Recruitment and Admissions Information for Applicants PG Dip / MA

Recruitment and Admissions Information for Applicants PG Dip / MA Social
Thank you for your enquiry regarding study on the PG Dip / MA in Social Work at the
University of Chester. Please the following documents attached.
 An application form.
 One reference form.
 Basic ability to use IT effectively self-declaration form.
 An information leaflet about the programme.
Please ensure that the application form is fully completed, as any incomplete
applications will not be considered. Please download this document and return the
signed application and the attached IT self-declaration form (see page 7) to:
Ann Ashford or Kathryn Smith,
Health and Social Care Admissions
Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions
University of Chester
Parkgate Road
Tel: 01244 512570
Students completing the Post Graduate Diploma in social work are ‘eligible to apply’
for registration as a social worker with the Health and Care Professions Council
Before completing your application form you are advised to visit The College of Social
Work website and to read through the
Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) Entry Level Capabilities, as this document
is used throughout our shortlisting and interviewing processes to ensure that
candidates selected meet the Entry Level requirements.
Required qualifications:
For our postgraduate programme the standard we normally require is a minimum of a
2:1 degree upon entry. This reflects the fact that the more intensive masters level
programme require students to arrive ready to move rapidly through academic learning
and also to enter practice placements sooner than on the undergraduate programme.
In addition, all applicants must demonstrate prior to enrolment that they have obtained
the following basic skills qualifications:
 A basic ability to use IT effectively. As a minimum, applicants should be able
to use email, the internet, word processing tools and have an understanding of
the issues of data storage and protection. Applicants will be required to confirm
that they have these skills and they have obtained these skills prior to
interview/offer decision making by completing the self-declaration form
 Maths at GCSE grade C or above
 English Language at GCSE grade C or above
English Language Requirements: If you did not complete GSCE English
language within the UK, you will be asked to obtain a IELTS: a score of 7.0
overall is required with no category scoring below 6.5
It is important to note that certificates verifying these qualifications are required prior
to enrolment on the social work programme. If an applicant does not hold these
qualifications/certificates at the time of interview, any subsequent offer of a place will
be conditional upon obtaining these qualifications/certificates prior to the start of the
programme. If you have not yet obtained your degree please indicate the award date
pending on the form and provide your predicted degree classification.
Personal Statement:
Your personal statement is a very important part of the application form and is used
as the first stage of our recruitment and selection process to short-list applicants for
interview. It is important to highlight that the submission of an application form does
not automatically result in you being shortlisted for an interview. Your personal
statement should reflect and clearly state any relevant personal or working (paid or
voluntary) experience that you have had in the area of social care, as well as your
motivation and commitment to social work. You will need to demonstrate that you have
undertaken research into the roles, values and functions of social work and be able to
clearly demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of these. The College of
Social Work website as stated above offers useful information and guidance.
You will receive an email to confirm when your application has been received, followed
by an email (usually within 2 weeks) indicating whether your application was
successful or unsuccessful with regards to being shortlisted for interview. If your
application was unsuccessful you will be provided with feedback and guidance for your
future reference. All applicants successfully shortlisted for interview will be invited by
letter to take part in an individual interview and a written exercise. If you are successful
at the end of this process you will then be made an offer or conditional offer of a place
on our social work PG Dip / MA Programme.
Please ensure that one completed reference is sent in to Health and Social Care
Admissions as soon as possible after submitting the application and certainly by the
deadline given. This should preferably be a reference from your employer if you are
working (paid or voluntary) in the Social Care sector.
The deadline for all outstanding application information and references is 31st
July 2015. Incomplete applications or references received after the deadline
will not be considered.
Interview Day
Interview days are normally scheduled from 9.30 am. and you should be prepared to
stay until 2 p.m. An interview consists of a written exercise and an individual interview.
All interviews will take place at the Warrington campus and will involve either the input
of a service user, carer or social work practitioner, as well as an academic member of
staff. You are advised to visit The College of Social Work website and to read through the Professional Capabilities
Framework (PCF) Entry Level Capabilities, as this document is used throughout our
interviewing processes to ensure that candidates selected meet the Entry Level
requirements. Please note that written notes/prompt cards etc. are not permitted
during the interview exercises. You will be required to bring with you to interview a
photocopy of your relevant qualifications, as well as the originals and some form of
identification. This will be confirmed in your interview invitation email.
