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A film by Luke Korem

Running Time: 80 minutes

Distributor – North America

Suzie Cornell

Big Time PR

Chad M. Miller

Gravitas Ventures

424.208.3496 310-388-9353


The fascinating inside story of one of

Britain’s most controversial and iconic aristocrats of the twentieth century – Lord Edward Montagu of


As the youngest member in parliament and sole heir to his family's 7,000-acre

English estate, Lord Edward Montagu's life was rich and privileged. However, in

1954, Edward Montagu, then aged 25, became England's most infamous aristocrat when he was arrested for homosexual offenses and became the focus of a landmark trial known as “The Montagu Case.” His guilty verdict sent off shock waves and became the catalyst to overturn a centuries old law, but

Montagu’s once pristine reputation and career were all but ruined. After serving a year in prison, Montagu rose back into the spotlight when he boldly transformed his private estate and family home into a public tourist attraction. He created spectacles at his home, most notably Britain's first motor museum, and thus invented a new form of tourism known as “the stately home business.” His showmanship and success inspired a new breed of aristocrats to open their doors and transformed Edward Montagu into a prominent and esteemed national figure.

LORD MONTAGU is the directorial debut of Austin-based filmmaker Luke

Korem, who also wrote and produced the film. LORD MONTAGU premiered at

London’s prestigious BAFTA and then became popular with audiences through the festival circuit.

“LORD MONTAGU offers a rare truthful look into the dramatic and - at times - sordid lives of the British aristocracy that so many viewers remain curious about,” says Korem. “I believe audiences will be fascinated by Montagu’s personal story of scandal, history, and ingenuity."

Edward Montagu’s father waited 36 years to have a male heir to inherit his title and the family estate and was both pleased and astounded to finally welcome

Edward in October of 1926. Sadly, a couple years later Edward’s father died, and the young boy inherited his family’s 7,000-acre English estate named

Beaulieu and a beautiful stately home known as Palace House at just the tender age of two. Even at a young age, it was apparent to Edward that his life was even more privileged than most of his fellow aristocrats. As Little Lord Montagu, he became accustomed to being photographed and asked to give away prizes at matches or raise the flag on Empire Day. As he grew, older his responsibilities to the estate increased.

He attended the best schools, including Eton College and

New College, Oxford, which prepared him for his role in England’s Parliament.

Upon coming of age, Edward immediately took his seat in the House of Lords making him its youngest member.

With Edward’s privilege came great responsibility – primarily to preserve

Beaulieu, the estate that had been in his family for over five centuries. After

World War II there was a post-war economic depression that nearly crippled most large estate owners’ finances. All across England stately homes were being purposefully demolished and burned to the ground. Then age 25, Edward decided to take bold action and open his home as a public tourist attraction in

1952. This practice challenged age-old aristocratic conventions and was highly controversial. As tourists flocked to Beaulieu, it became apparent that people were very intrigued by the secret private life of the aristocracy and were willing to pay for a chance to see behind their walls. The immediate success of Edward’s endeavor began generating revenue, and his heritage and estate seemed to be safe.

Then in the mid-

1950’s all that Edward had built was threatened. Edward quickly became England’s most infamous aristocrat when he was arrested for

“conspiracy to incite certain male persons to commit serious offences with male persons” i.e. consensual homosexual offenses with a RAF serviceman and became the focal point of a landmark trial known as “the Montagu Case.” Edward maintained his innocence throughout his trial that many thought of as a “witch hunt.” As a high profile member of the House of Lords, Edward’s arrest attracted huge media attention in what was then virulently anti-homosexual Britain. His once pristine reputation and promising career were all but ruined, and his fiancée chose to end their engagement. Edward was found guilty and sentenced to one year in prison. This guilty verdict sent off shock waves throughout the country. If someone held in such high regard wasn’t safe from prosecution, who was?

Edward’s trial and verdict became a catalyst to overturn a centuries old law to decriminalize homosexuality, which was a huge turning point for Gay Rights in

British History.

After his imprisonment, Edward was once again facing economic ruin and needed to save his beloved Beaulieu. He chose not to let personal setbacks define him and set his sights on attracting even more tourists to the estate by planning fairs and other spectacles on the grounds.

