Current wording for the WES Constitution ARTICLE VI Officers The

Current wording for the WES Constitution
The officers of WES shall consist of a president or 2 co-presidents, two vice presidents, a
recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a treasurer and an assistant treasurer to be elected
by the Board of Managers from their own number from a slate presented by the Nominating
Committee. This election shall take place at the first board meeting following each Annual
Meeting. No board officer, with the exception of the treasurer, shall serve more than two (2)
consecutive one-year terms in the same office. The treasurer may serve four (4) consecutive
one-year terms if elected to do so by the Board of Managers.
Proposed wording for the WES Constitution to revise the term of the Treasurer.
No board officer, with the exception of the treasurer, shall serve more than two (2) consecutive
one-year terms in the same office. The treasurer may serve four (4) consecutive
one-year terms if elected to do so by the Board of Managers. The treasurer may serve an
unlimited number of two-year terms as treasurer at the pleasure of the Board of Managers. The
treasurer position is not limited to two three-year terms on the Board. The treasurer continues as
a voting member of the board through all additional terms.
Current wording for the WES Bylaws
Board of Managers
D. The election of officers shall take place at the first board meeting following each Annual
Meeting. New officers will assume duties on July 1. No board officer shall serve more than
two (2) consecutive one-year terms in the same office, with the exception of the treasurer.
The treasurer may serve four (4) consecutive one-year terms if elected to do so by the Board
of Managers.
Proposed wording for the WES Bylaws to revise the term of the Treasurer.
The election of officers shall take place at the first board meeting following each Annual
Meeting. New officers will assume duties on July 1. No board officer shall serve more than two
(2) consecutive one-year terms in the same office, with the exception of the treasurer. The
treasurer may serve four (4) consecutive one-year terms if elected to do so by the Board of
Managers. The treasurer may serve at the pleasure of the Board of Managers for an unlimited
number of two-year terms if elected by the Board, and shall be a voting member of the Board
during those terms.