District 5 Awards Rules rev 1 Oct 5,14

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Bulletin Award-------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3
History Books Award-----------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
History Book Award Pre-Submission Notification Form---------------------Page 5
Club of the Year Award--------------------------------------------------------------Page 6
District 5 Club of the Year Official Submission Form-------------------------Page 7-10
Attendance Award--------------------------------------------------------------------Page 11
Attendance Award Submission Form---------------------------------------------Page 12
Public Speaking Award---------------------------------------------------------------Page 13
District Service Award----------------------------------------------------------------Page 14-15
District Expansion Award------------------------------------------------------------Page 16
Interclub Award------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 17
Interclub Award Submission form----------------------------------------------- Page 18
District Kin Games,Award----------------------------------------------------------- Page 19
Costume Award------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 20
Joke-Off Award-------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 21
District Golf Award--------------------------------------------------------------------Page 22
Public Relations Award---------------------------------------------------------------Page 23
District Zone Award-------------------------------------------------------------------Page 24
Skit Award-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 25
District Convention Parade Entry Award-----------------------------------------Page 26
Cystic Fibrosis Award------------------------------------------------------------------Page 27
Simon Cox Kinsmen Foundation of BC & Yukon Award-----------------------Page 28-29
Quill Award------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 30-31
District / National Website Award-------------------------------------------------Page 32
DISTRICT 5 WEBSITE AWARD Official Submission Form----------------------Page 33
Spirit of Kinvention Award-----------------------------------------------------------Page 34
Fellowship Award----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 35-36
Assistance to Kin Award--------------------------------------------------------------Page 37
Assistance to Kin Award Official Submission Form----------------------------Page 38-42
Above and Beyond Award-----------------------------------------------------------Page 43
Photography Award-------------------------------------------------------------------Page 44
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District Five Awards
1. Bulletin Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History:
The Alex Thorpe Junior Bulletin Trophy was donated by Alex Thorpe, Nanaimo in 1940. A Junior Club has
fourteen (14) members or less as of October 31st National census. The Jack Welsh Senior Bulletin Trophy
was presented in memory of Jack Welsh, West Vancouver, 1951. A Senior Club has fifteen (15) members
of more as of the October 31st National census.
Kinettes History:
The Mary Thompson Junior Bulletin Award was presented by Past District Kinette Coordinator Mabel
Enger, A Junior has fourteen (14) members or less as of October 31st National census. The Jean Kambolt
Senior Bulletin Award was presented by South Burnaby. A Senior Club has fifteen (15) members or more
as of October 31st National census.
Purpose: To promote a guideline for Clubs to follow to produce an effective means of Club
communications and to recognize the effort of the Bulletin Editor and Club for an outstanding
Trophy TimeLine: September – April
Submission Deadline: Final Bulletin postmarked no later than April 30th to District Trophy Director.
1. One (1) copy of each month’s bulletin is to be forwarded to the District Trophy Director (September –
April). First issues must be submitted to District Trophy Director by December 31st. The last 4 issues
submitted by April 30th. The bulletins may still be mailed monthly if the Club so wishes.
2. The final bulletin must be submitted to the District Trophy Director postmarked no later than April
3. The club with the winning bulletin at District Convention is responsible for couriering three (3) sets of
five (5) identical issues to the National Executive Director within ten (10) days of the close of District
Convention. Each set must contain the same five (5) issues. All entries become the property of the
Association. One of the three (3) set can be the copy sent for judging at District Convention. All bulletins
will be returned to the Clubs following District Convention.
4. Entries shall be judged according to material and appearance. The mandatory requirements and
maximum allowable points for the various items to be considered shall be as outlined below:
Editorials: Should be identified as such and should express an opinion on a topic (take a stand on an
issue) and must be submitted by a Club member or someone in the community. In order to receive the
full ten (10) points, each issue should contain two (2) Editorials.
Headings: Make sure appropriate headings are used. (eg. Zone News, Kin Education, etc.)
Kin Education: In order to earn total points, an article should be on one topic and have specific
references to Bylaws, if applicable, and go on to explain the topic.
Reports: reports of social events, service projects and fundraising must be complete.
Zone, District & National News: research into these areas will be given added consideration. Be sure to
use headings for these areas.
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District Five Awards
2. History Book Trophy: (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Bill Ingram Historian Trophy was donated by Bill Ingram, from the Kinsmen Club of
Victoria in 1958
Kinettes History: The Junior History Book Trophy was donated by the Kinette Club of Vancouver
Purpose: To perpetuate the history of the Kinsmen & Kinette Clubs in District 5.
Trophy TimeLine: May 1st – April 30th
Submission Deadline: Pre-submission form must be postmarked by April 30th to District Trophy Director.
History Book submission must be in the hands of the District Trophy Director by 9:00pm on the Friday of
District Convention.
1. The Club History Book must be in scrapbook form, durable not elaborate. Photographs will not be
emphasized in judging.
2. History Books must adhere to maximum expenditure of $300.00(or less for said scrapbook). The
cover is not included in cost limitation.
3. The scrapbook must contain a financial statement of the current years expenditures for the
production of the scrapbook, including an estimated value for all donated items (save programs & favors
picked up at meetings throughout the year). Failure to include the financial statement of the History
Book expenses will result in automatic elimination from the competition for the trophy. The financial
statement should be located on the last page of the History Book for easy reference.
4. History Books to be judged must be in the hands of the District Trophy Director no later than 9:00pm
on Friday of District Convention.
5. The contents of the History Book shall include all materials and events from May 1st to April 30th of the
Kin year prior to convention.
6. Clubs planning on submitting a History Book should forward to the District Trophy Director a “PreSubmission Form”, postmarked no later than April 30th. This form may be faxed/e-mailed.
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District Five Awards
History Book Trophy Pre-Submission Notification Form
To: District Trophy Director
This is to advise you of our intent to submit our History Book for judging at District Convention. We are
aware that it must be at the Convention Center no later than 9:00pm on the Friday of the Convention.
Kinsmen / Kinette / Kin Club of _________________________________________
Zone ______________________________________
This notification will assist us to determine the number of entries for judging, to better prepare our
judges. Your assistance by returning this form postmarked by April 30th would be appreciated.
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District Five Awards
3. Club of the Year Award (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Trevor Thompson Club of the Year Trophy was presented by Governor Colin
Jackson and the District Executive in 1958.
Kinettes History: The Kinette Club of the Year Trophy was presented by the Kinette Club of Courtenay
Purpose: To encourage clubs to fulfill the objects of our Association.
Trophy TimeLine: April 15th – April 15th
Submission Deadline: Postmarked no later than April 30th to District Trophy Director.
1. Report to be submitted on form supplied by the District Trophy Director. Submissions can be
computer generated provided the original submission format is adhered to.