When Edward was looking for a new attraction to draw visitors to the estate, he decided to showcase his father’s vehicle collection at Beaulieu and effectively created England’s first motoring museum. Edward first gained interest in motoring from his father, who helped commission the original “Spirit of Ecstasy” mascot for his Rolls Royce. Edward’s energetic father was an early campaigner for automobiles in a time when they were thought of as dangerous, dirty and uncivilized, and he began to collect them amassing a large collection before his death. Eventually, Edward’s National Motor Museum became known worldwide and was frequented by celebrities including: John Wayne, Roy Orbison, Mick

Jagger, Cher and Michael Jackson and grew to house a collection of over 250

automobiles and motorcycles.

Upon seeing the success Edward was experiencing at Beaulieu, other members of the aristocracy began to open their homes to the public as well. As the stigma attached to this practice diminished, a new tourist industry had been created in

England with Edward at the forefront, the “stately homes business” that still thrives today. This industry helped keep some of England

’s most historic houses from being demolished during lean economic years as estate maintenance costs skyrocketed. Once again, Edward became a respected national figure.

LORD MONTAGU uses never-before-seen footage from the Montagu archives, commentary with his family, friends and fellow aristocrats including: Prince

Michael of Kent, Sir Jackie Stewart, Nick Mason of Pink Floyd and the Duke of

Devonshire along with intimate details from Edward Montagu’s own writings to tell the story of his unconventional and often controversial life.

LORD MONTAGU is written, directed, and produced by Luke Korem. Executive producer is Graham Weston and producer is Russell Wayne Groves. Written by

Bradley Jackson with cinematography by Jacob Hamilton and Ricardo Diaz.

Story consultant is Doug Blush. Original music by Balmorhea. The film is narrated by UK actor Oliver Tobias.

# # #


The question I am most often asked about this film is, “How did a young Texan

(me) end up doing a documentary about a British aristocrat?” I am neither

English nor overly enchanted by English history and culture, but sometimes you hear of a story so unique you can’t wait to share it. That’s how I felt when I learned about Lord Montagu.

Five years ago, I was mostly working in commercial advertising when I was hired to do a mini-documentary series for the company Rackspace. Several months later, Rackspace chairman, Graham Weston, contacted me to set up a meeting to discuss another project. Graham is a highly successful, energetic entrepreneur, who is always bubbling with new ideas. He wanted me to make a short film about his interesting uncle, Lord Edward Montagu.

Graham briefly told me of his uncle’s fascinating life, and how he wanted to be sure it was documented with stories from family and friends. At the time, I had never heard of Lord Montagu, but I was thrilled by this opportunity and accepted the job. I had no idea that I would be working on this film for the next four years.

Originally, Graham wanted a short family film – one trip to the UK, one round of interviews, a few months of editing and that would be it. After the initial trip, I knew Lord Montagu’s story should be told to a wider audience.

I had never been to England, never met an aristocrat and never stayed in a castle, but I became more and more fascinated with Lord Montagu’s life with every place we went and every story we heard. That fresh perspective turned out to be my greatest asset in making this film.

In England, we would often ask strangers in pubs if they had heard of Lord

Montagu. Of those who said yes, they either knew him for his car museum or his infamous past. Many of the people who were unfamiliar with Lord Montagu’s story seemed immediately put off b y the title “Lord” and wondered why we would want to make a film about an aristocrat. My crew and I had no pre-conceived notions of Lord Montagu, the aristocracy or the old class system, which still had its lingering effects in England. We went into making this story with excitement and open minds. To understand Lord Montagu and uncover the reach of his amazing life, it’s essential to look past the rumors and the controversy.

Over the four years of working on this film, Lord Montagu’s life has helped me le arn much about my own character. Lord Montagu’s story teaches perseverance, the sacrifices of success, the value of family and the importance

of one’s heritage. I hope that those who watch this film will be inspired in their own lives.

-Luke Korem


Beaulieu (which means “beautiful place”) is a 7,000-acre estate in the picturesque Hampshire countryside that has been in Lord Montagu’s family ownership since 1538. Today, Beaulieu is comprised of the gothic-style 80-room

Palace House, home of the Montagu family; historic Beaulieu Abbey, which was founded in 1204 by Cistercian Monks; the Palace House Gardens, developed over the centuries as “pleasure grounds” for the Montagu family and as a source of food and decoration to Palace House; and the world famous National Motor

Museum, which houses a collection of over 250 automobiles and motorcycles telling the story of motoring in Britain from the dawn of motoring to the present day.

