2014 SOCIETY FOR RISK ANALYSIS - ASIA CONFERENCE 20-23 AUGUST, 2014 National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan No.17, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan Tentative Agenda Time/Date Day 1 –08/20 (Wednesday) 17:30 Registration (Global Lounge , R109) Opening Ceremony and Welcome reception 開幕暨歡迎會 18:00-20:00 司儀:Charlene 邀請台大公衛學院陳為堅院長 Dean Dr. Wei J. Chen、風險分析學會日本分會會長 Dr. Michiaki Kai、 風險分析學會韓國分會會長 Dr. Dong-Chun Shin、災防中心陳宏宇主任、詹長權、吳焜裕教授致詞 (Global Lounge, R109) Time/Date 08:30 09:00-10:20 Day 2 –08/21 ( Thursday) Registration (Room 101) Keynote speech 大會專題演講 Chair : Chen, Chien-Jen(陳建仁)、Chang-Chuan Chan (詹長權) (1) George Gray Topic : Transparency in Risk Characterization (2) JD Wang(王榮德) Topic : Integration of survival and quality of life for comparative health risk assessment: Methods and examples (Room 101) 1 Break:Group photo 全體合影 10:20-10:40 (Room101) 10:40-11:50 Session 1: Risk governance Chair: Michiaki Kai &Kuei-Tien Chou(周桂田) (1) Harutoshi Funabashi Topic : How to Cope with Damages Caused by the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster ? (2) Young Hee Lee Topic : Politics of Risk Management in South Korea: A Case of High-level Nuclear Waste Management. (3) Hung-Jeng Tsai(蔡宏政) Topic: Social insurance as a policy instrument of risk governance: The case of Taiwan (Room 101) 11:50-14:00 Lunch and Poster exhibition (Global hall) 14:00-15:15 Session 2: Environmental risk Chair : Dongchun Shin 與 Ming-Jen Chen (陳明仁) Session 3: Disaster Risk (I) Chair : 李維森與 Tai-Lin Huang (黃泰霖) Session 4: Food safety (I) Chair : Lee-Yan Sheen(沈立言)與 Jun Sekizawa (1) Chung-Sheng Lee(李中生)助理研究員 (1 ) Dongchun Shin Topic: Environmental Risk assessment in Korea (2) Akihiro Tokai Topic: An Integrated Research and Application Platform for Earthquake Impact Assessment (2) Hsin-Chi Li (李欣輯)副研究員 Topic: Risk Analysis of Taiwan Typhoon Loss (1) Jun Sekizawa Topic: Risk Governance on the Food Safety (2) Makiko Matsuo Topic: Joint Fact Finding on Radionuclides in Topic: Integrating Workplace Exposure and PBPK Modeling for Voluntary Risk Management (3) Jaelim Cho Topic: Ambient ozone concentrations and Assessment System (3) Toyohiko Nakakubo Food After Fukushima (3) Michio Murakami(inviting) Topic: Review and consideration of the assessment methodologies of resilience toward its application to urban metabolism (Room 215) 2 emergency department visits for panic risk management disorder (4) Atsuo Kishimoto (inviting) (Room 212) (Room 211) 15:15-15:35 15:35-16:50 Break Session 5: Industrial Safety Chair : Shuh -Woei Yu(于樹偉)與 Wen-lian Lee (李文亮) (1) Shuh -Woei Yu(于樹偉) Topic: From Compliance to Risk Based Process Safety: A Critical Journey for Taiwan’s Chemical Industry (2) Jee Yoon Lee (3) Fumiaki Shono Session 6: Risk assessment and perception of Nanotechnology Chair : Tsun-Jen Cheng (鄭尊仁)與 Shirley S. Ho (1) Tsun-Jen Cheng Topic: Inhalation toxicities of zinc oxide nanoparticles (2) Shirley Ho Topic: Public Perception of Nanotechnology in Singapore, the U.S., and Taiwan (3) Tsung-Jen Shi(施琮仁) Topic: Risk perception of nanotechnology in Taiwan Session 7: Social risk Chair : Sun-Jin Yun 與張武修 (1) Sun-Jin Yun Topic: Exchange of Risk with Money: Acceptance of Low- and Medium- Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites In Gyeongju, South Korea (2)Tomiko Yamaguchi Topic: Fallout from Rumors: Risk, Responsibility and the Concept of Fuhyohigai (3) Yu-Yueh Tsai(蔡友月)& Kuo Hui Chang (張 國暉) Topic: Why the Tao Ghost Could Not Be Driven Out? The Political Gridlock of Low-level Nuclear Waste Disposal in Taiwan (Room 211) 16:50-17:10 18:00-20:00 (Room 212) (Room 215) Break Conference dinner: 青葉新樂園 No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan 3 Time/Date 09:00-10:15 Day 3–08/22 ( Friday) Session 8: Risk Management Chair : George Gray 與王榮德 Session 9: Disaster Risk (II) Chair : Tsang-Jung Chang(張倉榮)與 Hwa-Lung Yu(余化龍) (1) Tsu-Mu Kao(高梓木) (1) Mariko Nishizawa Topic : How a good risk communication (1) Tai-Young Yi Topic: Applications of Probabilistic Risk practice can enhance effective risk management Assessment on Nuclear and Petrochemical Industries in Taiwan (2) Lukas Lee(李俊賢) Topic: Utilization of disaster risk information for correspondence in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster (2) Tsang-Jung Chang(張倉榮) Topic: Estimation of impact from prevention of