2. Submit three (3) copies {the original, plus two copies} to the District Trophy Director postmarked no
later than April 30th. Failure to submit three (3) copies will result in disqualification.
3. Submission form must be typed or legibly handwritten. Computer submissions must adhere to
submission format or will be disqualified.
4. Entries shall be judged in the following categories:
a) Club Operations
b) Expansion & Retention
c) Service
d) Membership Development
e) General Participation in Kin
f) Public Relations
g) Other
1. Ensure that supporting documentation to the original copy of the submission or points will not be
given (eg. newspaper clippings with dates intact, filers, photos, etc.)
2. The original copy must have original, dated newspaper clippings and photos. Photocopies may be
used on the additional two (2) copies of the submission. Supporting documentation must be included
with the additional (2) copies as well as the original. All photos and newspaper clippings MUST be
identified as to the category number they belong to {eg. Cat, VI, a}.
3. Deputy Governor and District Governor assessments will be added after submission to the District
Trophy Director. Leave these items blank. Total points will be tallied at that time. This form CANNOT be
submitted by fax.
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District 5 Club of the Year
Official Submission Form
Kinsmen / Kinette / Kin Club of ____________________________
February 28th National Membership Census____________________________________
Category 1 : Club operations
a) Club published at least five (5) issues of the Club Bulletin during current
fiscal year. Attach copy of one (1) issue.
b) Club is incorporated under Provincial Statute and is in good standing by
way of filing most recent required form
c) Club has held organized fellowship or social functions other than
projects. (eg. Convention parties, pub night, etc). {2 points each to
maximum of 10} List below with dates:
d) Club help interesting meetings {2 points for each guest speaker or social
event to maximum of 10} List below with dates:
e) Club held one (1) combined business meeting with Kinsmen / Kinette /
Kin Club other than Installation. Date: ____________
f) The following club members attended their Zone Executive Seminar
conducted by the Deputy Governors:
Secretary 3
Treasurer 3
Bulletin Editor 3
Each additional member { one point to maximum} List names: __________
g) Club held organized after meeting fellowship functions {2 points each to
a max.} List with dates:
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District Five Awards
Category 2: Expansion & Retention
a) Your club officially chartered a Kinsmen/Kinette/Kin Club during current fiscal
year. New Club:
b) Your Club held a “Membership Night” (eg. Bring A Buddy) {1 point per
prospective member to max.} List date(s) & names of prospective members:
c) Gem Award Winners {3 points each – No maximum} List Names:
d) Outstanding Maple Leaf of Distinction Award winners {2 pts. Each – NO
maximum. List names :
e) New members brought into Club {2 pts. Each – NO maximum} List members &
date joined:
f) Club maintained or bettered previous June census membership:
g) Founder’s Award for Achievement {2 pts. each – NO maximum}
CATEGORY 3: Service
a) Club conducted service projects {5 pts. each to maximum} List date &
b) Club donated to outside service projects {2 pts. each to maximum} List:
c) Club donated to Hal Rogers Endowment Fund
d) Club participated in / contributed to CF project. Specify:
e) Club participated in / contributed to KF project. Specify:
f))Club assisted Kinsmen/Kinette/Kin Club with at least one service project.
Specify: _______________________________________________________
g)Celebrated Canada Day with a Kin project
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District Five Awards
a) Club conducted a New Member’s Seminar for all new members
throughout the year. Date(s):
b) Club conducted regular Kin Education program.
c) Club held a Public Speaking competition. {2 pts / speaker to max.
d) Club had a member compete at the Zone Public Speaking contest during
the fiscal year. Name: ______________________________________
e) Club had a candidate for Zone, District or National office during current
fiscal year. Name: __________________________________________
a) Club sent a submission to District for Take Five
b) Club sent a submission to Kin Magazine (other than Kinette Quill)
c) Club hosted a Fall Zone / Spring Zone / Zone Interclub meeting during
current fiscal year. Give date & function: ___________________________
d) Club hosted a Fall Leadership Conference or Presidents Preterm
e) Club hosted a District or National Convention
a) Club has obtained write-ups in a local newspaper, including ads {3 points
each to maximum} Attach clippings with dates intact
b) Club has had TV or Radio promotion (joint with other Clubs is permissible)
Date & name of station - Type of promotion: _________________________
c) Club was involved in a “Community Sponsored” celebration or event
involving other community organizations. Date & name of event: _________
d) Club operated projects in public wearing Club name badges. Submit photo
{ 2 points each to max} List projects & dates:
e) Club also had Kin banner at projects (can include projects listed in (d) if
shown in photo. Submit photo. {2 pts. to max}
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District Five Awards
a) Club attended all mandatory District meetings:
President’s Preterm Seminar
Zone Executive Seminar
Fall Zone
Fall Leadership Conference
Spring Zone
District Convention
b) Club achieved 80% attendance or better
c) Club conducted non-service fund-raising activities for general 25 account.
(eg. raffles, meals, etc.) { 5pts to max} List & dates:
e) Deputy Governor’s Assessment.
f) District Governor’s Assessment.
1. Ensure that supporting documentation is attached or points will not be given.
2. Original submission must have original, dated newspaper clippings. Photocopies may be used on
other two copies of submission.
3. Deputy Governor & District Governor assessments will be added after submission to the District
Trophy Director. Leave these items blank. Total points will be tallied then.
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District Five Awards
4. Attendance Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Jack Larson Memorial Junior Attendance Trophy was donated by Port Moody in
1966 in memory of District Secretary, Jack Larsen, whose tragic death occurred while traveling to a Kin
meeting. The Courtenay Past Presidents’ Senior Attendance Shield was donated by Past Presidents
Charles Sutton, Clarence Tendle, Tom Graham, Jack Nichol, Harold Spencer, Henry Pool and Jim Hayman
through the Kinsmen Club of Courtenay in 1945.
Kinettes History: The Lou Reum Junior Attendance Trophy was presented by the Kinette Club of Terrace.
The Senior Attendance Trophy was presented by the Kinette Club of Sidney
Purpose: The object of this trophy is to stimulate attendance at Club meetings.
Trophy TimeLine: September 30th – April 30th
Submission Deadline: Postmarked by April 30th to District Trophy Director.
1. The winner will be the Club showing the highest attendance from September 1st to April 30th.
Attendance shall be judged according to National Bylaws.