Lord Montagu officially inherited the estate in 1951 at the age of twenty-five when a post-war depression was crippling much of England causing many aristocrats to demolish or sell family estates. In 1952, Lord Montagu decided to open Palace

House to the public to generate funds, which was a controversial and novel idea at the time. The visitors came in droves to view life behind the secret walls of aristocracy effectively making Lord Montagu a pioneer in British tourism. After noting the success of opening Palace House to the public, Lord Montagu looked for a major attraction to draw even more visitors to the property and decided to display some of the cars his energetic, pioneering motorist father had collected, which effectively created England’s first motoring museum.



Ralph Montagu is the eldest son of Lord Montagu and co-owns Beaulieu Estate with his father. He is a trained graphic designer and uses his skills to oversee all aspects of the presentation of the estate and serves as a non-executive director of Beaulieu Enterprises Ltd, which operates the visitor businesses on the estate.


Lady Fiona Montagu, born in Zimbabwe, is a Director of Beaulieu Enterprises Ltd and a Trustee of the Countryside Education Trust. She is a philanthropist, dedicated to the future of humankind and is a patron of many charities, including

The Hunger Project. She was appointed as first Global Ambassador to the club of Budapest, is an International Advisor to Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams’

World Centres of Compassion for Children and recently created the World

Servers Foundation.


Jonathan Montagu is the youngest son of Lord Montagu. He is Vice President,

Business Operations at Nimbus Discovery and an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at

Atlas Venture. Prior to joining Nimbus, Montagu led Business Development at

Concert Pharmaceuticals where he was responsible for Licensing and Corporate

Strategy. Montagu joined Concert from Johnson & Johnson where he served on the launch teams for two antibiotics, doripenem and ceftobiprole. Prior to J&J,

Mr. Montagu received a Masters in Chemistry at Oxford University in the U.K., and an M.B.A. from Stanford Graduate School of Business.


Belinda Montagu (nee Crossley) was born and brought up on the Cadland Estate at Fawley. She attended the Byam Shaw School of Art and the Central School of

Art and Crafts, both in London, where she began her career as a commercial artist with BBC Television. After her marriage to Lord Montagu, she became involved in the design of posters, souvenirs, programs and displays for the

Montagu Motor Museum. In the 1970’s, she went to the Southampton College of

Art, which marked the start of a prolific period of designing and making embroidered textiles.


A member of the Royal Family and cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Michael of Kent is an avid motoring enthusiast who participates in numerous vintage car rallies and motor sports functions each year. He is currently the President of the

Royal Automotive Club, Patron of the National Motor Museum Trust, President of the Amberley Museum and President of the Council of the Motor Sports



The Honourable Simon Howard is the third son of the late Lord Howard of

Henderskelfe and the present Managing Director and Chairperson of Castle of

Howard Estate, which covers over a thousand acres in North Yorkshire. He has been the Director of the Historic Houses Association since 1996, and his home is often considered one of the grandest architectural masterpieces of England and is widely used as a filming location.

SIR JACKIE STEWART, Three-time Formula One Champion

Often referred to as The Flying Scotsman, Sir Jackie Stewart is a worldrenowned racing champion having competed in Formula One from 1965-1973 and won three World Drivers’ Championships.

SIR ROY STRONG, British Historian

Sir Roy Strong is an English art historian, museum curator, writer, broadcaster and landscape designer. Knighted in 1983, he has been the Director of both the

National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London where he presided over one of its most famous exhibits: The Destruction of the Country


MURRAY WALKER, Formula One Motorsport Commentator

Having worked for the BBC for over 50 years, Murray Walker is a worldrenowned Formula One motorsport commentator known for his distinct and enthusiastic commentary. His father, Graham Walker, was a legendary motorcycle pioneer who helped Lord Montagu establish the world’s first motorcycle museum at Beaulieu.

NICK MASON, Pink Floyd

Nick Mason is the drummer and a founding member of the rock band Pink Floyd.

Mason’s other great passion is motoring. He recently published a book,

Passion for Speed , co-written with motor journalist Mark Hales, which features 21 of

Nick’s cars spanning the 20 th Century. He currently sits on the board of The

National Motor Museum.

SIR STIRLING MOSS, Formula One Driver

Sir Stirling Moss is arguably the greatest all-around racing driver of all time and a true icon of the motor racing world. Known as ‘Mr. Motor Racing,’ Moss’s career spanned from 1948-1962 where he won 212 of his 529 races, including 16

Formula One Grand Prix. He continues to demonstrate the cars he raced and take part in the car rallies to this day.

