Structure Data Capture Implementation Guide Document Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 READ ME FIRST INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THIS DOCUMENT The S&I Framework Implementation Guide (IG) template is intended to provide high-level direction around what type of content should be documented to describe to the end-user community how a standard or stack of standards could be constrained or implemented to align with a specific Use Case outlining business requirements around information exchange or standardization. Unlike other artifact templates in the S&I lifecycle, the IG may vary based on the type of content represented. The table of contents and high-level section descriptions of this template will help with development of relevant sections, provide organization, and document needed pieces for S&I. However, having a “complete” IG depends on several factors which are listed below. The considerations listed here will mostly impact Section 2.0: Implementation Approach. 1) Standards development organization (SDO) or standards organization balloting Determine what ballot content is needed for the standards artifact (IG, profile) to be considered as a final artifact Action: determine if there is a balloting plan for the initiative, and ensure that the IG sections developed and documented here align with the necessary content for organization balloting 2) The “stack” or type of standards being addressed in the Implementation Guide Determine if the IG focuses on constraining a content or structure standard as opposed to completing a profile with security, transport, and payload standards. Action: confirm the scope of standards being addressed in the IG, and document complete guidance around each type of standard(s), and any interactions. Page 2 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Version History Version Number 1.0 Revision Date <mm/dd/yy> Author Description of Change <name> <description of change> Page 3 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Contents 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 Implementation Approach ............................................................................................ 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................1 Approach ..................................................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 Approach for this guide ...........................................................................................................2 Intended Audience ...................................................................................................................................2 Organization of This Guide .......................................................................................................................3 1.4.1 Conformance Verbs (Keywords) ..............................................................................................3 1.4.2 Cardinality................................................................................................................................4 1.4.3 Definition of Actors .................................................................................................................4 Solution Plan ............................................................................................................................................5 Pre- and Post-conditions ..........................................................................................................................6 SDC Data Element Definition....................................................................................................................8 2.3.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................8 2.3.2 SDC Data Element Definition ...................................................................................................9 2.3.3 SDC CDEs and SDC Forms ......................................................................................................10 2.3.4 Version Control ......................................................................................................................10 2.3.5 SDC Data Elements and Forms ..............................................................................................10 2.3.6 Version Control ......................................................................................................................10 Structure and Overview of MFI Form Model Definition ........................................................................10 2.4.1 Scope and approach ..............................................................................................................10 2.4.2 SDC Form Definition ..............................................................................................................10 Transaction Definition ............................................................................................................................12 2.5.1 Transport, Security, and Authentication ...............................................................................12 2.5.2 Request ..................................................................................................................................14 2.5.3 Response ...............................................................................................................................16 2.5.4 Submission .............................................................................................................................17 Auto-population Definition ....................................................................................................................17 Suggested Enhancements ............................................................................................ 