2. In the event of a tie, the club with highest number of members will be the winner.
3. Entries must be postmarked no later than April 30th to be eligible. This entry may be submitted by fax.
4. When calculating the membership of a Club, note that as the Constitution & Bylaws, when a member
has requested and been granted leave of absence, his/her name is removed from the Club’s attendance
role for the period of the leave of absence. Make a note of this next to the months that member was on
L.O.A., or they will be calculated in that month’s attendance. Eg. Membership Members Present
Percentage January 11 {1 LOA} 9 {1 LOA} 9/10=90.0%
5. Report to be submitted on the form supplied by the District Trophy Director.
6. Those Clubs having more than one business meeting per month, shall take the reading of the highest
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District 5
Kinsmen/Kinette/Kin Club of: ___________________________
Zone: ___________________________________
October 31st National Membership Census ________________________________
Members Present
To calculate monthly percentage, the formula is:
# of members present x 100
To calculate the average attendance, divide to the total percentages by 8 (take to the first decimal point)
Please submit this form no later than April 30th to the District Trophy Director
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District Five Awards
5. Dan Stenson Public Speaking Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Kinsmen Public Speaking Trophy was presented by the Kinsmen Club of Vancouver
in 1958. Dan Stenson donated award banner at Kinvention in 2012.
Kinettes History: The Dogwood Shield Public Speaking Trophy was presented by the Kinette Club of
South Burnaby.
Purpose: To encourage interest among Kin in the art of public speaking and to provide entertainment at
the District Convention.
Submission Deadline: To be submitted by the Deputy Governor immediately following Spring Zone
1. Two contestants at District level will be the winners in his/her own Zone Public Speaking competition
of the same year.
2. Present and incoming members of the National Board of Directors are not eligible to compete.
3. A privileged member is eligible to compete.
4. The competitors of a National Public Speaking competition will be considered ineligible to compete at
any level for the following two (2) Kin years.
1. TOPIC: preferably but not necessarily on some phase of Kin.
2. LENGTH: Speeches shorter than five minutes or longer than seven minutes thirty seconds will
be disqualified
3. Lights or flash cards will be used to advise the speaker at the 5 minute, 6 minute and 7
minute point of their speech (there is a thirty second grace to conclude speech)
4. CONTINUITY: speeches will materially by the same as presented at Club and Zone levels.
5. AUTHENTICITY: speeches must be authored by the speaker.
6. The winner’s name, address, phone number, email & Speech Title shall be forwarded by the Deputy
Governor to the District Trophy Director immediately following the Zone Public Speaking competition.
7. Candidates must not be attired in Club costume, and will speak by number rather than name, to avoid
identification by judges.
8. Candidates shall use the address to the chair given by the chairman of the session as the accepted
address to the gathering.
9. The winner shall be presented with a “keeper” plaque in recognition of his/her participation in this
Clarification: The order of speaking shall be by a draw at District Convention. At least one of the judges
shall be from another organization.
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District Five Awards
6. District Service Award (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Governor’s Service Shield was presented by Harold Hines, Nanaimo in 1953.
Kinettes History: The Elspeth Rogers District Kinette Service Award was presented by the Kinette Club of
Prince George.
Purpose: To encourage service projects, judged on a basis which assess true value to the community and
to the Club in such a manner that all clubs, new and old, small and large, may compete equally.
Trophy TimeLine: April 15th – April 15th
Submission Deadline: Postmarked before April 30th to the District Trophy Director.
1. The District Service Award shall be awarded to a Kinsmen / Kin and Kinette Club in District 5 which has
contributed most to service work during the twelve (12) month period prior to the District Convention.
Active participation by Club members will be considered in judging.
2. To be eligible for this award, the Club must have undertaken a new or advanced an old service project
within the twelve (12) month prior to District Convention.
3. a) The same service project may not be entered in two successive years unless it has been materially
advanced and/or compared to the involvement of any other parties on the submitted project.
b) For greater clarification, where a Kinette Club and a Kinsmen Club collaborate on and/or jointly
participate in a service project, or where one club materially contributed to the service project of the
other during the currency of the project, and only one club chooses to submit the project for award
consideration, the other club cannot submit the same project in the following years unless it complies
with the same sub paragraph (a) hereof.
c) A National winner will not be allowed to present in competition the same project for three (3) years
after winning the award.
4. The submissions shall be in triplicate, together with one (1) set of at least ten (10) slides /
photographs per entry.
5. Each submission shall be in a typewritten form of approximately 2,000 words, no abbreviations. No
other form of presentation will be permitted.
6. Each submission should include information as required, from the judging criteria.
7. Submissions must be forwarded to the District Trophy Director postmarked no later than April 30th.
8. The winning submissions and slides / photographs at District Convention will be forwarded to the
National Executive Director no later than ten (10) days after the conclusion of District Convention or
June 30th which ever comes first, for competition at National Convention. The District 5 winner shall
automatically qualify as an entry for the National Service Award. The winning Club shall be responsible
for sending their submission to National Headquarters within ten (10) days of District Convention.
9. The winner of the award shall be selected by a panel of three (3) judges appointed by the District
Trophy Director. Judges to consist of three (3) of the following: a) Immediate Past District Governor or a
Past District Governor / District Kinette Coordinator b) Two (2)of i) Past District Governor ii) Past Deputy
Governor iii) Past District Kinette Governor / District Kinette Coordinator iv) Past Kinette Deputy
Governor / Zone Kinette Coordinator c) In each such case, member appointed shall be from different
Zones d) No members of the committee shall judge a submission from their own Club.
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District Service Award Judging Criteria
Community Need (max. 25 points)
a) Did the community need the service?
b) Does this type of service / project currently exist?
c) How was the need substantiated?
d) Did the service / project meet the needs of the community?
e) Population of the community?
Community Benefits (max. 25 points)
a) Community’s acceptance of the service / projects
b) Number of people benefiting from the service / projects
c) Particular group (gender, age, interest) benefited from the service / projects
Public Relations (max.15 points)
a) Did club gain community recognition?
b) Were additional members obtained as a result of the project?
c) Was the public awareness of the Association raised?
Members Participation (max. 20 points)
a) How did the club support the project?
b) Percentage of members participating
c) Duration of project
d) Number of person hours spent on the project
e) Duration of fund raising for the project
f) Number of person hours spent on fund raising for the project
g) Other Kin Clubs participation
h) Community participation
i) Government funding
j) Other sources of funding
Project Description (max.15 points)
a) Organization of the project
b) Development of the project
c) Detailed description of the project
d) Submission (introduction, conclusion, language, etc.)
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District Five Awards
7. District Expansion Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Bill Reid Junior District Expansion Trophy was donated by Bill Reid, Whalley, Past
Governor and Past National President. A Junior Club must have nine (9) members or less as of the
October 31st National Census. The Kinsmen Club of Coquitlam Senior District Expansion Trophy was
donated by the Kinsmen Club of Coquitlam. A Senior must have ten (10) members or more as of the
October 31st National Census.
Kinettes History: The Salmon Arm Junior Expansion Trophy was donated by the Kinette Club of Salmon
Arm. A Junior Club has nine (9) members or less as of March 31st National census. The Annielie Dunkel
Memorial Senior Expansion Trophy was donated by the Kinette Club of Kamloops, in memory of Annielie
Dunkel, Immediate Past President. A Senior Club has ten (10) members or more as of March 31st
National census.
