, as a parallel to the classical species area relationship (STAR). PUBLICATIONS: Submitted papers Sonnier G., Navas M-L, Fayolle A., Shipley B. Quantifying trait selection driving community assembly: A test in herbaceous plant communities under contrasted land use regimes. Submitted to Oikos. Accepted papers Jamoneau A., Sonnier G., Chabrerie O., Closset-Kopp D., Saguez R., GaletMoron E. D. Decocq G. (In press). Interacting drivers of plant species assemblages in forest patches among contrasted changing rural landscapes. Journal of Ecology. Available online. Shipley B., Laughlin D.C., Sonnier G., Otfinowski R. (In press). A strong test of a maximum entropy model of trait-based community assembly. Ecology. Available online. Sonnier G., Shipley B., Navas M-L. (2010). Plant traits, species pool and the predictions of species relative abundances: a maximum entropy approach. Journal of vegetation science, 21, 318-331. Sonnier G., Shipley B., Navas M-L. (2010). Quantifying relationships between traits and explicitly measured environmental gradients in early successional plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 21, 1014-1024. Coste S., Roggy J-C., Sonnier G., Dreyer E. (2010). Irradiance-elicited phenotypic plasticity of leaf traits is similar in 12 tropical-rainforest tree species irrespective of their successional status. Functional Plant Biology, 37, 342-355. ORAL PRESENTATIONS (*speaker): *Laughlin D.C., Otfinowski R., Sonnier G., Shipley B. Trait-based community assembly: A strong test of the maximum entropy model. Annual meeting of the Ecological society of America, 2010, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA). *Sonnier G., Shipley B., Navas M-L. Effet du stress et des perturbations sur la composition fonctionnelle des communautés végétales de début de succession : des patrons aux prédictions? Colloque annuel du centre d’étude de la forêt (CEF), 2009, Gatineau (Québec, CANADA) Sonnier G., *Shipley B., Navas M-L. From plant traits to plant communities: Towards predictive community ecology. Annual meeting of the Ecological society of America, 2008, Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA). *Sonnier G., Navas M-L., Shipley B. Annual meeting of the British ecological society, 2007, Glasgow (UK). *Sonnier G., Navas M-L., Shipley B. Le formalisme du maximum d’entropie: un outil nouveau pour prédire l’abondance relative des espèces dans les communautés végétales. Poster au colloque Ecoveg 3, 2007, Bordeaux (FRANCE).