17 Appendix A.......................................................................................................................... 19 Definition of Acronyms and Key Terms ............................................................................................................19 Appendix B .......................................................................................................................... 20 Conformance Statements List ..........................................................................................................................20 Appendix C .......................................................................................................................... 21 Templates List ..................................................................................................................................................21 Appendix D ......................................................................................................................... 22 Specifications References.................................................................................................................................22 Page 4 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 List of Figures Figure 1 Form/Template Exchange ................................................................................................................................5 Figure 2: Form/Template Exchange with Patient Data ..................................................................................................6 Figure 3: Complete Form/Template Structure Data Exchange ......................................................................................6 Figure 4: Diagram showing content of service payload .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 5: Form Request without Patient Data .............................................................................................................14 Figure 6: Form Request with Patient Data...................................................................................................................14 Figure 7: Response without Patient Data ....................................................................................................................16 Figure 8: Response with Patient Data..........................................................................................................................16 Figure 9: Completed Structured Data ..........................................................................................................................17 Page 5 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Introduction With electronic health record (EHR) adoption rising across the U.S., the volume and detail of information captured by healthcare organizations and providers is growing exponentially. Although health care Providers and others use various sources and methods to capture and synthesize patientlevel data, EHRs have been recognized as the data source with the highest potential to provide timely and relevant data in a form that is quickly usable for quality and safety improvement, population health, and research (sometimes labeled “secondary” use or “reuse”). 8 9 10 11 EHR data obtained during episodes of care will become increasingly valuable to healthcare organizations striving to leverage electronic information to drive efficiency and quality. Of particular interest are efforts to leverage clinical data captured during episodes of care and efforts to link the clinical data to supplemental data collected for other purposes including: 12 15 16 17 Once captured, aggregated and analyzed, these combined data can be used to identify trends, predict outcomes and influence patient care, drug development and therapy choices. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 In addition, it should be noted that various clinical and health services research groups and specialty societies are already engaged in independent initiatives to standardize data collection across projects in their domains in order to maximize the utility of the resulting datasets for subsequent research. Many important efforts that focus on this level of standardization, such as the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement System (PROMIS), PhenX (consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures), and the Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research (FITBIR) Informatics System, are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other Federal sources. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is working with the NIH research community and others to identify and coordinate research initiatives that use standardized patient assessment instruments and structured data definitions, also known as Common Data Elements (CDEs). 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Work is also beginning, under the auspices of NLM and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to consider how to incorporate these CDEs more directly into the data infrastructure for patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) using EHRs. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed a comparable library of terms and Common Formats to standardize data collected and reported for patient safety events. With such CDEs and standardized assessment instruments, data captured within an EHR could be consistently defined and collected, thereby improving its validity and usability not just in retrospective analysis but also in prospective observational or interventional research, public health active surveillance, comparative effectiveness research and patient safety monitoring. 37 38 This implementation guide will provide implementers of the structure data initiative the mean to successfully implement the base standard(s) identified in this document. 39 40 41 A corollary document to this implementation guide is the Structured Data Capture Initiative Standards and Interoperability Framework Use Case document. It is highly recommended that users of this implementation guide also study the Use Case document. 