PROJECT TILE BACKGROUND OBJECTIVE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY BUDGET START DATE COMPLETION DATE IMPLEMENTING COMPANY COUNTRIES COVERED BENEFICIARIES TARGET GROUPS Promoting IWRM and Fostering Transboundary Dialogue in Central Asia The drying of the Aral Sea, attributed to Soviet-era expansion of inefficient irrigated agriculture, has been described as the world’s worst human-caused ecological disaster. However the Aral Sea Basin is “closed” (water is the limiting resource not land) and improving conventional irrigation system efficiencies alone will not contribute significantly to saving water and “stabilizing” the Aral Sea. Therefore Central Asian countries are facing different challenges which should be addressed under holistic approach. IWRM was acknowledged by all CA countries as a relevant framework leading towards solving regional and national issues. Therefore UNDP has started introducing and supporting IWRM in Central Asia and IWRM project in Kazakhstan has shown the way of IWRM implementation for other CA countries. The project aims to support a more sustainable and efficient water resources management in the region and to enhance cooperation between the states on water management related issues through interventions at national level (mainly involving and Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) and at transboundary level (mainly involving Kazakhstan). This project is to provide further advancement of IWRM already initiated in the partner countries that have been created by previous projects and other initiatives, and will in particular build on successful experiences. European Commission UNDP The total budget of the project is USD 5.4 million, including in-kind contributions. European Commission - Euro 1, 500, 000 2009 2012 UNDP Kyrgyzstan (Output 1) UNDP Tajikistan (Output 2) UNDP Kazakhstan (Output 3) UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre through its Regional Office in Almaty (Output 4) Local partners: National Water Councils (NWCs) in Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan Kazakhstan: Water Resources Committee under the Ministry of Agriculture Kyrgyzstan: Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industries (MAWR) Tajikistan: Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) Kazakhstan: Water Resources Committee Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Population in Central Asia, and in targeted (demonstration) water basins in particular, with special attention to vulnerable and marginalized groups Kyrgyzstan: Oblast and Rayon DWRs, jointly with WUAs and NGO support; Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic on the Use of Water Management Facilities of Intergovernmental Status on the Rivers Chu and Talas, MAWR, MWRI and local authorities, with key stakeholder involvement, and assisted by NGOs; Village CBOs with DWS and DSE and NGO support; Tajikistan: Oblast and Rayon OMAs, jointly with WUAs and NGO support; MWRI, MoA, MEI and local authorities, with key stakeholder involvement, and assisted by NGOs; Village CBOs with OMA and/or SUE, and NGO support; In selected transboundary pilot areas: Local Kyrgyz, Tajik and preferably also Uzbek authorities; with Int. NGO support Kazakhstan: Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of RK; ACTIVITIES Ministry of Environmental Protection; Joint Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and People’s Republic of China for the Ili-Balkash River Basin; BalkashAlakol River Basin Council; Balkash-Alakol River Basin Organization; Kazakhstan Meteorological Service (Kazgidromet) This project consists of four components: National Component: Transboundary Dialogue and Cooperation in the IliBalkhash Basin ( The main focus lies on transboundary dialogue and enhanced cooperation between Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China. Aiming at improved management of the shared River Basin system and its resources – and based on established transboundary cooperation and relevant outcomes of previous projects to date – the project will contribute to the implementation of IWRM principles in the shared basin via support to joint transboundary activities, information sharing and operations. National Component: Development and Implementation of IWRM Strategy in Kyrgyzstan ( The national component in Kyrgyzstan is focused on the development and implementation of a country-wide system for integrated water resources management and water efficiency strategies at the national level and at the basin level. National Component: Development and Implementation of IWRM Strategy in Tajikistan ( This project will support the development of National IWRM plan for Tajikistan, and promote the linkage with similar on-going activities as well as transboundary dialogue and coordination in Central Asia in general. The overall project goal is to establish national processes and institutional mechanisms in Tajikistan, and strengthen transboundary dialogue, knowledge exchange and coordination in Central Asia to strategically plan, manage and utilize water resources in an integrated and efficient manner. OUTCOME(S) OUTPUTS Regional Component: Promoting IWRM and Fostering Transboundary Dialogue in Central Asia At the regional level, the project is aimed at providing a platform for regional dialogue on IWRM and complemented by capacity building measures – a joint IWRM training plan with several partners and initiatives is under preparation – knowledge management and experience exchange support, as well as coordination interventions. This project will be implemented in close cooperation with UNDP Uzbekistan project on IWRM, in order to stimulate the regional perspective and transboundary cooperation in shared basins. Strengthened regional capacity to address water governance challenges within national and transboundary sustainable development frameworks In Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, the project will support the governments to develop and implement national integrated water resources management and water efficiency strategies (IWRM Strategies) at national and basin level. In doing this, the project will focus on concrete interventions to improve: irrigated agriculture, rural water supply and sanitation, and small-scale hydropower service delivery, under the umbrella of IWRM governance and institutional reform. In the Ili-Balkash River Basin, the project will support the Kazakh government to foster transboundary dialogue and enhance cooperation with the People’s Republic of China for improved management of the shared River Basin system and its resources. In the Chu-Talas River Basin the project will support both governments to integrate climate change adaptation activities in their operation, and to improve capacities to deal with transboundary water resources allocation and safety. On a regional level, the project will ensure efficient and effective implementation and coordination of all activities, knowledge exchange as well as pan-regional coordination and capacity building PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CONTACTS Water Programme Coordinator & Regional Team Leader for Central Asia Natalia Alexeeva Project website: Address: 67 Tole bi str. 050000 Almaty Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 (727) 2582643, ext. 1501 Mob.: +7 (777) 846 6907 Fax: +7 (727) 258 2645 E-mail: National Component in Kazakhstan: Transboundary Dialogue in Cooperation in the Ili-Balkhash Basin Project manager - Amirkhan Kenshimov Address: 67 Tole bi str. 050000 Almaty Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 258 26 43 (ext. 1117) Email: Project Assistant - Raisa Akisheva Address: 67 Tole bi str. 050000 Almaty Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 258 26 43 (ext. 1107) Email: National Component in Kyrgyzstan: Promoting IWRM Project Manager - Rysbek Apasov Address: UNDP in Kyrgyzstan, 52/54 Orozbekov str. Tel.:: +996 (312) 623 732 Email: Project Assistant - Olga Borisovskaya Tel.: +996 (312) 623 732 Email: National Component in Tajikistan: Promoting IWRM Project manager - Anatoliy Kholmatov Address: 5/1 Shamsi str. 734064 Dushanbe Tajikistan Tel.:+992 37 236 52 31 Email: Project Assistant - Madina Rakhmatova Tel.: +992 37 236 52 31 Email: