Past Students (Alumni) Form

Mount Roskill Grammar School Alumni
Reconnecting with Past Students, Staff and Trustees
Membership Form
As a member of the Mount Roskill Grammar School Alumni, you will receive our newsletter and information (mainly via
email) about events, reunions, fundraisers, and other communications that will keep you in contact with the School and
the School’s former student and staff community.
In 2013 we celebrated our 60th Jubilee. If you didn’t attend the Jubilee and would like to reconnect with the school
please fill in the following form to be added to the Past Students, Staff and Trustees database.
Please note only the lines marked * are required. The other information is optional.
*First Name
*Surname While at school (if different from now)
*I was associated with the
school from
As a
Staff Member: Title:
Board of Trustee Member of Governor
Your address while attending/working for the school was
(This is to match our records)
Your address now is
*Number and Road
Contact details
Your Current Work Title
Your Current Place of Work
Would you like to make any comment about reconnecting with the school
Please email this form to or post it to Frost Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041