St Joseph Church Pro-Life Ministry M I N U T E S Date: August 5

St Joseph Church Pro-Life Ministry
August 5, 2013
7:00 pm
Present: Father Augustine Nyguyen; Deacon Brad Smythe, Mary Balog, Barbara Minar, Mike Ditoro, Fredine Vinci,
Bruce Stahursky, Bob & Marion Uss (Pro-Life couple/Knights of Columbus); Salvatore Spadaccino (St. Lawrence
Parish Pro-Life Group), and Dorothy Buglione.
The group began the evening with a Divine Mercy Chaplet for the intention of the sick and dying. The meeting
formally began at 7:20 pm.
Father Augustine reported that the Group’s treasury balance is $1,500, $500 of which is part of the registration
fees collected for the Ender’s Island Retreat. The $500 will be sent to the Mystic facility to cover the retreat
expenses, thus leaving a balance of $1,000. Part of that balance, $180.00, was from a donation by the St. Joseph’s
Council Knights of Columbus and the sale of lapel pins. Father extended the Group’s thanks to Bob and Marion
and the Knights.
Father then mentioned that a woman from Massachusetts was impressed with our “Highlights” newsletter and he
gave her information regarding its newsgathering by one individual in the Hartford area. The most recent
newsletter was also distributed at this evening’s meeting.
A discussion followed on all the upcoming events.
September 13th: Deacon Brad summarized the schedule for St. Joseph’s hosting the “Missionary Image of Our
Lady of Guadalupe”. Damien Keller will bring the Image to the Church before the 7:00 am Mass, accompanied by
the Knights of Columbus Council 1400 and the Legion of Mary. Mass will be followed by Veneration for one hour
(need to determine what to include in that hour). Deacon would like the Knights’ Honor Guard to stand by the
Image. Travel will continue to the Summit Women’s Center, Bridgeport, for a sidewalk vigil (Rosary). There will
be no direct interaction with anyone at the facility that day. After approximately one hour the Image will depart
and travel to its next scheduled site. We are hoping for good participation for this event. Notice will be placed in
the parish bulletin and hopefully, other local parishes will participate. There is an orientation meeting scheduled
on August 21st for parishes scheduled to host the Image. Deacon Brad will attend that meeting as St. Joseph’s
representative. Anyone else wishing to attend should contact him for information regarding time and place.
September 14th: “Life and the Triumph of the Cross” Retreat at Ender’s Island. Mary Kriz was ill and unable to
attend the meeting; Father Augustine gave an update in her absence. It has been decided to give one-half of the
balance remaining after expenses to Father Bryan Mullady, even though Father Bryan made no request for a
stipend. We are hoping for a group of 30 and as of this night there are 22 registered to attend. Father will try to
get this event published in the next Fairfield County Diocesan newspaper.
October 6th: Exciting News! Maureen Ciardiello, Director of Respect Life Ministry for the Diocese, spoke with
Monsignor Chris and Father Augustine to let them know that St. Joseph’s has been chosen to host this year’s
Diocesan Pro-Life Mass on “Respect for Life” Sunday. Our newly appointed bishop for the diocese, Bishop Frank
Caggiano, will celebrate Mass at 10:30 am. There is much that needs to be done prior to this event at the parish,
and our group’s part will be to support those individuals in the parish experienced in this type of coordination.
Father Augustine will keep us advised.
October 20th: Guest Speaker, Dolores Greer. Mary Balog gave an update regarding her most recent conversation
with Dolores. Dolores will travel by train and Mary will pick her up. It is unknown if Dolores will stay overnight.
That expense will have to be considered as well as any other related expenses for this event. There was some
concern expressed on whether or not we should proceed with this event now that October 6th has been added.
Deacon Brad thought we should re-schedule this for the spring. But, upon support for Mary’s efforts in putting
this visit together, it was decided to go forward with this event. The topic chosen for the talk: “What Do You
Know about Abortion”. Concern was voiced that this topic might come across as too harsh, too insensitive or
critical and should instead express a more healing message. Mary will speak to Dolores about these concerns and
let us know if there is a change. After much discussion regarding the time to be allotted for this event, it was
decided to begin at 2:00 pm and end at 4:30 pm, including a short reception at the end. The schedule will include
a welcome by Monsignor Chris, recitation of the Rosary for Life; 30 minutes for Dolores to speak, followed by
approximately 15 minutes for Q & A. The Sisters of Life would like to be included in the program and will be given
approximately 10 minutes in the schedule. Benediction will close the event and then a final thank you from
Monsignor. A short reception will follow.
Salvatore Spadaccino, representing the Pro-Life Ministry at St. Lawrence Parish, was very impressed at our “full
plate” of events for the month of October. His pro-life ministry is currently having a children’s essay contest with
a prize of a bus trip to Washington. Prizes are a good incentive to the children to participate and they keep it in
the $50 range. Sal stated that it is important to get the parents involved. Bruce Stahursky echoed this statement,
hoping that more parents and children get involved here at St. Joseph’s. Bruce liked the idea of an essay contest.
Obviously, there will be more discussion on this at future meetings.
“Social Sunday” needs to be discussed soon and definitely ideas for fundraising. The group was reminded that the
baby bottle collection will be taking place soon (bottles will be handed out the weekend of September 7th & 8th,
followed by collection 2 weeks thereafter, September 21st & 22nd ).
The meeting closed with recitation of the “Memorare” to the Blessed Mother.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 9th, at 7:00 pm. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Buglione, Secretary