EARL OF MARCH, Goodwood Estate

Lord March is currently one of the most successful and well-known stately homeowners in the United Kingdom. His estate at Goodwood attracts over

800,000 people a year and Rolls Royce Motor Cars have their headquarters on the property. He is the current President of the British Automobile Racing Club.


The 12 th Duke of Devonshire lives at Chatsworth Estate with his wife Amanda

Heywood, where they manage the estate. The Chatsworth Estate itself is one of

England’s finest country homes and was recently seen in the 2005 Oscar®nominated adaption of Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley.


The 11 th Duke of Marlborough lives in Blenheim Palace in Woodstock,

Oxfordshire. He is also a relation of The Duke of Devonshire, a generational cousin of Sir Winston Churchill and a distant relative of Diana, Princess of Wales.

His stately home at Blenheim was founded in the early 1700’s and is one of

England’s largest country houses.


Alexander George Thynn, 7 th Marquess of Bath, is an English politician, artist and author who currently lives at the great stately home and safari park at

Longleat, where visitors are allowed to get up close and personal with lions, tigers, cheetahs and wolves.


LUKE KOREM, Writer & Director

Luke Korem was born on November 1, 1982 in Dallas, TX. After graduating from

Texas A&M in 2005 with a degree in economics, Korem moved to Austin, TX to pursue a career in film. Korem worked for several years as a director and producer in commercial advertising. In 2009, Korem began production on LORD

MONTAGU, a biographical documentary about one of Britain's most controversial and iconic aristocrats - Lord Montagu of Beaulieu. Korem directed, co-wrote, and produced the film. LORD MONTAGU screened at the prestigious British

Academy of Television and Arts and then at many international film festivals. It is now being distributed by Gravitas Ventures. Korem’s next project, Dealt , is a feature documentary about Richard Turner, who is one of the world’s greatest card magicians . . . and he is completely blind. Dealt is in post-production and slated for release in 2016.

GRAHAM WESTON, Executive Producer

Graham Weston is the chairman and one of the founders of Rackspace, the world leader in hosted computing. Born into a ranching family in San Antonio,

Weston has been an entrepreneur his entire life and started his first business in seventh grade. He attended Texas A&M and went into the real estate business, leading his family to buy and develop the Weston Centre in downtown San

Antonio. At the same time, he developed an interest in the Internet and provided the original capital for Rackspace. After six months, Graham joined the enterprise as CEO and remained in that position until 2006 when he became chairman.


Russell Wayne Groves took an interesting path to begin his career in the film industry. After securing and managing over $250M in civil construction projects for a large construction firm, in 2007 his interest in film led him to “moonlight” as a film producer. Following some success with multiple short films (including winning a $110k prize with the short film The Man Who Never Cried ), his first feature comedy, 420 Austin High , secured digital distribution through Lightning

Entertainment in 2012. He recently produced a feature length documentary entitled LORD MONTAGU which privately premiered at the BAFTA in London in front of well-known industry professionals and a member of the British Royal

Family. That film is being distributed domestically in June 2015 by Gravitas

Ventures. Russell is currently in post-production on Dealt, a documentary about

Richard Turner, who’s widely considered to be one of the world’s greatest card magicians…and he’s also blind. Most recently, he produced the indie feature sports comedy Balls Out (formerly Intramural ) starring cast from Saturday Night

Live, Twilight, The Office, etc. The film has been picked up for a limited theatrical release by MGM & Orion Pictures, releasing summer of 2015.


Bradley Jackson’s The Man Who Never Cried (2011) won numerous festival awards and $110k+ in cash prizes. He’s optioned two screenplays in Hollywood with celebrity actors attached. Recently, Jackson co-wrote LORD MONTAGU, a biographical documentary about the English aristocracy, now in distribution and premiering in film festivals across the nation. Jackson has rewritten a feature comedy for Amazon Studios, and most recently wrote the indie sports comedy

Intramural which premiered at Tribeca Film Festival 2014 set to release in 2015.

His young adult novel “The Naughty List” will be published by Harper Collins in the fall of 2015. He is represented by Hollywood talent firms Odenkirk Provissiero

Entertainment and Creative Artists Agency.