Purpose: To encourage internal expansion in Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Club in District 5.
Trophy Time Line: May 31st – April 30th
Submission Deadline: Entry shall be automatic
1. The Clubs shall be judged according to the Club having the highest percentage increase in active and
privileged members at May 1st of the current year as compared to April 30th of the previous year.
2. In the event of a tie, the winning Club shall be the Club with the largest membership.
3. New Clubs that have chartered are not eligible.
4. A Club is eligible to win the award consecutively.
5. Club will be ineligible if September’s membership report to National was not filed on time.
6. The entry shall be automatic, as calculated by the District Trophy Director.
Expansion is Difference of the two census dates x 100= _____ %( take to first decimal point) Current
June census.
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District Five Awards
8. Interclub Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Sinc Shepherd Junior Interclub trophy was donated by the Kinsmen Club of North
Vancouver in 1953. In memory of Sinc Shepherd whose tragic death through drowning robbed the
Association of a most loved member noted for his promotion of Interclub activities. A Junior Club must
have nine (9) members or less as of the October 31st National census. The Kinsmen Club of Kamloops
Senior Interclub Trophy donated by the Kinsmen Club of Kamloops in 1970. A Senior Club must have ten
(10) members or more as of the October 31st National census.
Kinettes History: The Kinette Interclub trophy was donated by the Kinettes of the North Coast Zone.
Purpose: To promote interclub visiting with the clubs benefiting through fellowship, exchange ideas &
Trophy TimeLine: April 15th – April 15th
Submission Deadline: To District Trophy Director postmarked no later than April 30th
1. Only the following visitations shall constitute an official interclub: a) Regular Club meetings (full
dinner or business portion.) b) Official Club functions (eg. Club Installation, Club Charters, Founders
Night, Life Memberships, etc.) c) Sports competitions (minimum 1 hour duration.) d) Officially
sanctioned work projects involving participation of another club in the District e) Restricted to mileage
within District Five Boundaries.
2. Interclub visits for the purpose of promoting a club project or a candidate for Zone, District or
National office shall be considered an official interclub.
3. The Clubs must have in writing to the District Trophy Director, postmarked no later than April 30th, the
following information in order to qualify: a) Club visited b) Date of visit c) Number of member attending
d) Distance in kilometers one-way e) Attach official verification of interclub to submission.
4. Trophy submissions must be forwarded to the District Trophy Director, postmarked no later than April
5. No more than two (2) trips to the same club may be used as an official interclub.
6. Minimum attendance for each official interclub shall be three (3) members or 20% of the club
membership at time of visit.
7. Interclubs between April 15th to April 15th shall constitute the basis of all entries.
8. Club membership, geographical location, distance between clubs, weather conditions, in various
areas, will be considered as a factor in the event of a tie.
9. Where travel by ferry is necessary in order to reach certain clubs, mileage shall be determined at the
rate of 80 kilometers for each one hour of ferry travel time.
10. The maximum number of kilometers allowed for Clubs within the same city shall be 16kms. The
minimum number kilometers between two clubs in one zone will be 16 kms.
11. Zone, District & National officers cannot be included if attending on an Official Visit.
12. Air miles to be counted as ground miles
Example: June 14th, 1996 – Kamloops – 4/12 – 117km – (117x4) = 468
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District Five Awards
District 5 Interclub Trophy
Official Submission Form
Kinsmen / Kinette / Kin Club of ______________________________________________
Zone ___________________________________________________________________
ON_____________, 20___.
Members Attending:
1.______________________________ 7.______________________________
2.______________________________ 8. ______________________________
3.______________________________ 9._______________________________
Current Club Membership ____________
Kilometers one-way __________________
Confirmed by ___________________________________
Please attach this completed verification to your Interclub Trophy submission.
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District Five Awards
9. District Kin Games Trophy (Single Award)
History: The Kinsmen Club of Coquitlam Bowling Trophy was presented by the Kinsmen Club of
Coquitlam in 2004.
Purpose: To encourage participation in Kin Games
1. An annual District 5 Pin Bowling Tournament shall be conducted with Zone participation. (Preferably
in the months of March or April of each year, due to weather conditions in parts of District 5.)
2. Each club may enter one (1) team consisting of a minimum of four (4) players a maximum of one (1)
alternate per team. Teams must register at least thirty (30) days prior to the tournament to qualify to
3. A Kinsmen club team shall consist of Active or Privileged Kinsmen or two (2) K-40 from its sponsored
4. A Kinette club team shall consist of Active or Privileged Kinettes or two (2) K-ettes from its sponsored
5. A Kin club team shall consist of Active or Privileged Kinsmen or Kinettes two (2) K-40 or K-ettes from
its sponsored clubs. A K-40 or K-ettes club team shall consist of a mix of Active or Privileged K-40 or Kettes and all teams will play to win the Kinsmen Bowling Trophy. The Deputy Governor shall rule on any
questionable eligibility.
6. Bids for hosting District 5 Pin Bowling will be heard at District Convention each year. Bid to be made
by the Kinsmen and Kinettes. The winning bid will be decided by the Kinsmen and Kinettes delegate
votes in a joint meeting at District Convention.
7. One team from the host Club shall be included in the competition.
Bowling Rules:
1. No team shall be eliminated on the first match of competition.
2. Each team participating must lose two (2) matches to be eliminated.
3. The draw shall be a match play (double knock out) total scratch pin fall, each team playing a minimum
of four (4) games. Following the match play, the top four (4) teams shall be a predetermined for the
semi finals.
4. All games will be ten (10) frames. Two (2) gamers per match / A + B division format
5. District Bowling to consist of maximum two (2) days of competition.
6. The host club of District Bowling will be responsible for securing bowling facilities and setting up rates
for accommodations or home hosting for the visiting participating teams.
7. In cases of sickness or injury, a team may pick up an alternate player from another club. However, you
must use your alternate player first to remain eligible as per rule #3 above.
8. Each team must have a designated captain. Only in the cases of sickness or injury, a team may pick an
alternate captain.
9. If a game is tied after regulation play, two (2) extra frames (9+10) will be played to determine the
10. The host club will have a judge available in case any dispute or if a foul is committed.
11. The District Executive can, at any time, adopt a new set of rules to suit the circumstances.
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District Five Awards
10. Costume Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Stan McDonald Kinsmen Costume Trophy was donated by Courtenay in 1958.
Kinettes History: The Rob Fawdry Memorial Kinette Costume Trophy. Presented to the Kinettes of
District 5 by the Kinsmen Club of Ladysmith at Fall Leadership Conference in 1994.
Purpose: To encourage club members to dress alike when attending District Convention to denote
greater unity, strength and fellowship.
1. Competition to take place at District 5 Convention.
2. All Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Club members registered and in attendance at convention must be in
3. Members must appear in costume all day Saturday from the opening of the Accreditation desk in the
a.m. business session until the suspension of business session on Saturday.
