Sunday January 13, 2013 Black Hills Unitarian Universalist

Sunday January 13, 2013
Black Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Board Meeting
Brian Bach
Mahala Bach
Michele Brink Gluhosky
Rich Draeger
Colette Keith
Carol Merwin
Renee Peterson
Matie Tyson
Tom Tyson
Brian called the meeting to order.
Meeting Minutes from November 11, 2012
Michele Brink Gluhosky made a motion to accept the minutes as read, and Matie Tyson seconded. The
motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Tom Tyson reported that the Fellowship now has a cash balance of $ 2932.00. There is $ 854.00 in
checking, $ 1763.00 in savings, and $ 315.00 in the Emergency Financial Assistance Fund.
The Liability Insurance premium has increased to $ 1321.00 per year.
Mahala Bach and Colette Keith are serving as Co-Lay Leaders this year. At the Annual meeting in June
2012, Mahala declined the Lay Leader’s stipend. Collette has also declined the stipend. Tom made a
motion to keep pastoral compensation as a line item in the budget for future budget planning purposes.
Michele seconded. Motion carried.
Brian expressed concern about the shrinking cash reserve. The board did not discuss any further budget.
To accept the treasurer’s report and Carol Merwin seconded. Motion carried.
Lay Leaders’ Report
The Worship committee is meeting every month. They are keeping up with programming and for the
most part feel that things are going well. Mahala stated that she enjoys having a co-leader. She stated
that she feel s more energized, and she enjoys having the programs scheduled in advance.
President’s Report
Brian feels that the move to our new space has been a successful one. He further stated that the only
committee meeting on a regular basis is the Worship committee. The programs after the services in
December went well.
Michele will be responsible for getting program information to Marion for the monthly bulletin and for
the Rapid City Journal.
Childcare was not available today. Brian will contact Mattie about providing childcare in the future.
Brian would like more time for discussion. He does not have a good idea for bringing this to fruition.
Rich Draeger will take the lead in the effort to develop discussion sessions related to the programs after
the service.
Brian, Tom, and Rich will also meet to discuss purchasing electronics that will enhance our programs.
Worship Committee
Colette and Mahala will work on a template that Michele will add to our Website. The template will
relate to the monthly program theme.
Ellie, Jeni and Laura will continue to work on music. Mahala proposed that Ellie attend the Program
committee meetings so they can coordinate music with the service.
Adult RE
Carol Merwin reports that the adults are enjoying a variety of topics. Attendance is fluctuating. Carol
believes that the afternoon meeting time negatively influences attendance. Ellie and Jeni are going to
present : “What is wonderful about being young today, and what is not so wonderful about being
young today.”
Children’s Re
There is no Children’s RE at this time. However, the young women of the fellowship meet regularly for
discussions on a variety of topics.
The newcomer cards will be in the collection basket so that visitors can complete one if they want to be
included on the email list. Tom will get the cards to Michele, and she will add them to the list. Collette
will send a follow up “welcome”note to visitors.
Social action: no report
Website, Publicity and Promotion
Michele will send Twitter instructions to Brian and Collette. Chas has set up the account, but board
members need to learn how to use it.
Old Business
We have made no progress regarding the billboard.
Michele will continue the search for a President-Elect.
New Business
Tom stated that certifying members must be done at the end of January. Renee will email the pledge
forms to Michelle so that she can get the message out to the membership. Members will be reminded
over the next two weeks to complete these forms. A brief executive committee meeting is set for
January 27, and the certifying process can be completed at that time.
Carol Merwin stated that she would like to see the Fellowship be more active in the community.
Further discussion needs to be scheduled.
The Simplified Living Program will meet at Carol’s house from February 21 through the end of March.
The February program theme is Champions.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for March 10.
Submitted by Renee Peterson