JAKE HAMILTON, Cinematography

Jacob Hamilton’s work has taken him around the globe, filming stories on nearly every continent. His cinematography has been featured in the award winning documentaries LORD MONTAGU, a documentary about the fascinating story of one of Britain’s most controversial and iconic aristocrats, and

Rising From Ashes , a documentary about two worlds colliding when cycling legend Jock Boyer moves to Rwanda, Africa to help a group of struggling genocide survivors pursue their dream of a national team. What attracted Jacob to the art of film is its power to touch hearts, harness emotions, and inspire actions. With this in mind, he has worked on a multitude of international documentaries, short films, and commercials while simultaneously embracing the people, cultures, and the stores that surround him. Jacob is currently the cinematographer for Dealt, and is in postproduction on his feature debut as the director for Jumpshot.

RICARDO DIAZ, Cinematography

Ricardo Diaz graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.S. in

Radio-Television-Film. While there, he served as a cinematographer on a number of award-winning short films. He then worked as a union camera assistant on feature films, commercials and music videos. In 2009, Diaz graduated with an MFA in Cinematography from the prestigious American Film

Institute Conservatory in Los Angeles and shot the Doorpost Grand Prize winning film, The Man Who Never Cried . He has since gone on to shoot multiple international documentaries, narrative feature films and most recently, commercials for clients like Microsoft Windows, Verizon an

DOUG BLUSH, Story Consultant

Doug Blush is the co-owner of Madpix, Inc. and has been a documentary filmmaker for over fifteen years working as a director, producer, editor, writer and cinematographer. He worked as an editor on the crossword-culture hit Wordplay , the Academy Award® shortlisted national debt primer I.O.U.S.A.

and the scathing profile of hypocritical closeted politicians Outrage . Blush co-wrote These

Amazing Shadows and executive produced Superheroes . He most recently completed a documentary feature on bipolar disorder with his wife Lisa Klein entitled Of Two Minds .


Directed By Luke Korem

Written By Luke Korem & Bradley Jackson

Produced By Russell Wayne Groves

Produced By Luke Korem

Executive Produced By Graham Weston

Cinematography By Jacob Hamilton & Ricardo Diaz

Original Music By Balmorhea

Co-Producer Ralph Montagu

Associate Producer Doug Blush

Editor Luke Korem

Additional Editing Bradley Jackson


Himself Lord Edward Montagu of Beaulieu

Himself HRH Prince Michael of Kent

Himself Sir Jackie Stewart

Himself Sir Roy Strong

Himself Nick Mason

Himself Earl of March

Himself Andrew Lancel

Himself Honourable Simon Howard

Himself Honourable Ralph Montagu

Himself Murray Walker OBE

Himself Sir Stirling Moss

Himself Duke of Devonshire

Himself/Narrator Oliver Tobias

Himself Marquess of Bath

Himself Ken Robinson

Herself Susan Tomkins

Himself Fred Norris

Herself Anne Chichester

Herself Mary Clare Horn

Herself Mary Montagu

Himself Lord Haseltine

Himself James Hervey-Bathurst

Himself Robin Pleydell-Bouvere

Himself Matthew Parris

Himself Dr. Matt Houlbrook

Himself Professor Jeffrey Weeks

Himself Dr. Matt Cook

Himself Michael Ware

Himself Ben Cussons

Himself Gerry Wadman

Himself Graham Robson

Himself Peter James

Himself Peter Mitchell OBE

Himself Doug Hill

Herself Belinda, Lady Montagu

Herself Jill Lindemere

Herself Breda Nichols

Herself Vanessa Minns

Herself Lady Fiona

Himself Jonathan Montagu

Herself Gillian Bobroff


Additional Cinematography Luke Korem

Aerial Photography Castle Air

Post Production Supervisor & Visual FX Ted Griffis

Colorist & Visual FX Brandon Thomas

Graphics & Visual FX Alex Watson

Additional Visual FX Jonny Greenwald

Story Consultant Doug Blush

Assistant Editor David James Ward

Consulting Producer Andrew Lee

Sound Recordist Sean McCormick

Sound Recordist Patrick Wylie

Sound Recordist Mike Mann

Re-Recording Mixer Chris Keyland

Sound Editor Justin Hennard

Sound Editor Tim Dallesandro

Production Designer Stephen Fay

Steadicam Operator Rob Hart

Photographer Phillip Glickman

Photographer Daniel Davis

Music Supervisor Luke Korem

Music Supervisor Russell Wayne Groves

Music Supervisor Bradley Jackson

Additional Music Supervision Steve Miller

Production Secretary/Researcher Jane Box

Production Secretary/Researcher Jackie Bethel

Additional Researcher Kate Pink

Production Office Assistant Chelsea Kujawa

Production Office Assistant Peter Wood

Production Office Assistant Kevin Nyugen

Production Office Assistant Jordan Huneryager

Production Office Assistant Allie Nicholson

Production Office Assistant Jensen Yancey

Production Office Assistant Halee Bernard

Voice Over Sound Recording Sniff n' Break Sound

Legal Services Dean Cheley - Donaldson & Callif

Web Design Joseph Blalock

Graphic Artwork Yen Tan


Title "All My Days"

