AP Biology 12: Chapter 56 Conservation Biology and Global

AP Biology 12: Chapter 56 Conservation Biology and Global Change
Name: ___________
Big idea 2:
2.d.3 Biological systems are
affected by disruptions to their
dynamic homeostatis.
40.2, 40.3
• Physiological responses to toxic
• Dehydration
• Immunological responses to
pathogens, toxins, and allergens
• Invasive and/or eruptive species
• Human impact
• Water limitation
• Salination
56.1, 56.4
• Dutch elm disease
• Potato blight
• Small pox [historic example for
Native Americans]
• El Nino
• Meteor impact on dinosaurs
Big idea 4
4.B.4: Distribution of local and
global ecosystems
changes over time.
diversity of
within an
influence the
stability of
AP Biology chapter 56
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Scientists have described and formally named about 1.8 million species of organisms.
How many species do scientists think exist?
Some of the greatest concentrations of species are found in the tropics. Unfortunately,
tropical forests are being cleared at an alarming rate.
Throughout the biosphere, human activities are altering trophic structures, energy flow,
chemical cycling, and natural disturbance.
o The amount of human-altered land surface is approaching 50%, and humans use more
than half of the accessible surface fresh water.
o In the oceans, stocks of most major fisheries are shrinking because of overharvesting.
Biology is the study of life. Conservation biology is a discipline that seeks to preserve life.
What disciplines does Conservation Biology integrate?
Concept 56.1 Human activities threaten Earth’s biodiversity
Extinction is a natural phenomenon that has been occurring since life evolved on Earth.
The current high rate of extinction is what underlies the biodiversity crisis.
Describe the three levels of Biodiversity. (See Fig 56.3 page 1239)
Genetic diversity comprises not only the individual genetic variation within a population but also
genetic variation between populations associated with adaptations to local conditions.
If a local population becomes extinct, then the entire population of that species has lost some of the
genetic diversity that makes microevolution possible.
The loss of this diversity is detrimental to the overall adaptive potential of the species.
Species diversity is the variety of species in an ecosystem or throughout the entire biosphere.
The U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) defines
an endangered species as one that is “in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion
of its range,”
and a threatened species as one likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future.
Ecosystem diversity involves the variety of the biosphere’s ecosystems.
AP Biology chapter 56
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Why should we care about species loss?
Why should we care about biodiversity?
Ecosystem services encompass all the processes through which natural ecosystems and the species
they contain help sustain human life on Earth.
List as many of these services as you can find:
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In a controversial 1997 article, ecologist Robert Costanza and his colleagues estimated the value of
Earth’s ecosystem services at $33 trillion per year, nearly twice the gross national product of all the
countries on Earth at that time.
The functioning of ecosystems and, hence, their capacity to perform particular services are linked to
What are the four major threats to biodiversity?
Research a species which is either endangered or threatened. Identify:
Important information about its natural habitat.
Why it is either endangered or threatened.
Make a logical case for saving it.
References are to be in APA and part of the end product.
As a class we will decide on of the format of the presentation.
AP Biology chapter 56
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Concept 56.4 Earth is changing rapidly as a result of human actions
Suggest some ways in which humans alter the environment.
What is the ciritical load?
The Mississippi River carries nitrogen pollution to the Gulf of Mexico, fueling a phytoplankton bloom
each summer. When the phytoplankton die, their decomposition creates an extensive “dead zone” of
low oxygen availability along the coast.
Fish, shrimp, and other marine animals have also disappeared from some of the most economically
important waters in the United States.
Nutrient runoff can also lead to the eutrophication of lakes.
The bloom and subsequent die-off of algae and cyanobacteria and the ensuing depletion of oxygen are
similar to what occurs in a marine dead zone.
Eutrophication of Lake Erie coupled with overfishing wiped out commercially important fishes such
as blue pike, whitefish, and lake trout by the 1960s.
Some fish populations have rebounded, but many native species of fishes and invertebrates have not
What is biological magnification?
Where and how have DDT and PCBs
demonstrated biological magnification?
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Research and Writing exercise #1:Invasive species in Canada.
Research one invasive species in Canada and create a one page only fact sheet about it.
The objective of this exercise is to enlighten others to the problems caused by invasive species. The page
will be put up on the biology information board for other students to read. In order to avoid duplication
you must sign up on Biology 11 Enriched sheet posted in the Biology lab.
What do you need to include on this fact sheet? The information that you feel is necessary to evoke
concern by the reader.
Referencing? APA
Due date: _______________ October.
Assessment will be by peers and Mrs. Frykberg
El Nino
What is it?
http://www.ibtimes.com/el-nino-2014-weather-phenomenon-will-arrive-later-be-weakerinitially-expected-forecasters-1639692 Wed Oct 8th 2014
AP Biology chapter 56
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Global warming:
Listen to Global warming MP3
Comment on the adjacent graph!
AP Biology chapter 56
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What’s up with the ozone?
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