13 14 42 43 44 1.1 Research; Patient-safety event reporting; Public health reporting; Determination of coverage. Purpose The utility of EHR data for supplemental purposes has been limited due to a lack of uniformity in the terminology and definitions of data elements across EHRs. This limitation is compounded by the fact Page 1 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 45 46 47 that clinician workflow often records patient information in unstructured free-text data well after the episodes of care. Linking EHR data with other data in a uniform and structured way could accelerate quality and safety improvement, population health and research. 48 49 The purpose of this Implementation Guide is to enable the use of standardized Structure Data Capture through the leveraging of base standards. These leveraged standards include: 50 51 52 The IHE RFD profile as the service standard; The TLS v1.0 standard for Authentication; The SOAP transport standards for Web services. 53 1.2 Approach 54 1.2.1 Approach for this guide 55 This guide is laid out to support the following implementation objectives: 56 57 58 To provide an overview of the standards and specifications used in this implementation guide and to explain how each standard contributes to the HeD CDS Guidance Service implementation; 59 60 To specify how the full stack of base standards can be leveraged to standardize the use of CDS Guidance Services; 61 62 To specify where and how the documentation for each supporting standard/specification may be obtained. 63 64 65 This implementation guide focuses not only on the structure of the in-scope transactions, but also on the message semantics through the use of standard terminologies, value sets and taxonomies such as SNOMED-CT. 66 1.3 Intended Audience 67 The following describes the intended audience for this implementation guide: 68 Healthcare Providers and Clinical Informaticians; Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs); 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Patients; Clinical/PCOR Research Community and CER/PCOR Thought Leaders and organizations, such as: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), EDM Forum, CDISC, Electronic Medical Records and Genomics Network (eMERGE), Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet), Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome (ePRO) Consortium, ASTER and ASTER-D, SHARPn, College of American Pathologists (CAP): Cancer Committee, electronic Cancer Checklists (eCC) program, Pathology Electronic Reporting Committee (PERT), and Cancer Biomarkers Reporting Committee (CBRC); Privacy and Security Experts; Patient Advocates; Biopharmaceutical Firms; Device manufacturers; Government Agencies: Page 2 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 83 84 85 86 87 88 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), NIH (NLM & other Institutes/Centers), AHRQ, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Indian Health Services, Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Institute of Medicine (IOM), Veterans Administration (VA), Department of Defense (DoD), Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Transportation (DoT), State Medicaid Programs; 89 90 Vendors: EHR/EMR systems, Health Information Exchange (HIE), Data Warehouse/Data Mart, Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and Patient Safety Event Reporting Systems; 91 92 Standards-Related Organizations: Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), vocabulary/terminology organizations, standards setting organizations: 93 Value Set authors (e.g. AMA) and Value Set repositories (e.g. VSAC, PHIN VADS); 94 95 96 Healthcare payers, particularly those with robust research, quality improvement (QI), patient safety and public health activities, including professionals involved in registries and surveillance at a regional and national level; 97 Professional liability carriers; 98 99 1.4 100 101 102 103 Healthcare Professional associations. Organization of This Guide Section Description: In this section, describe the general structure and organization of this guide, so that the reader can understand and follow the different conventions used in the guide. 1.4.1 Conformance Verbs (Keywords) 104 105 Conformance Verb (aka keywords) is defined throughout this implementation guide using BOLD and CAPS to denote the conformance criteria to be applied. 106 107 The keywords SHALL, SHOULD, MAY, NEED NOT, SHOULD NOT, and SHALL NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in the HL7 Version 3 Publishing Facilitator's Guide 1: 108 SHALL: an absolute requirement; 113 114 MAY/MAY NOT: truly optional; can be included or omitted as the author decides with no implications. 115 116 117 Much of the conformance requirements are specified in the underlying standards. The SHALL and SHALL NOT conformance verbs relating to requirements that are only defined in this implementation guide are underlined as well for distinction. 109 110 111 112 1 SHALL NOT: an absolute prohibition against inclusion; SHOULD/SHOULD NOT: best practice or recommendation. There may be valid reasons to ignore an item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course; Page 3 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 118 1.4.2 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Cardinality 119 120 The following table represents the Cardinality of elements within this guide. Cardinality is defined by the minimum and maximum number of times that the data element may appear. 121 122 The cardinality indicators are interpreted with the following format “m…n” where m represents the least and n the most. 123 Table 1: Cardinality Cardinality 124 Description 0..0 The element is never present 0..1 The element MAY be omitted and has at most one occurrence 1..1 The element is present once and only once 0..n The element MAY be omitted or may repeat up to n times 1..n The element MUST appear at least once, and MAY repeat up to n times 0..