Writer/Performer Performed by Alexi Murdoch

Publisher Courtesy of Nettwerk One Music Ltd

Title "Andalusia"

Performer Hammock

Writer Written by Marc Byrd & Andrew Thompson

Publisher © 2010 Meaux Mercy/Blue Raft Music (BMI)/Celestial Sphere (ASCAP)

Title "Art's Theme"

Writer/Performer Performed by Tubby Hayes

Publisher Courtesy of Jasmine Records

Title "Holy Ghost"

Writer/Performer The Bar-Kays

Publisher Universal Music Publishing Group

Title "Limmat"

Writer/Performer Performed by Balmorhea

Publisher Courtesy of New Jerusalem Music Publishing

Courtesy of Western Vinyl

Title "Love Like a Sunset, Part II"

Writer/Performer Performed by Phoenix

Publisher Courtesy of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc.

Courtesy of Glassnote Records

Title "Reminiscent" & "Breast Cancer"

Performer Performed by Joshua Myers

Writer Written by Joshua Myers

Publisher Courtesy of Cinecue

Title "South Street"

Writer/Performer The Orlons

Publisher K-Tel

Title "The Gal From Joe's"

Writers Irving Mills and Duke Ellington

Publisher Courtesy of Sony/ATV Music Publishing

Publisher Used by Permission of EMI Mills Music, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Title "The Light"

Performer The Album Leaf

Writer Written by James LaValle, Matthew Resovich


Published by Songs Music Publishing LLC o/b/o Album Leaf Music (ASCAP),

Songs of SMP (ASCAP),

Songs MP (BMI) Courtesy of Sub Pop Records

Title "When It's Sleepy Time Down South"

Writer Louis Armstrong

Performer Giant City

Publisher Used by Permission of EMI Mills Music, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Title "Zig Zag"

Writer/Performer Performed by Julian Dash

Publisher Courtesy of Vee-Jay Ltd. Partnership

Special Thanks

All people associated with making the film

Ashley Korem

Elizabeth Weston

Caroline Weston

Sheryl Cruz

Chris Morley

Dena Saunderson

Mona Ghawi

Sara E. Dysart

Ty Pruitt

All of the staff at Palace House & the National Motor Museum

All of the staff at Castle Howard

All of the staff at Blenheim Palace

All of the staff at Goodwood House

All of the staff at Chatsworth House

Duke of Marlborough

Michael Codron

Alamo Drafthouse

Greg Kwedar

Clint Bentley

TC Johnstone

Scott Rice

Acker Bilk

John Phipps

Professor Britain

Jeffrey Booker

Stuart Turner

Tim & Karrie League

Kody Gibson

The Lovely Woman on El Greco Cove

Morgan Pollitt


Thought Equity Motion/T3 Licensing

Getty Images

WPA Film Library/MPI Media

British Pathe

Zodiak Rights


Press Association



Illustrated London News

Newcastle Journal

St. Petersburg Times

The Leader-Post

Sunday Pictorial

UK Press Online

Wheels within Wheels

Filming Locations


Palace House

National Motor Museum

Castle Howard

Goodwood House

Blenheim Palace

Longleat House

Kensington Palace

Royal Automobile Club

Chatsworth House

Equipment Vendors


Sixth Seal

VMI Broadcast

G4 Film & Rentals

Gear Rental

Mopac Media

Governmental Agencies

Texas Film Commission

Austin Film Society

Austin Studios

The British Monarchy

Royal Automobile Club

Historic Houses Association

English Heritage

Disclaimers Some information and graphics have been created for illustrated purposes and may not be 100% accurate.

Most information within this documentary is factual, however, certain interviews do contain opinions.

Copyright Copyright Wittington America, Ltd. & Sixth Seal, LLC 2015. All Rights