Successful applicants offered a place on the programme will be required to have
satisfactorily completed a DBS check at enhancement level, and a satisfactory Health
requirement prior to enrolment on the course.
The costs for DBS checks to be
undertaken are paid for by applicants. The University Occupational Health service
covers health screening and any subsequent immunisations etc.
Please note that the University of Chester has in place fair and robust processes for
dealing with the evaluation of sensitive information on DBS and health disclosures,
with reference to and in line with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for students, and Guidance on Health and Character.
It is important to highlight here that having previous convictions or offending history is
not an automatic bar to entering social work, and that every applicant is considered on
an individual basis. However, our programme aims to minimise as far as possible the
likelihood of students being selected who cannot then be found placements for
reasons related to their personal suitability, as highlighted in the Health and Care
Professions Council (HCPC) requirements. Similarly, as far as possible, our
programme will wish to minimise the risk of taking students who will then not obtain
registration with the HCPC upon completion of their programme. The Health and Care
Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of Education and Training guidance (SETs)
and Health and Character guidance state that programme providers should assess
suitability to enter the programme
General Information about the PG Dip. / MA Social Work Programme at the
University of Chester, Warrington Campus
Year 1
 Development of Practice and Professional Skills
 Applied Social Sciences & Social Policy
 Social Work Law and Ethics
 Human Growth & Development Across the Life Course
 Placement 1: 70 Days - assessed via a portfolio.
Year 2
 Development of Practice and Professional Skills
 Social Work Practice with Children and Families
 Social Work Practice with Adults
 Research
 Placement 2: 100 days - assessed via a portfolio
Practice Placements:
 170 days in total which are undertaken on a full time, five days per week basis.
 Incorporate both the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and The
College of Social Work Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF)
 Drawing on excellent relationships with agencies in the area
 Assessed against PCF required levels, via portfolio (and other pieces of work)
Please note: You may need to travel up to one hour each way to and from the
placement (being a car driver and having access to your own car is a requirement for
the majority of our placement agencies).
 There are a limited number of bursaries available for the PG Dip/MA Social
Work programme. For further details please contact the NHS Business
Services Authority at
Student Support
 Integrated tutorial system
 Student Support Services and Guidance
 Learning Resources
 Good structures for general learning support for students with particular
learning needs.
We welcome students from diverse back grounds and aim to support students with
specific needs in partnership with the advice and support from our colleagues in
occupational health, student support, and the student union
Postgraduate Social Work education at the University of Chester is based within the
Department of Social Work, and is now located on the Warrington campus. Our MA
degree and Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work was established in 2006. Our
programme is enhanced by the active involvement of service users, stakeholders and
social work practitioners in the delivery of the programme to ensure teaching is
relevant, and is at the cutting edge of today’s social work agenda.
Evaluation of our Recruitment and Selection processes:
The PG Dip / MA Programme in Social Work Admission Tutor and Team routinely
evaluate our recruitment and selection processes. We would welcome any
constructive feedback you are willing to provide as we strive to promote and maintain
good practice.
Thank you once again for your enquiry regarding study on the PG Dip / MA in Social
Work at the University of Chester and we hope that this Application Pack has been
both informative and accessible for you.
We look forward to receiving your application form. Please return your application
forms to Ann Ashford
or Kathryn Smith
Best wishes
Pauline Doherty
PG Dip / MA Social Work Admissions Tutor
PG Dip / MA Social Work Programme
Basic Ability to use IT Effectively Self-Declaration Form.
Please state your current IT competence by selecting the most applicable
statement below:
I hold an IT qualification at Level 2 or above YES / NO (please delete as
(please note that qualifications in IT are not required prior to entry but given the
nature of the work involved in social work education and practice, any areas in which
you are not confident at this stage may be highlighted as recommended areas for
further learning prior to commencing the course and certainly prior to your first
I do not hold an IT qualification but regard myself as competent and confident in
using the following tools, or recognize that I require further support with this as
detailed below.
Word processing: Competent/ not yet competent (please delete as appropriate)
Emails: Competent/ not yet competent (please delete as appropriate)
Use of the internet (searching etc.): Competent/ not yet competent (please delete as
Use of spread sheets: Competent/ not yet competent (please delete as appropriate)
Use of databases: Competent /not yet competent (please delete as appropriate)