CBPA GRADUATE /LAB ASSISTANT APPLICATION FORM FOR STUDENTS CHOOSE ONLY ONE: ACAD. YEAR: I’m applying as a: New Student FALL Student for Rehire WINTER SPRING Concurrent Hire (first time working two CBPA jobs at same time) If you anticipate being a concurrent hire, name the other office/person you’ll be working with in the same quarter? ALL STUDENTS - be aware of the following important factors! Submit a typed application Submit a copy of your updated résumé with your application (in person or by e-mail) You’re not eligible to apply for a graduate assistant (GA) position if you’re on academic probation You must maintain a 3.0 GPA while working as a GA If hired, respond promptly when e-mailed to come to the MBA Office to review and sign the appropriate offer letter If new and hired, you’ll be required to first attend a Human Resources New Hire Orientation If hired, submit your monthly excel timesheets typed (template and timesheet are now on our web site) For those needing a social security number, let us know right away when you receive an offer so we can give you a flyer on additional steps to take and give you a social security letter to take to the Social Security office in town You’re encouraged to talk with CBPA faculty and department chairs to see if they need a GA for the new quarter (this may increase your chances of obtaining a GA opportunity) Remember, both faculty and student must submit an application/request form every quarter. Finally, it’s important for you to read the new GA REQUIREMENT on our website at http://mba.csusb.edu/currentMBAStudents/researchAssistantships.html STUDENT INFORMATION Because information for students changes frequently, please submit your information below once again. FULL NAME ADDRESS COYOTE I.D. E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP ALTERNATE E-MAIL PHONE NO. SOCIAL SECURITY NO.? (w/area code) GENDER Male Female ETHNICITY U.S. CITIZEN? Yes No VISA STATUS RESUME ATTACHED Yes No I-9 ON FILE OR ATTACHED? YES NO On File Attached EDUCATION LEVEL DEGREE INSTITUTION YEAR MAJOR HIGH SCHOOL SOME COLLEGE A.A. BACHELOR’S MASTER’S OTHER: Your concentration in the MBA Program: Expected Grad. Qtr & Year Describe any skills you’ve gained from your professional experience: (i.e., research skills, SPSS experience, website experience, marketing strategy, financial analysis, accounting, etc.) Describe your involvement in any class group projects and/or as a member of a student club. Briefly explain If you held or hold an officer position with a student or off-campus organ. REMINDERS Reminder: A GA appointment is for one quarter (12 weeks). The number of work hours per week for each appointment now depends on which OPTION you and the professor agree to. To the best of your abilities select the option from above that both of you agree is more realistic to the amount of work to be completed and the time availability to complete it. Each GA position in this program which will be paid from a certain college fund which means that a student is eligible for only one GA appointment per quarter. Additional work hours requested by a faculty person or department beyond the option selected will be paid from an account provided by the faculty person or department. Reminder: Before and during the recruitment period MBA students are encouraged to talk with CBPA faculty to see about the possibility of working for them as a graduate assistant. If you agree to work together, indicate with a checkmark below before you submit this form. You’ll both still need to submit the proper forms. Remember, there’s no guarantee that all student applicants will find a match with a faculty member or department. Please sign and date below. Professor has agreed to hire me as a GA for the new quarter. We have selected Option # I’ve been offered to work as a Lab Assistant for the CBPA labs. Student’s signature working hrs p/week. Students interested in an IDS Lab Assistant position must see Erin Yela in JB-460. Today’s date Check here if student is hired. Prepare appointment form and offer letter, and SS letter if needed. Finally enter info on PeopleSoft. MBA GA Coordinator This bottom section is for the MBA Office ONLY. Today’s Date Rev. 3/13/2015 ASW