* The element MAY be omitted, or it MAY repeat an unlimited number of times 1..* The element MUST appear at least once, and MAY repeat an unlimited number of times m..n The element MUST appear at least m times, and at most, n times 2..2 The element MUST appear two and only two times 3..3 The element MUST appear three and only three times 1.4.3 Definition of Actors 125 126 127 This table outlines the business actors that are participants in the information exchange requirements for the generic SDC scenario. The system or system actor has roles (e.g., send, receive, publish) and actions which involve exchanging content. 128 129 130 The actors/systems designated in the following table are core to the Use Case but do not preclude the use of other actors/systems to be added based upon the information and system requirements of the specific implementation. 131 The text with asterisks (*) denotes “Optional” or “Conditional” functionality where defined. 132 Table 2: Actors and Roles Actor Provider EHR System System EHR System Role Identifies necessary form/template* Inputs data into form/template* Reviews and saves completed form/template* Sends requests for form/template Receives form/template Displays form/template Auto-populates form / template* Stores complete form/template data* Sends completed form/template data Page 4 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Actor 133 System Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Role Form/Template Repository Receives form/template request Auto-populates form/template* Sends form/template External data repository Receives completed form/template data Stores completed form/template data* 2 Implementation Approach 134 This guide is laid out to support the following implementation objectives: 135 136 137 To provide an overview of the standards and specifications used in this implementation guide, and to explain how each standard contributes to the HeD CDS Guidance Service implementation; 138 139 To specify how the full stack of base standards can be leveraged to standardize the use of CDS Guidance Services; 140 141 To specify where and how the documentation for each supporting standard/specification may be obtained. 142 143 144 This implementation guide focuses not only on the structure of the in-scope transactions, but also on the message semantics through the use of ISO 11179 standard data elements that take advantage of standard terminologies, value sets and taxonomies such as SNOMED-CT. 145 146 2.1 Solution Plan Figure 1 Form/Template Exchange 147 Page 5 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 148 Figure 2: Form/Template Exchange with Patient Data 149 150 Figure 3: Complete Form/Template Structure Data Exchange Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 151 152 2.2 Pre- and Post-conditions 153 154 155 156 The Pre- and Post-Conditions section describes the state of the system, from a technical perspective, that must be true before an operation, process, activity or task can be executed. It lists what needs to be in place before executing the information exchange as described by the Functional Requirements and Dataset requirements. 157 158 Provider & End Users have secure access to clinical information in accordance with applicable jurisdictional, organizational, and patient privacy consent directive requirements. Page 6 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 159 II01 - EHR Requests Form/Template from Form/Template Repository 160 Pre-conditions 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Standardized forms or templates, structured as specified by the Form/Template standard, which is based on ISO/IEC 19763-13 (MFI-13), are available in a Form/Template Repository. EHR system used by requestor of form is able to request the form in accordance with the MFI-13/ONC standards. EHR system used by requestor of a form is able to demonstrate authority to access both the repository and the form. EHR system used by requestor of form is able to parse the form template in accordance with the MFI-13/ONC standards. Post Conditions 171 172 173 Form Repository has received the request and is able to locate the appropriate FormTemplate, compliance rules and maps. Form Repository can wrap all of the above in preparation for return to requestor. 174 II03 - EHR Receives Form/Template from Repository 175 176 177 Pre-conditions Form Repository is able to recognize and authorize access to both the repository and the form (and any related artifacts). 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Form Repository can receive the request and can locate the appropriate Form Template, compliance rules and maps. Form Repository can wrap all of the above in preparation for return to requestor, using SOAP or REST in accordance with the requirements of the requestor Form Repository can provide secure transport of Form Templates, in accordance with SDC standards. EHR system used by Requestor of form is able to: 186 Implement a form in accordance with MFI-13/ONC standard, 187 Implement compliance rules associated with a form, 188 Associate Form Template elements with mapping file entries 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 The relevant jurisdictional entity, wherein the “Provider” operates, (often a state or local agency) has (or can access) both a Form/Template Repository and an External Data Repository capable of receiving data from the form/template for those with appropriate access. An organization’s Form/Template repository has forms/templates that meet the data reporting needs of the activities under their specific jurisdiction. II05 - EHR Sends Completed Form data (Structured Data) to External Data Repository Page 7 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 196 197 EHR System is capable of temporarily capturing, when applicable storing, and sending completed form/template data in the standards specified by SDC initiative. 