4. Points will be given for following convention theme.
5. A banner will be awarded to the Kinsmen/Kin and Kinette club who is judged the winners. Judges
decision is final.
6. District and National Officers, as well as candidates during public speaking competition, shall be
excluded from costume participation from judging purposes.
Judging Criteria
1. Originality of dress_____________________20 points
2. Attractiveness of color _________________10 points
3. Design and eye appeal _________________ 10 points
4. Uniformity of style ____________________ 10 points
5. Following convention theme ____________ 10 points
TOTAL ________________________________60 points
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District Five Awards
11. Joke-Off Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Juan de Fuca Laugh-In Banner was presented by the Kinsmen Club of Juan de Fuca
in 1995-1996.
Kinettes History: The District Five Kinette Joke-Off Trophy was presented to the Kinette Club of
Purpose: To bring humor and laughter to our meetings.
Zone Competition Rules:
1. The Deputy Governor will advise all Clubs in his/her zone of competition to be held at Spring Zone.
2. Zone competition will be held at Spring Zone. Zone entry will be decided by a simple show of hands by
members only in attendance at Spring Zone. Only two (2) entry from each zone will be considered for
District Competition.
3. A complete written copy of winning entry will be submitted to the District Trophy Director by the
Deputy Governor immediately following Spring Zone.
4. Any entries for which a written copy has not been forwarded will not be considered for District
5. All entries for District competition must be in good taste. No profanity may be used, unless, at the
discretion of the District Governors, it is integral to the proper appreciation of the entry.
6. Any entry considered by the District Governors and Zone Deputy Governors to be derogatory to any
race, religion, or sexual orientation will not be considered for District competition. The decision of the
District Governors regarding suitability for District competition of any entry is final.
7. Use of the winning zone entry at any Kin function by any person in attendance at a Spring Zone other
than the originator of the entry shall by considered a fineable offense at the Club, Zone and District
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District Five Awards
12. District Golf Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Fred Dean Golf Trophy was donated by Fred Dean from the Kinsmen Club of
Vernon in 1947. The trophy is inscribed “Deans Jewelry Trophy for the Annual Competition. Kin District
Five Convention. Best 18 Net.”
Kinettes History: The District Five Kinette Golf Award was donated by the Kinsmen Club of Gold River in
Purpose: The object of this trophy is to encourage fellowship.
District Competition Rules:
1. Any Kinsmen or Kinette attending the District Convention is eligible to compete for this trophy.
2. The winner shall be the player turning in the lowest new score.
3. The winning player shall hold the trophy until the next tournament and shall be responsible for
delivering this trophy, in good condition, to the District Trophy Director when called for.
4. The handicapping shall be done on the Calaway System.
5. The District Executive can, at any time, adopt a new set of rules to suit the circumstances.
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District Five Awards
13. Public Relations Trophy (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Al Anderson Public Relations Banner was presented by Governor Gerry Miller and
the District Executive 1974-75 in memory of Al Anderson, Life Member of the Kinsmen Club of Langley.
Kinettes History: The District Five Kinette Public Relations Award was presented by Judy Chiasson and
the 1990-1991 District Kinette Council.
Purpose: To encourage Kin to promote themselves, their clubs and their association to their local,
national and global community.
Trophy TimeLine: May 1st – April 30th (as per National Rules)
Submission Deadline: To District Trophy Director postmarked no later than April 30th.
1. There shall be a banner awarded at each District Convention.
2. Each Club wishing to compete for this award must submit to the District Trophy Director, postmarked
no later than April 30th, a presentation copy containing evidence of all media coverage obtained by the
club, together with a summary of the overall publicity by the Club. Only one (1) copy needs to be
submitted for competition.
3. The presentation copy shall include:
a) With respect to newspaper, magazine or coverage by other printed matter: newspaper clippings,
pictures and articles taken directly from the publication’s name and date must be intact.
b) With respect to television or radio coverage, a summary written by a club member containing all
pertinent factual data. (Station name, date, time, and material covered) No video or audio tapes to be
c) Any other matter in which the club or its projects are recognized or made known to the community
shall be reported in full.
d) A written evaluation by the Club President or Public Relations Chairman outlining the effect of the
publicity on club projects or the reputation of the Club in the community.
4. The best submission shall be determined at District Convention by a committee appointed by the
District Trophy Director and/or the District Governors. The committee shall include the District Public
Relations officer, if there is one, and may include persons other than members but preferably persons
with a public relations background and/or expertise.
5. The committee, in reaching its decision shall consider the following items.
a) Membership of Club
b) The existence of a written planned PR program or emphasis in the Club
c) Population of community
d) Availability of new facilities
e) Amount and source of publicity
f) The effectiveness of the publicity, and
g) Such other matters as the committee deems relevant.
6. The winner of the District 5 public Relations Award shall be presented with a banner during District
Convention, which the Club can display for one (1) year.
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District Five Awards
14. Gordon Anderson District Zone Award
Kin History: The Gordon Anderson Zone Trophy was presented by Gordon Anderson, Governor, 195152.
Purpose: To foster increased participation in a variety of areas by all Clubs within the Zone. To increase
cooperation and a sense of responsibility between clubs and their Deputy Governor and between Zones
and the District administration. To recognize outstanding achievements of a Deputy Governor and
his/her Presidents.
Trophy TimeLine: July 1st – April 30th. This award is to be presented to the Deputy Governor and the
Presidents of the winning Zone as determined by the District Governor. This trophy shall be judged
based upon July 1st to April 30th. The trophy shall be returned to the District Trophy Director no later
than March 31st the following year, to allow time for engraving. The following criteria shall be used in
the assessment.
