extraction policies - University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center

DNA Extraction Pre-Submission Requirements:
Success in DNA extraction is determined primarily by the amount and age of tissue that we receive.
Biological Sample Quantity and Quality:
Blood: minimum 200 uL for high-throughput extractions, minimum 3 mL for large-volume extractions.
Please submit blood in EDTA (purple top) tubes. All blood should be shipped in compliance with CLIA
and USPS regulations.
Mammalian Tissue/Cells: 25 mg fresh frozen tissue (preferred) or lyophilized equivalent. Minimum
5x10^6 diploid cells in culture media. Please note the approximate cell count. Please ship samples in
either individual 1.5mL tubes, or in a 96 well, deep well plate (USA Scientific P/N 7553-9600, and sealed
with individual 8-strip caps (Qiagen collection microtube caps, p/n 19566).
Oragene: Please submit whole sample container if possible. Avoid freezing samples prior to shipment –
samples should be stored at +4C or RT.
Plant Tissue: 8-12 1mm leaf punches from the youngest available tissue, or the lyophilized equivalent.
For tissue where leaf punch is not amenable, supply 50mg fresh tissue, or 10mg dried. Samples should
be shipped in a 96 well, deep well plate (USA Scientific P/N 7553-9600, and sealed with individual 8-strip
caps (Qiagen collection microtube caps, p/n 19566).
Bacteria: minimum 2x10^9 cells in culture media. Please note the approximate cell count. Please ship
samples in either individual 1.5mL tubes, or in a 96 well, deep well plate (USA Scientific P/N 7553-9600,
and sealed with individual 8-strip caps (Qiagen collection microtube caps, p/n 19566).
Sample Submission:
Samples should be supplied to us as noted above. Label each sample/plate legibly with lab name,
species name, unique plate name, and date with a permanent marker. For samples submitted in 96-well
format, we recommend having a blank well, placed in a different random well in each plate. If partial
plates are submitted, they will be treated like, and charged as if they are, full plates. A sample
submission sheet should accompany all submissions, and can be found on our website.
Plates and submission sheet should be shipped on either dry or wet ice using an overnight courier to:
University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center
Attention Marie Adams
425 Henry Mall, Room 1262
Madison, WI 53706
If you absolutely cannot meet these requirements, or have questions, please contact Marie Adams at
marieadams@wisc.edu for alternate arrangements.