198 199 200 EHR System is capable of enabling consistent, appropriate, and accurate information exchange across Provider & End User systems, data repositories and locator services, including but not limited to methods to: 201 Identify and authenticate users; 202 Identify and determine Providers of care; 203 Enforce data access authorization policies. 204 Auto-population/Use of Standard Clinical Terminologies and Value Sets 205 206 For auto-population, EHR System is capable of extracting data from its database in a way that preserves the associations, validation and integrity of data elements. 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 2.3 215 216 217 For example, a form may specify that systolic and diastolic blood pressure are captured as discrete data elements, but should always be linked when captured, and should remain linked during any edits. A form may specify the unit of measure for a lab test report, or that a particular value set is to be used to populate the form for a particular question. For auto-population in relevant implementation settings, the EHR System has the ability to track updates to data pulled or stored with the EHR System. SDC Data Element Definition Section Description: In this section, describe how Common Data Elements will be defined and stored. 2.3.1 Overview 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 The many and varied ways in which the same information is collected in different systems and settings inhibit the ability to exchange information effectively. From early on, the community sees a need to standardize the collection of data to facilitate comparison of results across studies and to more effectively aggregate information. Various efforts have been initiated, including CDE initiatives at NIH ICs such as NINDs CDEs [ref] and NCI CDEs [ref], CDEs using standard terminologies and value sets, such as LOINC [ref] and NLM value sets [ref], AHRQ common formats [ref], College of American Pathologists electronic Cancer Checklists, etc. 225 226 227 The ONC’s Structure Data Capture (SDC) initiative intends leverage the community efforts and develop a standards-based framework to enable standardized data collection, extraction and exchange. 228 229 230 231 232 ISO/IEC 11179 Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes [2](MDR-3:2013) was developed to address the need for defining data standards that are unambiguous, accurate, consistent and verifiable. For these data exchanges to be effective it is essential that the meanings (e.g., semantics and the definitions) of the data are understood so that suitable data exchange mechanisms can be developed. 233 234 235 To this end, the scope and purpose of CDEs in the SDC Forms Sub Work Group is parallel to the purpose and scope of MDR-3:2013. MDR-3:2013 in recognizing that a “prerequisite for correct and proper use and interpretation of data is that both users and owners of data have a common Page 8 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 236 237 238 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 understanding of the meaning and representation of the data. To facilitate this common understanding, a number of characteristics, or attributes, of the data have to be defined.” 2.3.2 SDC Data Element Definition 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Data Elements are defined in MDR-3:2013 as a unit of data for which the definition, identification, representation and Permissible Values are specified by means of a set of attributes. An SDC data element whose definition, identification, representation and Permissible Values has been agreed upon and understood for use in SDC Forms is “common data element” (CDE). It is linked to registered concept system for its semantics and registered by assigning a globally unique identifier and registration status of “Standard,” and thus is considered standardized for the purpose of use within the S&I Framework. 246 247 248 249 250 MDR-3:2013 data element metaclasses and attributes defined provide a structured definition for data elements that can be leveraged for use in applications and database design to ensure data can be collected and exchanged the same way, which is an important characteristic for interoperability. Similarly, an SDC CDE defines a structured question and answer set, and can form the basis for the semantics and representation of questions on structured data capture forms (SDC forms). 251 252 253 254 The full details of the MDR-3:2013 metaclasses and attributes are described in the published MDR3:2013 [ref, see]. The set of the metaclasses and attributes and further constraints that are essential for SDC CDE are driven by those needed for form definitions and are described herein. 255 SDC CDEs 256 257 258 259 References between SDC forms questions and CDEs based on ISO/IEC 11179-3 data elements will utilize the ISO/IEC 19763-13 MDR_Mapping class, which allows for a Question on a form to be linked to an MDR-3 Data Element. An extension to the MDR_Mapping capability add the ability to map between a Question on a form and a ??????. 260 261 The table below describes the mapping between the SDC Data Element attributes and an MFI-13 Question. Page 9 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide SDC Common Data Element Description Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 MFI-13 CDE attributes related to Question Attributes Question Text Answer Attributes List Field Item Administrative Attributes 262 2.3.3 SDC CDEs and SDC Forms 263 2.3.4 Version Control 264 How a CDEs repository is maintained or CDEs added to the repository is out of scope for this guide. 265 2.3.5 SDC Data Elements and Forms 266 2.3.6 Version Control 267 2.4 268 269 Structure and Overview of MFI Form Model Definition Section Description: In this section, describe how the Form/Container will be defined. 