Risley Middle School LFS Lesson Plan Teacher: Moore/Horton Grade/Subject: Science/7th Dates: September 30th-October 4th Unit Topic: Biomes/Ecology GPS/CCGPS (Write out): S7L4. Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments. a. Demonstrate in a food web that matter is transferred from one organism to another and can recycle between organisms and their environments. b. Explain in a food web that sunlight is the source of energy and that this energy moves from organism to organism. c. Recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species. d. Categorize relationships between organisms that are competitive or mutually beneficial. e. Describe the characteristics of Earth’s major terrestrial biomes (i.e. tropical rain forest, savannah, temperate, desert, taiga, tundra, and mountain) and aquatic communities (i.e. freshwater, estuaries, and marine). Monday (Achieve 3000) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (Reward Day) Essential Question: How do the characteristics of Earth’s major terrestrial biomes and aquatic communities compare? K.Q.: What are the K.Q.: How significant K. Q.: How can I use K.Q.: What are factors K.Q.: How can I use different types of is water in our lives? the characteristics of that determine each the characteristics of freshwater biomes? each biome to biome? each biome to distinguish between distinguish between them? them? Activating/Acceleration: (Some ideas: KWL, Pre-reading, Think Pair Share, Thinking Maps, Vocabulary Overview, Word Splash, Survey,) Pre-Reading: Students How much of the Word Splash: Review: Picture Vocabulary Overview will receive an email Earth’s surface is Students will see a Splash…students will (entire 1st nine weeks) message from me in covered by ocean? word splash and have have to decide which Achieve 3000, they will ¼, 1/2, ¾, 9/10 to use inductive biome each belongs be asked to reply. reasoning to decide What percentage of which biome is being the Earth’s water described. supply is found in the oceans? 37%, 67%, 77%, 97% Cognitive Teaching Strategies: include time for distributed practice or summarizing Risley Middle School LFS Lesson Plan (Some ideas: Lecture/Question, Read/Discuss, TIMS, Hands on Activity, Thinking Map, Pictograph, Research, Vocabulary, Diagrams/Graphs, Comprehension) Reading/Comprehension: Hands-on: I will use Students will be Research students will Read/Discuss Students will be in the the inflatable globe assigned groups and continue their procedures of CPS media center using the around to students they will all be given research of their remotes for 1st 9program Achieve 3000. and we will keep a chart paper to biomes for projects. weeks vocabulary They will read the article: tally of how many complete the group test. Earth’s Deepest Lake fingers land on water projects on biomes. and how much land Each group will be on land. This will given one land or show students the water biome and they percentage of water: will be responsible for land on the earth. teaching the class (Project Wet Activity) about their biome and the characteristics (name, types, location, climate, plants, animals, etc) Summarizing Strategies: (Some ideas: Ticket Out the Door, 3-2-1, The Important Thing, One Word, Learning Logs) Students will summarize One Word: Use one Each Group will give The Important Thing: Ms. Moore/Mrs. throughout the entire word to describe 3- facts about biome About my biome is… Parsons this week I article reading. water. 2- plants and animals learned…. from their biome 1-plant from their biome Extending/Refining Activity: This is for all students. After they acquire the necessary skills, take them up a notch with thinking skills/writing prompts.(Some ideas: Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Write, Classify, Analyze, Evaluate, Inductive, Deductive) Students will have a Students will keep a What are some Compare/Contrast Students will be given math activity, a thinking water log for the next causes/effects of your your biome with a constructed map, and have to write week. They have to biome that bring on another. response question about the assigned record every time they adaptations of plants that requires them to Achieve 3000 article. use water and give and animals in your use 1st nine weeks the reason. This will biome? vocabulary. Risley Middle School LFS Lesson Plan make students see how water is so important in their lives. Assignment and/or Assessment: A variety of informal, performance, constructed response, selected response Students will complete a Students will watch a Performance: Biome Performance: Biome 1st Nine Week selected response video on water in our Projects Projects Vocabulary Test reading comprehension world. They will be evaluation that will count given constructed for a quiz grade. response questions. Differentiation: For all learners All students will read at their own pace, and they will show what they know or perceive from the article through their summaries and comprehension. Students will create Biome Projects Biome Projects Biome Projects acrostic poems using the word: W A T E R Accommodations: (Sped, 504, SST) Include Initials of students and what is being done for each. Accommodations: (Sped, 504, SST) Include Initials of students and what is being done for each. Extended Time (M.J., L.T., C.S., K.R., K. S., ) Chunked lessons and assignments (K.R., K. S., ) Repetition of Directions(C.S., K.R., K. S., ) Read A-loud (C.S., T.M., K.R., K. S., ) Small Groups with Para Mrs. Cole (C.S., T.M., K.R., M. G., ) Pre-filled notes, concept maps, vocabulary, and other handouts visuals (L.T., M.J., M. G.,)