1. Zone newsletters were printed and circulated to the Zone & District (10 points) _______
2. Zone Roster information was submitted on time (10 points) ______
3. Club Executive attended their Zone Executive Seminar PRESIDENTS (100 pt max)
ANY CLUB EXECUTIVE – 2 points for each executive member attending (2pts each) _______
4. The following Club President attended President’s Pre-Term PRESIDENTS (100 pt max)
(1 pt for each % of Presidents attending) _____
OTHER CLUB MEMBERS – 2 points for each member attending (2 pts each) ______
5. Club’s financial statement forwarded to District Secretary by Oct 31st (100 pt max)
(1 pt for each % of Financial Statement sent by deadline) ______
6. All Clubs submitted District Dues by due date (Jun 30th, Oct 31st & Feb 28th) (100 pt max)
(1 pt for each % of Dues sent by deadline) ______
7. Clubs submitted for any District Trophy (2 pts per club) (not including Bulletin) (2 pts each) ______
8. Club published Bulletin and submitted for District Bulletin Trophy (5 pts per club) (5 pts each) _____
9. Clubs had all National Dues paid on time 100% sent by due date (or percentage) (100 points) _____
10. Deputy Governors visitation from received by District 100% received (100 points) _____
11. Increase Zone Membership April 30th over June 30th census last year. Score membership percentage
increase (10% increase=10 points) (1 point for each percentage growth) _____
12. Maple Leaf of Distinction Award winners (July 1st – April 30th (5 pts each) _____
13. Founder’s Achievement Award winners (July 1s - April 30th) (7 pts each) _____
14. Gem Award winners (July 1st – April 30th) (10 pts each) _____
15. Zone entries for District Service Award Trophy (one only per score) (25 pts each) ____
16. Clubs attended Fall Leadership Conference (1 pt for each % of Club attending) _____
17. Clubs registered for District Convention by early deadline (1pt for each % of Club registered) _____
18. Deputy Governor’s effectiveness and participation at Pre-Term, FLC, Mid-Term (25 pts) _____
19. District Governor’s Assessment (50 pts) _____
TOTAL POINTS: __________
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District Five Awards
15. Art Poyntz Skit Trophy (Single award)
Kin History: The Art Poyntz Skit Trophy was donated by Dr. Art Poyntz from Victoria in 1936.
Purpose: To encourage fellowship of District Convention.
Eligibility: All clubs attending District Convention.
Submission Deadline: Notify the District Trophy Director By 9:00 pm at District Kinvention.
1. A competing group must have at least four members, some of who may be non-Kin.
2. The entry may be musical, dance routine, pantomime, or some other form of entertainment.
3. Skit must not contain profanity or obscene gestures.
Judging Criteria:
The points available for the various items to be considered shall be as follows:
a) Originality _____________________20 points
b) Costume ______________________20 points
c) Effort extended _________________ 20 points
d) Entertainment Value _____________ 20 points
e) Time Limit* ____________________ 20 points
TOTAL _________________________ 100 points
Five (5) points per minute shall be deducted on skits exceeding the ten (10) minute time limit.
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District Five Awards
16. District Convention Parade Entry Trophy (Single award)
Kin History: The Langley District Convention Parade Entry Trophy was donated by the Kinsmen Club of
Langley in 1963.
Purpose: This trophy is to honor the Club with the best parade entry and thereby maintaining a high
standard of parade entries at Convention.
Eligibility: Kinsmen, Kinette, and Kin Clubs attending District Kinvention.
1. Equal points will be given to simple, inexpensive designs as opposed to expensive, elaborate designs.
2. The use of Convention theme shall have priority over other themes.
3. JUDGING: The points available for the various items to be considered shall be as follows:
a) Theme 10 points
b) Originality 25 points
c) Club manufacture as opposed to professional manufacture 30 points
d) Eye appeal 35 points
TOTAL: 100 points
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District Five Awards
17. Cystic Fibrosis Award (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The District 5 Cystic Fibrosis Service Award was introduced by the 1987-88 District
Kinettes History: The District 5 Cystic Fibrosis Service Award was introduced by Past District Service
Director Pat Palm at Fall Leadership Conference in 1992.
Purpose: To create spirit and accomplishment among Kin in their campaign to raise money for Cystic
Trophy TimeLine: April 15th – April 15th
Submission Deadline: To District Trophy Director postmarked by April 30th.
1. In the event of a tie, the Club with the least number of members will be a deciding factor.
2. Judging will be done by the present and no less than one past CF Director.
3. Three submissions, original and two (2) copies, to be sent to the District Five Trophy Director,
postmarked no later than April 30th.
Form of Submission:
1. Report to be typewritten.
2. Items to be listed in sub-heading form with paragraphs thereafter. Itemize your Club’s achievements
and activities under the following headings:
a) Club Program i) Education – editorials, visitations, and / or presentations from: District CF Director,
Zone CF Director. Club CF Rep, Deputy Governor or District Governor. Ii) Special Speakers – topic to be
related to Cystic Fibrosis.
b) Publicity i) Club Bulletin – attach copy ii) Local media, press, radio and/or TV iii) Distribution of CF
educational & information materials.
c) Assistance to Local CF Chapters or other Kinsmen & Kinette Clubs i) an outline of the actual time and
labor assisting either the Kinsmen or local CF Chapter with a fund raising project.
d) Club Participation with CF Project i) Club donations to CF (amount has no bearing) ii) Club
implementation of projects for fund raising for CF iii) Percentage of Club membership assisting with CF
fund raising project.
3. No abbreviations are to be used.
4. Include news clippings, cards, editorials, pictures and related materials.
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District Five Award
18. Simon Cox Kinsmen Foundation of BC & Yukon Award
All Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs in Good Standing with District Five are eligible. The Simon Cox Kinsmen
Foundation Award is donated by the Kinsmen Foundation Board of Directors 2004-2005.
Purpose: To stimulate participation in all aspects of the District Five Service Project, the Kinsmen
Foundation of BC & Yukon, and in particular to participate in the promotion and operation of its annual
project(s), the Drive for Disability Tag Day, and other future District or Club Projects held on behalf of
the Foundation.
Trophy TimeLine: April 15th to April 15th
Submission Deadline: To District Trophy Director, postmarked by April 30th
1. To qualify for this award, a club must either participate or assist in the annual Kinsmen Foundation’s
designated District Project of the year such as the Drive for Disability Tag Day, District Foundation Gala,
or other event held on behalf of the Foundation in their community.
2. Entries must be submitted in folder form giving brief but complete coverage of the items to be
considered for judging.
3. Entry for this award must be received by the District Trophy Director, postmarked no later than April
Judging Criteria & Trophy Rules:
1. Submission Deadline – To the District Trophy Director postmarked no later than April 30th.
2. Judges to be: A minimum of two (2) from the Kinsmen Foundation of BC & Yukon and one (1)
designated by the District Trophies Director of the day. The Foundation will appoint the appropriate
judges from the Foundation who have the time and are familiar with the Kin involvement with the
3. Three (3) submissions, including original, to be send to the District Five Trophy Director, postmarked
no later than April 30th.
Forms of Submission:
 Report to be typewritten.
 Items to be listed in sub-heading form with paragraph thereafter.
 No abbreviations.
 Include news clippings, editorials, pictures and related materials.
 Itemize your club’s achievements and activities under the following headings:
Submission – Presentation and form – 20 points
Club Program (15 Points)
 Education – editorials, visitations, and/or presentations from: Club Foundation Director, Club
Foundation Tag Day Chairperson, Deputy Governor or other Foundation Representative.
 Special Speakers – Topic to be related to the Kinsmen Foundation of BC & Yukon.
 Identify a disabled person in need in your community and ‘partner’ with the Foundation on
solving that need with both financial and public awareness support.
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Publicity (15 Points)
 Club Bulletin (Include a copy)
 Local media, press, radio, and TV
 Distribution of Kinsmen Foundation education and information materials.