2.4.1 Scope and approach 270 271 272 SDC Forms address the need for systems to interoperate by exchanging data that has been defined as part of a structured document. In the ISO/IEC 19763-13 (MFI-13) forms standard recognizes the challenge presented by these data exchanges. 273 274 “…it is essential that the business information requirements that are met by the data stored in these systems are understood so that suitable data exchange mechanisms can be developed. 275 276 277 278 Not only does this require a clear understanding of the meaning of the data, it also frequently requires the coordination of data capture. Where data input is manual, an important source of data semantics is the design of the form used for data entry. Inspecting the form design can provide additional semantics and context." 279 280 281 282 283 284 2.4.2 SDC Form Definition Wikipedia defines a form as “a document with spaces into which to write or enter data.” The spaces on a form generally have a prompt to elicit the data, sometimes an instruction to clarify the prompt, and can be organized into sets of related questions. The basic structure of an SDC form contains one or more sections, sections contain one or more questions. Each response to a question, an answer, is stored as an atomic unit of data. Sometimes the answer to one question determines the next Page 10 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 285 286 question or section that should be presented, or is used in a calculation of data value(s). All of these different types of items are referred to as form elements. 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 The SDC form is based on ISO/IEC 19763-13 Metamodel for Forms Registration (MFI-13). The standard defines a universal metamodel for forms, devoid of specific domain knowledge, that allows documentation and registration of form designs, in both paper and electronic from any/all sources. MFI-13 inherits from ISO/IEC11179 Metamodel for Data Element Registration (MDR-3), which provides classes and types that support the identification, naming, registration and administration of form designs and other supporting documents. The form design can be associated with appropriate entity-relationship diagrams or data models so that data and semantics may be faithfully exchanged between systems and so that those data may be compared, joined or composed for analysis. 295 296 297 298 299 Used in concert, MFI-13 provides the ability to record reusable form semantics and MDR-3 provides the ability to record reusable atomic data descriptions. Together, both standards can support the rapid design and reuse of forms, wrap and hide the complexity of semantic annotation from subject matter experts, and provide a ready reference of associations and transformations for users seeking to collect and use interoperable data. 300 SDC forms are based on MFI-13, but has specialized its use for healthcare. 301 Form design 302 303 304 The Form design is the overall structure and description of the spaces, or questions, on a form. Each form design will contain various text elements that are important to the overall semantics of a form, however the primary parts of a form design are: 305 306 Mappings between question elements either from MDR-3, or some other data element specification, for the purpose of defining the semantics and input constraints of the question and its answer. Compliance; 315 Administrative information includes details on the registry owning the form design, its status, contacts, keywords, interfaces, language, style, effective dates and change notes Mappings; 311 312 313 314 Administrative; 307 308 309 310 Title, Header and Footer; Compliance 316 317 318 Submission 319 320 323 A set of rules regarding submission of completed forms Security and Privacy 321 322 A set of rules that must be followed or satisfied to indicate compliance with some aspect of a form design A set of rules regarding the security and privacy for competed forms Sections; Instructions Page 11 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 324 325 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Directions for completing the section Questions 326 327 There are 3 types of questions each with a set of attributes and rules requesting information. 328 329 330 331 332 List Fields: a field in which only predefined answers are allowed Each answer is a List Item consisting of a Value and optional descriptive fields, including a prompt, the meaning of the value, a media element and rules that trigger based on the selection of the answer 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 Text Field: a field in which any value may be entered, subject to pattern and length constraints Lookup Field: a valid list of answers from a defined domain, but where the members of the domain vary with time and between implementations: e.g. a view providing a valid set of active customer IDs for a sales order system; a terminology approved for tagging an experimental result; a web service; open issue lookup in bug tracking software Table below shows the details for a form design, a definition for each field of the form design and its related source. Element name Description Cardinality Template ID 343 Sample XML 344 Local_Definitions (Actions) 345 2.5 346 347 Source i.e. MDR-3 Transaction Definition Section Description: In this section, describe in detail the payload along with related details for transport, security, authentication, and service layers 348 2.5.1 Transport, Security, and Authentication 349 SOAP 350 351 352 The SOAP header establishes specific routing information for an exchange of patient data and within the Header would be additional metadata depending on whether a push-based or pull-based model is used. 353 354 The following example shows the structure of the SOAP Header and how a Provider and Register Document Set-b is provided. 