occupational cancers in Taiwan: Savings of number of cases, Topic: Establishment of Flood/Inundation Risk Maps in Taiwan (3)Shin-etsu Sugawara Topic: Geo-risk of cap rock associated with interlaying sandstone and shale quality-adjusted life years, and healthcare expenditures Topic: Challenges for better risk governance on nuclear safety: Implications from the Japanese cases of nuclear safety regulations regarding natural hazards (4) Jin Hee Park Topic: Risky Nuclear Energy Policy for Energy Security in South Korea (3)林怡秀 (3) Muneyoshi Numada Topic: Development of Disaster Process Mapping (Room 211) 10:15-10:35 10:35-11:50 Session 10: Energy Risk Chair : 楊清田與 Lin Wen-Yinn (林文印) (2)Chi-wen Yu(俞旗文) (Room 215) (Room 212) Break Session 11: Risk Communication Chair : Makiko Matsuo and Mei-Fang Session 12: Media and governance in nanotechnology Chair :Michael Riediker 與 Yi-Pin Lin (林 Session 13: Food safety (II) Chair : Shin-Yi Chang(張新儀)與 4 宜平) Chen(陳美芳) (1)Mei-Fang Fan(范玫芳)& ZhangJian, Miao-Lin (張簡妙琳) Topic: Flood Risks and Competing Knowledge claims: the Controversy on Wild Creek Remediation on Orchid Island (2) Shu-Fen Kao(高淑芬) Topic: Nuclear Risk Controversies and Risk Communication: A Sociological Observation and Policy Implication Chimeddulam Dalaijamts (1)Tsung-Jen Shi(施琮仁) (1) Chia-Ming Lin(林家民) Topic: Media coverage of nanotechnology in Taiwan (2) Yi-Ping Lin Topic: Opportunities or Uncertainties? A Critical Review of nanoMark in Taiwan (3) Michael Riediker Topic: A conceptual framework for the assessment and management of nanomaterial risks along the value chain Topic: The risk assessment for the chemical residue of the major farmed fishes in Taiwan (2) Shin-Yi Chang(張新儀) Topic: Establishment of food intake databank for Taiwan (3) Charlene Wu(吳涵涵) Topic: (3)Shirley Ou Yang(歐陽瑜) Topic: Unfolding the Organized Unknown in an Organization: A Case Study of the Influence of Organizational Culture on Risk Knowledge Management (Room 211) (Room 212) (Room 215) 11:50-12:30 12:30-13:50 Lunch Session 14: Young scientist presentation& Award 青年傑出論文發表與頒獎 Chair : Dr. Akihiro Tokai and Huitsun Hsu (許惠悰) Speaker : 12:30-12:45 Robert Macnee (honorable mention) 5 12:45-13:00 Yi-Nien Ting (honorable mention) 13:00-13:15 Si-Rong Jheng (the third prize) 13:15-13:30 Yong-jin, Lee (the second prize) 13:30-13:45 Hsuan-Chi Lin (the first prize) (Room 101) 13:50-14:00 Break 14:00-15:15 Session15: Environment issue Chair : Yasunobu Maeda and Hwong-Wen Ma (馬鴻文) (1) Ralph G. Stahl Topic : Challenges in Applying Risk-Based Decision Making in National Remediation Programs (2) Jennifer Lee Stauber Topic : Environmental Risk Assessment in a Changing World (3) Ming-Jen Chen(陳明仁) Topic: (Room 101) 15:15-15:35 15:35-16:55 Break Keynote speech 大會專題演講 Chair : Chang-Hung Chou(周昌弘)、Kuen-Yuh Wu(吳焜裕) (1)Ortwin Renn Topic : Risk Governance: Concept and Basic Requirements (2) Michiaki Kai Topic : From Fukushima to Risk Analysis Community (Room 101) 16:55-17:10 Introduction to World Congress on Risk IV: Michael Riediker (10 min) Closing ceremony :Chair : Chang-Chuan Chan (詹長權) (Room 101) See you next time, have a nice trip back home! 6 Social Events Time/Date Day 4 –08/23 (Saturday) 08:20 Gathering at main gate of Public Health building 08:30 Departure to Taipei Martyrs' Shrine 09:00 Ceremonial changing of the guards at Taipei Martyrs' Shrine 09:30 Visit the National Palace Museum(for around 1.5 Hour) 11:30 Lunch - meal at Din Tai Fung dumplings restaurant 13:30 Visit the Temple of Sanshia and roaming in the old streets 15:00 Back to Taipei city 16:00 Disband at Public Health building Taiwan Chapter of Society for Risk Analysis (臺灣風險分析學會) Email: kuenyuhwu@ntu.edu.tw (Chief of organizational committee, Kuen-Yuh Wu) TEL: 886-2-3668267 Room721, No.17, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan 7 Organizer : Taiwan Chapter of Society for Risk Analysis, National Taiwan University College of Public Health, National Taiwan University College of Social Science, National Taiwan University Risk Society And Policy Research Center, The NTU Center for Ethics, Law and Society in Biomedicine and Technology Co-organizer : Nation Science And Technology Center For Disaster Reduction, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. National Center for Food Safety Education and Research, Taiwan Association for Food Protection (TAFP) 8