 Distribution of Drive for Disability Tag day posters and related collateral materials.
Club Participation (50 Points)
 Club donations to the Foundation (the amount has no bearing)
 Other Club programs implemented for fund raising for the Foundation.
 Percentage of Club Members who assist with the Drive for Disability Tag Day.
 Club participation with public awareness and educational programs related to the work of the
Kinsmen Foundation and what it has to offer.
 Clubs who locate a need in their community and ‘partner’ with their Foundation on that special
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District Five Awards
19. Quill Award (Single award)
Kinsmen History: The District 5 Kinsmen Quill Award was re-introduced by the 2004-2005 District 5
Executive Council and sponsored by the Victoria Kinsmen.
Kinettes History: The District 5 Kinette Quill Award was introduced by Marg Watson, District Kinette
Coordinator 1982-83.
Purpose: To encourage all member to develop written communication skill by producing articles of
general interest for publication in Kin Magazine.
Submission Deadline: To District Trophy Director postmarked no later than April 30th (one original copy
of the Quill plus the Club Bulletin or Minutes containing the quill entry.
Rules: Submission Guidelines: ( as per new national rules 2 year trial 2013-14)
1) Story may be on any subject of interest to Kin with the following exclusions:
a) Personal political views
b) Negative or derogatory commentary deemed offensive towards the Association
2) Story must be written in good taste and must be a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 1,000
words in length; each and every word will be counted as one word. Note: You must indicate the number
of words on your Quill Award score sheet. Quill submissions over or under the limit, or those without a
word count on the cover page or at the top of the first page, will be disqualified from judging.
3) An original copy of the Quill entry, labeled as such, shall be sent to the District Governor or Districtlevel Awards Chair (or their designate) who is responsible to ensure that the submissions have met the
criteria of the National competition including:
a) Word Count – minimum 600, maximum 1000
b) Writing ability
c) General interest to Kin
d) Story written in good taste
e) Originality and presentation
4) Submission of the story must be accompanied by a 25-50 word biographical sketch of the author,
included with each entry on a separate sheet of paper.
5) The District Executive or District Awards Chair (or their designate) will choose the winning entry (ies).
6) The District-winning entry (ies) must be forwarded by the District Governor or District-level Awards
Chair (or their designate) to the National Awards Committee no later than June 30 to qualify for the
National Award.
National Judging:
. Shall be administrated by the National Awards & Recognition Committee
. Shall be reviewed by the Marketing & Communications Department
. The Judging committee reserves the right to reject and disqualify any submission that could be
offensive or inappropriate or that does not meet the outline of the award criteria
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National Reward:
. The winner will be announced at National Convention
. The winner will receive a commemorative plaque
Scoring shall be done under the following headings and point system as follows:
A. Treatment of Topic
1. Introduction 5
2. Knowledge of Subject 5
3. Organization of Material 5
4. Development of Material 5
5. Summary and Conclusion 5
TOTAL SECTION A...................25
B. Language
Number of Words in Submission (make note)
1. Choice of Words 5
2. Sentence Structure 5
3. Grammar and Spelling 5
TOTAL SECTION B...................15
C. General Effectiveness
1. Originality and Inventiveness 10
2. Challenge to Thought 10
3. Sincerity and Conviction 10
4. Achievement of Purpose 10
5. Reader Attention/Interest 10
TOTAL SECTION C...................50
1) Entrants retain the copyright to their story. However, by entering the award competition, you hereby
irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive and transferable license to print, publish, use, reproduce,
distribute, prepare
derivative works of, and display your full name and Quill entry in any media format, including Kin
Magazine and the
national Kin Canada website.
2) All entries shall become the property of Kin Canada and as such will not be returned to the author.
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District Five Awards
20. District Website Award
Kin History: The District 5 Website Award is presented by the 2004-2005 District 5 Executive Council and
sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Ladysmith.
Purpose: To provide a guideline for clubs to follow in producing an effective means of club
communication; and to recognize the efforts of the webmaster and club in producing an outstanding
Submission Deadline: To District Trophy Director postmarked or emailed no later than April 30th.
1. Each Club wishing to compete for this award must submit and official submission form to the District
Trophy Director, postmarked no later than April 30th.
2. The best submission shall be determined at District Convention by a committee appointed by the
District Trophy Director and/or District Governors.
3. The winner of the District 5 Website Award shall be presented with a banner during District
Convention, which the Club can display for one (1) year.
4. Entries shall be judged according to form and content. The maximum allowable points for each
category will be outlined in the judging criteria below.
5. The District Executive will submit the winning District website to Kin Headquarters by mail, fax, or
email no later than June 30th for consideration for the National Website Award.
Judging Criteria: Part A: Content Maximum 80 pts.
1. Club Information:
Contact Info 2 pts
Meeting Info (date, time, location) 2 pts
Club Executive 2 pts
Club Roster 2 pts
Calendar of events 4 pts
2. Programs:
CF info, Zone, District & National news promoted 10 pts
Club Projects: Reports with photos 15 pts
Club Social Activities: Reports with photos 15 pts
Links: National Website, District Website, CCFF 6 pts
Education: Kin Education 5 pts
Mission Statement 2 pts
Founder’s History 2 pts
Charter Date 1 pt
Archives 5 pts
Interest to non-Kin 7 pts
Part B – Form Maximum 20pts.
Overall style of presentation 10 pts
Currency of information 5 pts
Ease of navigation 5 pts
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District Five Awards
Official Submission Form
To: District Trophy Director
This is to advise you of our intent to submit our Website for judging at District Convention.
Kinsmen / Kinette / Kin Club of _________________________________________________
Zone: _____________________________________________________________________
Website Address: ___________________________________________________________
(Please submit this form no later than April 30th to the District Trophy Director.)
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District Five Awards
21. Galligan Spirit of Kinvention Award
Kin: The Spirit of Kinvention Award was sponsored by the Cranbrook Kin in memory of Kin Burl Galligan
– Life Member of the Golden Kinsmen Club who passed away October 2004 and Kin Ian Galligan,
member of the Cranbrook Kinsmen Club who passed away January 2005. Uncle & nephew, both of these
members showed true spirit of KIN.
Purpose: To promote fun, fellowship and participation from Kin Members attending District Convention.
1. Club must be in good standing with District and Kin Canada as of the date of District Convention.
2. Judging will be done by the District Governor(s) and/or a judge appointed by the Governors.
3. Judging will be based on club members’ participation in:
Public Speaking Contestant
4. The decision of the judges will be final.
5. The Host Club(s) is not eligible to participate.
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District Five Awards
22. Fellowship award (Single Award)
Kinsmen History: The Jim Watson Fellowship Award is named in honour of Past National President Jim
Watson, who has exemplified Kinsmen fellowship throughout his Kin career. The award was presented
by Governor Grant Diamond and the 1991-1992 District Executive. The banner was donated by Jim
Watson’s home Club of Port Coquitlam.