355 <soapenv:Header> 356 <wsa:To>http://localhost:5000/axis2/services/xdsrepositoryb</wsa:To> Page 12 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 357 <wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:AFBE87CB65FD88AC4B1220879854302</wsa:MessageID> 358 <wsa:Action>urn:ihe:iti:2007:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-b</wsa:Action> 359 </soapenv:Header> 360 361 362 363 The SOAP Header SHALL NOT contain specific PHI within the specific header elements itself. This meets the use case requirement to NOT expose data in the header of a response to a data query that might indirectly expose additionally protected patient data to an intermediary, and only exposing the information necessary to achieve the mechanism. 364 SAML 365 366 The SOAP Header SHALL contain a SAML assertion. The implementer SHOULD refer to the IHE XUA profile for a complete set of SAML attributes. 367 368 369 370 371 The SOAP body contains the specific payload that is being transported. Any transaction that uses SOAP or SOAP with Attachments will end with a response message that is SOAP encoded. Thus a query for consent directive, which uses SOAP, will also use SOAP to return the consent directive. This will also occur for any transaction, such as a request for patient data, which will always be wrapped in XML and use SOAP. 372 Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Node Authentication 373 374 375 The XD* Profiles and their transactions are all encrypted so that only the intended recipient can decrypt them. These XD* profiles also support bi-directional (Mutual) authentication using digital certificate identities, and integrity controls chaining back to those same digital identities. 376 377 378 379 380 In accordance with the IHE ITI TF (Vol 2a pg. 136), when configured for use on a physically secured network, the normal connection mechanisms may be used. However, when configured for use in an environment not on a physically secured network, implementations shall use a secure channel such as the TLS protocol. It is expected that the payload used in this use case will cross affinity domains and therefore transport encryption is required. 381 382 The requirements for transport security are therefore based on the traversal of organizational boundaries: 383 384 Transactions traversing organizational boundaries (e.g. over untrusted/non-secured network) utilizing SOAP SHALL utilize TLS 1.0 or greater in order to provide a secure channel. 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 The underlying specifications listed in the IHE Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA) Integration Profile help protect confidentiality and integrity, and use cryptographic mechanisms to ensure that both endpoints are mutually authenticated. Note that IHE ATNA allows each secure node to use the access control technology of its choice to authenticate users, but requires the use of bi-directional certificate-based node authentication for connections to and from each node in order to authenticate the endpoints and secure the communications channel. 392 393 Implementers SHOULD reference the NwHIN Messaging Platform Specification for instructions on how to implement TLS. 394 395 396 The SOAP Envelope SHALL use TLS 1.0 or higher for transport-level security. Use of IHE ATNA for Recording Security Audit Events The Record Audit Event transaction is a foundational component that is used to record audit events throughout an implementation. Page 13 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 397 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 Table 3: Record Audit Event Implementation Approach Record Audit Event Required Standards/Profiles ASTM E2147 Optional Standards/Profiles IHE ATNA This guidance recommends flexibility for implementers to select the standard for the audit record format. 398 399 400 401 402 403 This implementation guidance recommends usage of the IHE ATNA profile for capturing auditable events. The HL7 Purpose of Use codes provide meaningful attributes that can be used to support the accounting of disclosures, although it should be noted that IHE ATNA contains implementation specifications for Security audit trails, not disclosure logs. Implementers SHOULD refer to the IHE ATNA profile for specific implementation guidance and conformance criteria. 2.5.2 404 405 406 Request Section Description: In this section, describe the Transport and Security, Service Implementation, Use of TLS Encryption, and XML-based template protocols used for the SDC initiative. 407 Figure 4: Form Request without Patient Data 408 409 Figure 5: Form Request with Patient Data 410 411 Service Implementation 412 413 See Retrieve Form Request in IHE ITI TF_Rev10.0, Vol 2b for transaction requirements for both Form Request with and without Patient Data. 414 An example of a Form Request without Patient Data: Page 14 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Header> <wsa:To>http://localhost:4040/axis2/services/someservice</wsa:To> <wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:76A2C3D9BCD3AECFF31217932910053</wsa:MessageID> <wsa:Action soap:mustUnderstand="1">urn:ihe:iti: 2007:RetrieveForm</wsa:Action> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <RetrieveFormRequest xmlns="urn:ihe:iti:rfd:2007"> <prepopData/> <workflowData> <formID>1</formID> <encodedResponse>false</encodedResponse> <archiveURL /> <context /> <instanceID /> </workflowData> </RetrieveFormRequest> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> An example of a Form Request with Patient Data, using the additional constraints as defined by Clinical Research Document (CRD), Trial Implementation, September 24, 2012: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Header> <wsa:To>http://localhost:4040/axis2/services/someservice</wsa:To> <wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:76A2C3D9BCD3AECFF31217932910053</wsa:MessageID> <wsa:Action