Nuclear Chemistry Project

Due Date: ________________
Nuclear Chemistry Project
“Nuclear chemistry is the most powerful and misunderstood topic in
chemistry. The mention of the word nuclear puts most people in fear and their first
and sometimes only picture is that of a nuclear explosion. What comes first to your
mind when the term nuclear chemistry is brought up? Are the bomb, nuclear power
and radiation poisoning the only things nuclear chemistry has to offer?” (Ref 1).
Completing this project will allow you to understand how a nuclear power plant
operates while also working with your classmates to determine your stance on this
specific use of nuclear chemistry in our world.
o The end result of your quest will be a persuasive argument for or against
nuclear power plants in Massachusetts.
Final Product (choose one):
A pamphlet
A Newspaper Article
A 2-3 page Essay
A poster
Things to include in your paper:
o For this project you can choose to work alone or with a partner.
o How does a nuclear power plant work? (you should include a
picture as well as the nuclear reactions involved)
o Are there nuclear power plants in Massachusetts? If so, where?
o What are the benefits of nuclear power plants?
o What are the drawbacks of nuclear energy?
o What are some political/economic/environmental/social issues
that can influence whether nuclear power plants are built?
o Decide which stance your group will take on this particular use of
nuclear chemistry in our world. Are you for or against this
particular use of nuclear chemistry in our world? Why?
o Include a list of the resources you used!
o All text on any product must be typed.