Kinettes History: The Barb Heath Fellowship Award is named in honour of Past District Governor Barb
Heath, who exemplified Kinette fellowship throughout her Kin career. The award was presented by
Kinette Governor Linda Kingsbury and the 2000-2001 District Executive. The banner was donated by
2000-2001 District Executive.
Purpose: To promote a sense of fellowship within the Clubs of District Five, both within the individual
Clubs and in the District. It is also designed to provide incentive to have prospective members and
District officers in a strictly social setting.
Trophy TimeLine: April 15th to April 14th
Points will be awarded for Club Social events held between April 15th of the prior Kin year to
April 14th of the current Kin year.
Service projects are not eligible for points.
Regular Club meetings and Executive meetings are not eligible for points. Fellowship Award
events will not qualify for interclub points. Club Installations are not eligible.
All authorized Club socials events will be considered eligible for points.
The District Trophy Director will be the final arbiter as to eligibility, and the judge’s decision will
be final.
One point will be awarded for each Club member in attendance to maximum of fifteen (15)
Three (3) bonus points will be awarded should the total number of members in attendance
equal or exceed 75% of registered Club members.
Two (2) points will be awarded for each member of another Club in attendance to a maximum
of fourteen (14) points.
Two (2) points will be awarded for each prospective member in attendance. Transfers are not
Must be submitted on the form supplied by the District Trophy Director. Three (3) copies must
be submitted, the original and two photocopies.
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District Five Awards
Official Submission Form
Kinsmen / Kinette / Kin Club of
Name and Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name & Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name & Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name and Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name & Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name & Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name & Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name & Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
Name & Date of Event:
Name of Club Visited:
# of Members attending: Club Membership:
# of Visiting Kin: # of Prospective Kin:
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District Five Awards
23. Assistance to Kin Trophy
Kin: The Assistance to Kinsmen Trophy was presented by the Kinette Club of Quesnel.
Purpose: To encourage Clubs to work closely with other Kinsmen, Kinette, and Kin Clubs when needed.
Trophy TimeLine: April 15th – April 15th
Submission Deadline: To District Trophy Director, postmarked no later than April 30th.
1. Submission to be typed or legibly handwritten, with no abbreviations. Must use form supplied by the
District Trophy Director.
2. Submit title page which contains the Club’s name and a numbered list of the Club’s members. The
National Membership stats will be used to confirm monthly membership numbers.
3. The items are to be listed in sub-heading form with paragraphs thereafter.
4. Under sections:
1. Assistance with Kin Projects.
2. Assistance with Kin Commitments and Service Projects List the projects and briefly outline them in
sentence form. With each project, please not the number of participants, the total hours and the date of
each project/events. eg Total Club Hours = 10 Hours Percentage Participation 3/15 = 20.0%.5. Under
3. Mixed Socials
4. Family Socials (briefly outline the social involved in sentence form)
5. Adherence to submissions rules.
6. Submit three copies of the submission to the District Trophy Director postmarked no later than April
Clarification: A project qualifies if a request has been made to the Club by another Club President or the
project Chairman. Auction dinners are not considered mixed socials
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District Five Awards
Official Submission Form
Kinsmen / Kinette / Kin Club of_________________________________
Zone ___________________________________
February 28 National Membership Census: _______________________________
1. ASSISTANCE WITH KIN PROJECTS (eg. Bingo, Casino Night) – 30 points total
A. Money-Raising Projects for Kin Service Account (15 points)
1. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
2. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
4. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
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District Five Awards
B) Club or Zone Projects – Time given or money donated (15 points)
(eg. Kin Hall maintenance, bulletin typing, Kin Lottery sales, catering meals)
1. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
2. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
3. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
4. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
5. Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________
A. Contributions in the form of Time Only (20 points)
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________
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District Five Awards
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): __________
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
Project Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
Project Outline: _____________________________________________________________
Club Duties: _________________________________________________________________
Total Club Hrs: ___________ Percent Participation / = % (eg. 3 / 15 = 20.0%): ____________%
B. Contributions in the form of Money or Gifts – Donation to Service Project or Donation to Mother’s
March (10 points)
1. Project: ______________________ Date: ___________ Amount Club Donated: $ _____________
2. Project: _____________________ Date: _____________ Amount Club Donated: $ ______________
3. Project: _____________________ Date: _____________ Amount Club Donated: $ ______________
4. Project: _____________________ Date: _____________ Amount Club Donated: $ ______________
5. Project: _____________________ Date: _____________ Amount Club Donated: $ ______________
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District Five Awards
3. MIXED SOCIALS (15 points)
- Hosted by Kinettes where both Kinsmen and their wives/guests are in attendance
1. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
2. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
3. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
4. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
5. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
4. FAMILY SOCIALS (15 points)
1. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
2. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
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District Five Awards
3. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
4. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
5. Social: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Details: ______________________________________________________________
Attendance: Kinettes: _______ Kinsmen: ______ Kin Wives: _______ Guests: _______
(one point each)
1. Typed or Handwritten
2. No Abbreviations
3. Club Name
4. Number of Members
5. Three (3) copies submitted
6. Paragraphs/Sentences
7. Dates for all Projects
8. Number of Participants
9. Kinette Hours
10. Participation Percentage
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District Five Awards
24. Above & Beyond Award (Individual Award)
ALL KIN: This award is for respective Clubs to give to members that have contributed to the Club and/or
Association in a manner that is Above and Beyond the regular call of duty. Anyone wishing to present
this award to one of their fellow members may do so.
Above and Beyond
Date: _________________
Nominated By:_________________ ______Club:________________________
Recipient:_________ _________________ Club:________________________
Details (Reason for awarding the Above and Beyond)
Please submit completed form to: District Awards Director by April 30th
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District Five Awards
25. Photography Award
Kin: The Photography Award was sponsored by the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Port Alberni in 2006.
Purpose: To recognize individual Kin that has excelled at capturing the essence of the Objects and Aims
of Kin Canada through photography during the past 12 months. The submissions will act as a gallery of
Kin activity during our District Convention and provide materials for a collection of photographs that can
be used by District in various communications including Take Five.
1. Any Kinsmen/Kinette in good standing (other than Honorary) shall be eligible to participate.
2. To be eligible for this award, the photograph must have been taken within the past Kin Year.
3. The photograph must illustrate some aspect of the Objects and Aims of Kin Canada.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Minimum 300 dpi resolution.
2. Photograph may be submitted by email to District Trophy Director and clearly marked as a submission
for the Photography Award by April 30th of the current year.
3. Photographs must be accompanied by when and where it was taken, how it relates to Kin Canada.
1. A panel of 3 judges will be appointed by the District Executive.
2. Judging will take place at District Convention.
3. All eligible submissions will be displayed at District Convention.
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