soap:mustUnderstand="1">urn:ihe:iti: 2007:RetrieveForm</wsa:Action> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <RetrieveFormRequest xmlns="urn:ihe:iti:rfd:2007"> <prepopData> <ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi=""> <realmCode code="US" /> … … </ClinicalDocument> </prepopdata> <workflowData> <formID>12346</formID> <encodedResponse>false</encodedResponse> <context> <StudyID>POIUY42</StudyID> <SiteID>abcdef42</SiteID> <SubjID>88888</SubjID> </context> <instanceID/> </workflowData> </RetrieveFormRequest> </soap:Body> Page 15 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 470 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 </soap:Envelope> 471 472 Transaction Data 473 2.5.3 Response 474 475 476 Section Description: In this section, describe the Transport and Security, Service Implementation, use of TLS Encryption, and XML-based template protocols used for the SDC initiative. 477 Figure 6: Response without Patient Data 478 479 Figure 7: Response with Patient Data 480 481 Service Implementation 482 See Retrieve Form Response in IHE ITI TF_Rev10.0, Vol 2b. 483 An example Retrieve Form Response: 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Header> <wsa:To>http://localhost:4040/axis2/services/someservice</wsa:To> <wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:76A2C3D9BCD3AECFF31217932910053</wsa:MessageID> <wsa:Action soap:mustUnderstand="1">urn:ihe:iti: 2007:RetrieveFormResponse</wsa:Action> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <RetrieveFormResponse xmlns="urn:ihe:iti:rfd:2007"> Page 16 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 <form> <URL>http://somehost/xxx/services/someForm</URL> <instanceID></instanceID> </form> <contentType /> <responseCode /> </RetrieveFormResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> 505 Transaction Data 506 2.5.4 Submission 507 508 509 Section Description: In this section, describe the Transport and Security, Service Implementation, Use of TLS Encryption, and XML-based template protocols used for the SDC initiative. 510 Figure 8: Completed Structured Data 511 512 Service Implementation 514 Transaction Data 515 2.6 Auto-population Definition 513 516 517 518 519 520 521 Overview 3 Suggested Enhancements Section Description: In this section, identify gaps in base standards referenced in this document and list the suggested enhancements. The suggestion should provide additional details such as proposed resolution, additional work required, and identify a possible owner against each suggestion. Requested Enhancement/problem Detail Proposed Resolution Additional work required Suggested Owner or Point of Contact Page 17 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide 522 523 Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 If the gaps are identified for multiple standards used in this IG, please use a separate table and sub-section for each standard. 524 525 Page 18 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 526 Appendix A 527 Definition of Acronyms and Key Terms 528 529 Section Description: In this section, create a glossary table. The purpose of this table is to help reader understand the specific acronyms and key terms used in this document. 530 Page 19 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 531 Appendix B 532 Conformance Statements List 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 Section Description: In this section, create a consolidated list of all the conformance statements from this document. The table will contain conformance statement text, associated ID, and the section of the document or message where defined. Additionally, the conformance statement can be hyperlinked with its associated section. If we are using base standards as is, then those conformance statements should not be included in this list. However, if we are further constraining any of the conformance statements from the base standards, they should be listed in the table below. 540 541 The following table summarizes all conformance statements that are required for complying with the SDC implementation guide: Conformance Statement Conformance Statement ID Document Section Related Transaction 542 543 Page 20 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 544 Appendix C 545 Templates List 546 547 548 549 Section Description: In this optional section, create a consolidated list of all the templates from this document. The table will contain the name of the template, associated ID and the section of the document where it is defined. Depending on the number of templates, separate lists – one arranged in alphabetical order and another arranged in hierarchal order, can be created. 550 551 This section will be relevant to IGs developing templates or other modular components to be listed and categorized in a summarized table. 552 The following table summarizes all templates referenced in this implementation guide: Template Name Template ID Document Section 553 554 Page 21 of 27 S&I Framework Structured Data Capture Implementation Guide Version 1.0 (draft 04) September, 2013 555 Appendix D 556 Specifications References 557 Section Description: In this section, list all the references used in the implementation guide. 558 Current references for this implementation guide are listed in the table below: Reference Description and/or Link 1 2 3 caCORE: A common infrastructure for cancer informatics, Peter A. Covitz, Frank Hartel, Carl Schaefer, Sherri De Coronado, Gilberto Fragoso, Himanso Sahni, Scott Gustafson and Kenneth H. Buetow, Journal for Bioinformtics, Vol. 19 no. 18 2003, pages 2404–2412 DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btg335 ISO/IEC 11179 Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes, ISO/IEC 19763 Information technology – Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI) – Part 13: Metamodel for Form Registration Committee Draft ISO/IEC CD 1976313 SC32N2417, 559 Page 22 of 27